Huffmann binary tree source code:
A string is given, and the character is encoded according to the frequency displayed in each character in the statistical string, then the original string is encoded, and the encoded content is output.
--data structure
#define max_node 1024
#define max_weight 4096
Typedef struct haffmantreenode {
Int weight;
} Htnode, * hatree;
Typedef struct {
HTNode Arr [MAX_NODE];
Int total
} Htree;
/ * Frequency of statistical characters * /
INT statistic_char (char * text, htree * t) {
Int text_len = strlen (text);
T-> Total = 0;
For (i = 0; i For (j = 0; j T-> Arr [J] .weight ; Break; } IF (j == t-> Total) { T-> Arr [T-> Total] .CH = text [i]; T-> Arr [T-> Total] .weight = 1; T-> Total ; } } Printf ("Char Frequence / N"); For (i = 0; i Printf ("'% c'% d / n", t-> arr [i] .ch, t-> arr [i] .weight); Printf ("/ n"); Return T-> Total } INT CREATE_HTREE (HTREE * T) { INT I; INT TOTAL_NODE = T-> Total * 2 - 1; INT min1, min2; / * Minimum two nodes * / INT min1_i, min2_i; / * The minimum node corresponding to the number * / INT Leaves = T-> Total For (i = 0; i T-> Arr [i] .parent = -1; T-> Arr [i] .rchild = -1; T-> Arr [i] .lchild = -1; } While (T-> Total min1 = min2 = max_weight; For (i = 0; i IF (t-> arr [i] .parent == -1 / * Node is not included * / && t-> arr [i] .weight IF (t-> arr [i] .weight MIN2_I = min1_i; min2 = min1; Min1_i = i; min1 = t-> arr [i] .weight;} Else { Min2_i = i; min2 = t-> arr [i] .weight; } } } T-> Arr [T-> Total] .weight = min1 min2; T-> Arr [T-> Total] .parent = -1; T-> Arr [T-> Total] .lchild = min1_i; T-> Arr [T-> Total] .rchild = min2_i; T-> Arr [min1_i] .parent = t-> Total T-> Arr [min2_i] .parent = t-> Total T-> Arr [T-> Total] .CH = ''; T-> Total ; } Return 0; } / * Code to Hawman Tree * / Void Coding (htree * t, int head_i, char * code) { IF (Head_i == -1) return; IF (t-> arr [head_i] .lchild == -1 && t-> arr [head_i] .rchild == -1) { STRCPY (T-> Arr [Head_i] .code, code); Printf ("'% c':% s / n", t-> arr [head_i] .ch, t-> arr [head_i] .code); } Else { INT LEN = Strlen (CODE); STRCAT (CODE, "0"); Coding (t, t-> arr [head_i] .lchild, code); Code [len] = '1'; Coding (t, t-> arr [head_i] .rchild, code); Code [len] = '/ 0'; } } / * Print tree * / Void print_htree_ldr (htree * t, int head_i, int desip, int * path) { INT I; IF (Head_i == -1) return; Path [Deep] = 0; Print_htree_ldr (t, t-> arr [head_i] .lchild, deep 1, path); IF (deEP) Printf (""); For (i = 1; i INT DIR = PATH [I] == PATH [I-1]; IF (t-> arr [head_i] .lchild == -1 && t-> arr [head_i] .rchild == -1) Printf ("% s -% d '% c' / n", DIR? "┌": "└", T-> Arr [Head_i] .weight, t-> arr [head_i] .ch); Else if (Head_i! = T-> Total-1) Printf ("% s% 02d ┤ / N", DIR? "┌": "└" ", t-> arr [head_i] .weight); Else Printf ("% 02d ┤ / n", t-> arr [head_i] .weight); Path [Deep] = 1; Print_htree_ldr (t, t-> arr [head_i] .rchild, deep 1, path); } / * Code the character * / Void code_string (char * text, htree * t) { INT I, J, TEXT_LEN = Strlen (Text); INT n = 0; For (i = 0; i Char ch = text [i]; For (j = 0; j Printf ("% s", t-> arr [j] .code); N = Strlen (t-> arr [j] .code); Break; } } Printf ("/ N% D Chars, Total Len =% D / N", TEXT_LEN, N); } Int main (int Argc, char * argv []) { HTree T; Char text [128] = "AbaaaAeeeeaAacccccaaAaccdea"; CHAR CODE [128] = "" INT path [16] = {0}; Statistic_char (Text, & T); CREATE_HTREE (& T); Print_htree_ldr (& T, T. Total-1, 0, PATH); Coding (& T, T. Total-1, Code); Code_String (Text, & T); Return 0; } Output results: Char frequence'a '13'b' 1'e '4'c' 6'd '1 ┌── 6 'c' ┌ - 12 ┤ │ │ ┌── 1 'b' │ │ ┌─02 ┤ │ │ │ └── 1 'D' │ └─06 ┤ │ └── 4 'E' 25 ┤ └── 13 'a'att': 00 ': 0100'd': 0101'e ': 011'a': 11 0100 1 1 1 1 011 011 011 1 1 00 00 00 00 1 1 1 1 00 00 0101 011 1