Limewire COO (Chief Operation Officer) Greg Bildson Interview

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Limewire COO (Chief Operation Officer) Greg Bildson Interview

By lisa rein sunkinglang translation 11/14/2003

Greg Bildson is the Chairman of the Limewire COO and P2P Alliance, which is a Union created by P2P Software for the League of P2P Software, Technologies and Culture. The P2P Union has paid 12-year-old Brianna Lahara 2000 Meishi Riaa (US Record Industry Association) fine, and RIAA provides a "Digital Millennium Copyright Act" for the latter (1998 US Congress through) summons. The P2P Alliance is also trying to make RIAA aware of P2P technology to a large extent to its member companies. LimeWire's MagnetMix website is a traditional website-based programming that combines P2P technology to provide new experiences for music enthusiasts. This interview, Lisa Rein listened to Greg Bildson's views on the Challenge of the P2P situation, RIAA and training legislators.

Yes, we opened the check

Lisa rein: So, your company pays RIAA's fine to Brianna? Greg Bildson: Yes, we opened the check to her mother to compensate for her. We feel that it is a 12-year-old child who proses in Bronx (Northern New York City).

LR: Please tell me more about the P2P Alliance. GB: The P2P Alliance is mainly working hard to make the parliament not to do stupid, that is what they often do in the technical community. We strive to ensure our own rights to innovate and develop software, and make the public that RIAA has long been doing all kinds of faces of P2P. P2P has been proven to be legitimate in the California resolution. If we can do anything about DMCA, we can do anything, mainly legitimate procedures - we feel that there should be legitimate procedures, and there should be a real lawsuit before they can get user information. Congress is drafting bills targeted by P2P, while RIAA is discussing pornography, national security and identity, and small problems such as P2P. To a large extent, the Congress is not a reactive overlay is invited by RIAA. For example, a few weeks ago on the hearing on P2P and pornography. The law that punishes a penalty in love has already existed, and P2P does not have this relationship. In these cases, the content itself is illegal. P2P is at all about the harm of children, but they still insist on taking the P2P. They should take a look at AOL and Yahoo chat room instead of a P2P network. Orin Hatch About the child porn originated from a movie sponsored by Riaa. The record industry may be the last group of people who want to protect their children, but their lyrics and dishes are so expanded. Therefore, RIAA is mainly finely improving from a high fine of 150,000 yuan, and people who have never thought resistance. People think this is more like a transmissive ticket rather than a violation bill that allows you to spend 150,000 yuan. We agree that people can protect their copyrights and some extent it is fair. But if the government wants to intervene, they must know what they are doing. They should not be used to listen to RIAA.

LR: So, do you want the parliament to understand? GB: Yes. The P2P Alliance is trying to let the parliament understand. But Members must be willing to understand. So far, they deliberately become blind or ignorant.

LR: Do you think RIAA will eventually see the benefits of P2P on its business model? GB: We hope this. We are now considered a threat to the record industry, but there must be a potential win-win solution. The discussion should not only be drawn. The parliament is manufacturing noise rather than serious thinking about technology and innovation.

LR: How do you see the must of file sharing? GB: The largest media company - "BIG 5", the past has been issued and registered. If Riaa, Riaa in the 1990s, they will not have pirated problems now. There is a natural demand (problem). Let the current music can use the current world.

LR: How to iTunes and How do you see them? GB: They are moving in the right direction, but they are still too expensive. In the digital age, there is no reason to take a song to get 99 cents; it should be 5 cents. Another problem is that Microsoft's DRM (Digital Copyright Protection System) is limited to death. According to the recent personal computer PPD site (Pay-Per-Download Press Each time to download payment), it is not a good way to give another monopoly to Microsoft. LR: What is MagnetMix? GB: We have used this technology (P2P) for some time in this regard. It is an example of integrating P2P networks and web. We think that is the following prototype. Web can provide more beautiful things and give you a beautiful picture, and the P2P network can only be classified as an unprocessed Google search. "Magnet Links) can insert a P2P network, package content to a simple download to get a richer experience. These entrances (links) will show high quality and legal works of various high quality independent artists. So compare the artist to create a work, then pack it into a compressed media file, which is a .zip file that contains an index.html file used to access the work. This file is placed on the P2P network. In these packages, the entire experience is continuous, as long as you are willing.

LR: Therefore, users will browse the web through the P2P network, click on the link to get music, not exhausted bandwidth. GB: pairs, videos, pictures, and other things (all can be obtained this).

LR: ... So will it be very expensive? GB: right. Service is very expensive, but using P2P sharing is easy. We believe that there will be many creative individual artists. If you like, you can do the advertising media in the bag.

LR: How can the artists now achieve this technology? GB: Anyone can provide a magnetic chain. We are also griever yourself as a content host. This doesn't take anything, and we don't think it will spend money.

LR: How did this do it? GB: Now people don't know what the magnetic chain is, but in the near future, people will use the LimeWire "Library", the LimeWire Library is one of the file browser. In the library label of the LimeWire program, you can watch and make the magnetic chain of your shared files and you can send these file links to email. You can choose to browse these magnetic chains and send it to others so that they can click on the link in their Email to access the magnetic chain package. These links will access the Limewire P2P client directly from their Email client.

LR: Is LIMEWIRE Is a cross platform? GB: Yes, it is written in Java.

LR: How many LimeWire users? GB: We can't track how many users have been taken soon, but we have 300,000 users at least every day. The MAC machine and the PC each accounted for 50%.

Lisa Rein is one of the creators of Creative Commons, the video blog of the On Lisa Rein's Radar, and the musician and singer of the station.

Translator: Digital Millennium Copyright Act New Millennium Digital Copyright Act Related Connection: DBNAME = 105_cong_public_laws & docid = f: Publ304.105


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