Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services Introduction

zhaozj2021-02-16  68

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting SERVICES Introduction

[Abstract] This article describes the issues that should be paid attention to when replace service installation, in addition to the RepoNG Services

Examples to show their functions.

[Keyword] Reporting Services, .NET Framework. Bi (Business Intelligence)

n Installation considerations

1. First install .NET Framework and SQL Server2000

2. Make sure IIS service starts

3. Make sure the operating system platform is Win2000 Server, the database is SQL Server2000 (Server version)

4. Make sure Win2000 Server has hit SP4, SQL Server2000 hits SP3 packages.

5. .NET Framework does not include Reporting Services, you can see the business intelligence package after installation.

6. If you can't open an error, you can't open an error, then fix the installation.

N Report Manager

In the browser, you can see the report manager. The following figure shows the appearance of the report manager, where AdventureWorks is a data source, other as Company Sales, Employee Sales Summary, etc., is the Samples provided by Reporting Services. But installing SAMPLE can not be seen directly in the Report Manager, you must upload "UPLOAD FILE", the report's file suffix is ​​.RDL. If you have developed reports through the .NET development environment, it will also generate .rdl files. Take a look at the powerful features of Reporting Services through these examples.

There are three ways to update

Use the Report Manager to upload the report definition file (Note: You must have permission to manage the report) First select the new data source, then turn on the data source, and finally select upload files.

You can also use the report designer in the .NET development environment to upload the report

You can also use the script to upload the report

N Company Sales (Company Sales Data)

The above picture shows the report of this example, the most critical place is the Toggle function provided in the report. The " " symbol in the report can be expanded, and the user can view the summary data and detailed data as needed. Very cattle function! This example shows the quarterly sales and product categories, mainly showing how to use the Matrix data area, and how to use the background image

The report uses a single data set and shared data source. Users can choose to connect to that data source, because the data source is a single text box that contains a single text box, contains the title of the report, and the matrix contains multiple groups, and the cell has visible options. Displaying Prodcat (Product Category) and Subcat information on the line, displaying ORDERYAR (year) and OrderQtr (quarter) on the column, data is sales, all rows and columns are dynamic, that is, said, The columns and rows are changed according to the content of the database, and the group is hidden, for example, in this report, the product sub-group is hidden.

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Note: Whether the information is visible to the settings of the group of the matrix instead of the text box.

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In the figure, you can also see a proportional function, lookup feature, page jump function, and conversion format. Take a look at the Reporting Services offers those format conversions: 1. In addition to the general export of HTML and Excel format, it can also be exported to XML, CSV, TIFF, PDF, Web Archive format. It's enough!

N Product Catalog (Product Category)

This example is basically a complete e-commerce website, and the classification shows a company product

This example shows the categories of all products and pictures, which shows the use of embedded images, database images, page, page, footer, conditional format, and documentation, etc.

Data section: Reports use a single data set name as product category, query is based on multiple tables, gain lists, including prices, pictures, and descriptions

Report format: includes a title and static picture cover, and a series of embedded lists, page includes paging feature, including expressions


Some units in the table have across multiple columns, and the functions of the cross-column are certainly essential to the report. Picture

The way in which the system is stored in the database, and the system uses the PageBreakatStart parameter control paging, the size of the page

Determine according to PageSize, the footer includes multiple text domains, and can be used to get the number of pages

N Sale Order Details (Sales Order Details)

The report can be linked from other reports, including two datasets, and links to another report by a unit of a report. This example also demonstrates the use of expressions, as follows:

= Fields! Salesfirstname.Value " Fields! SaleslastName.Value ", " Fields! SalesTitle.Value = RowNumber (" ORDERDETAIL ") = SUM (Fields! LineTotal.Value)

In addition, the top of the report can also be queried according to Sales ORDER NUMBER. This feature can be easily implemented in the report designer.

N Territory Sales (regional sales data)

The report shows the use of Table, including a table, with pictures and titles, some of the units in the table have visible options, where data in the order number can be linked to the Sales Order Details report above.

N Employee Sales Summary (Employee Sales Summary)

The report includes sales comparisons and current monthly sales comparison charts showing multi-data sets, dynamic parameters, charts, etc. You can query through employees, product categories and dates. The list of employees in the query is also the query, including a series of text boxes and report titles, two charts and a table, some cells provide link features, class is used to open the sales order detailed report, when the user points in one When you sell orders. Reports use parameters to find data. The first chart is a sales comparison line diagram, using employee sales year and annual data set, the second chart is the current monthly sales comparison histogram, using employee sales month data set, order number data can be linked to sales order clear report.

N summary

1. Provide two report layouts of Matrix and Table, and can be laminated to facilitate data hidden.

2. Increased query conditions for reports in the report designer.

3. You can display binary pictures in the database

4. Can display background images for reports

5. Provide data link function

6. Provide jump pages, scale zoom, format conversion. With this tool, it is convenient to build a corporate information system or e-commerce sites.


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