Design Patterns: Solidify Your C # Application Architecture with Design Patterns Chinese Edition (Tail 2)

zhaozj2021-02-16  67

Design Patterns: Solidify Your C # Application Architecture with Design Patterns Chinese Edition (Tail 2)

Author: Samir Bajaj

Translator: glory

[Decoration: C # advanced article. The translator made a simple finishing of the C # example provided by Samir (the author provided in the translator's environment) and writes the corresponding C example, and placed in the translation. All C #, C program debugging environments in the translation are Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 7.0 Beta2]

C example:

[Translation: Since this code is relatively complicated, the category declaration and definition is separated.



#include "stdafx.h";

Class State;

Class Vendingmachine;

Class Start;

Class Five;

Class Ten;

Class Fiftee;


Class State



Virtual Void Add Nickel (VendingMachine * VM) {}

Virtual Void AddDIME (VendingMachine * VM) {}

Virtual Void Addquarter (VendingMachine * VM) {}


Virtual Void ChangeState (VendingMachine * VM, State * s);


Class VendingMachine



State * State;


Vendingmachine ();

Void changestate (State * to);

Void vend ();

void add nickel ();

Void adddime ();

Void addquarter ();


Class Start: Public State



STATIC state * state;


Static state * instance ();

Void Add Nickel (VendingMachine * VM);

Void AddDime (VendingMachine * VM);

Void Addquarter (VendingMachine * VM);


Class Five: Public State



STATIC state * state;


Static state * instance ();

Void Add Nickel (VendingMachine * VM);

Void AddDime (VendingMachine * VM);

Void Addquarter (VendingMachine * VM);


Class Ten: Public State



STATIC state * state;


Static state * instance ();

Void Add Nickel (VendingMachine * VM);

Void AddDime (VendingMachine * VM);

Void Addquarter (VendingMachine * VM);


Class Fifteen: Public State



STATIC state * state;


Static state * instance ();

Void Add Nickel (VendingMachine * VM);

Void adddime (vendingmachine * vm); void addquarter (VendingMachine * VM);





STATIC state * state;


Static state * instance ();

Void Add Nickel (VendingMachine * VM);

Void AddDime (VendingMachine * VM);

Void Addquarter (VendingMachine * VM);


#include "stdafx.h";

#include "test.h";


Using namespace std;

Void State :: ChangeState (VendingMachine * VM, State * S)


VM-> ChangeState (s);


VendingMachine :: vendingmachine ()


Cout << "The Vending Machine is now Online: Product Costs 25c" << ENDL;

State = start :: instance ();


Void VendingMachine :: ChangeState (state * to)


State = TO;


Void VendingMachine :: vend ()


// send beverage

Cout << "Dispensing Product ... Thank you!" << Endl;


Void VendingMachine :: add nickel ()


State-> Add Nickel (this);


Void VendingMachine :: adddime ()


State-> Adddime (this);


Void VendingMachine :: addquarter ()


State-> Addquarter (this);


State * start :: state = new start ();

State * start :: instance ()


// Singleton logic

COUT << "CREDIT: 0C" << endl;

Return State;


Void Start :: Add Nickel (VendingMachine * VM)


ChangeState (VM, FIVE :: Instance ());


Void Start :: AddDime (vendingmachine * vm)


ChangeState (VM, Ten :: instance ());


Void Start :: Addquarter (VendingMachine * VM)


VM-> vend ();


State * FIVE :: State = new FIVE ();

State * FIVE :: Instance ()


// Singleton logic

COUT << "CREDIT: 5C" << endl;

Return State;


Void Five :: Add Nickel (VendingMachine * VM)


ChangeState (VM, Ten :: instance ());


Void Five :: Adddime (VendingMachine * VM)


ChangeState (VM, Fifteen :: instance ());


Void Five :: Addquarter (VendingMachine * VM) {

VM-> vend ();

ChangeState (VM, Start :: instance ()); // no change returned :-)


State * Ten :: state = new ten ();

State * Ten :: instance ()


// Singleton logic

COUT << "CREDIT: 10C" << endl;

Return State;


Void Ten :: AddNickel (VendingMachine * VM)


ChangeState (VM, Fifteen :: instance ());


Void Ten :: AddDime (vendingmachine * vm)


ChangeState (VM, TWENTY :: Instance ());


Void Ten :: Addquarter (VendingMachine * VM)


VM-> vend ();

ChangeState (VM, Start :: instance ()); // no change returned :-)


State * fifteen :: state = new fifteen ();

State * fifteen :: instance ()


// Singleton logic

COUT << "CREDIT: 15C" << endl;

Return State;


Void Fifteen :: AddNickel (VendingMachine * VM)


ChangeState (VM, TWENTY :: Instance ());


Void fifteen :: adddime (vendingmachine * vm)


VM-> vend ();

ChangeState (VM, Start :: instance ());


Void Fifteen :: Addquarter (VendingMachine * VM)


VM-> vend ();

ChangeState (VM, Start :: instance ()); // no change returned :-)


State * twenty :: state = new twenty ();

State * twenty :: instance ()


// Singleton logic

COUT << "CREDIT: 20C" << endl;

Return State;


Void TWENTY :: AddNickel (VendingMachine * VM)


VM-> vend ();

ChangeState (VM, Start :: instance ());


Void TWENTY :: AddDime (vendingmachine * vm)


VM-> vend ();

ChangeState (VM, Start :: instance ());


Void TWENTY :: Addquarter (VendingMachine * VM)


VM-> vend ();

ChangeState (VM, Start :: instance ()); // no change returned :-)


INT _Tmain (int Argc, _tchar * argv [])



VendingMachine * VM = new vendingmachine ();

INT i = 0;

While (i <10) // [Translation: The corresponding C # code is while (TRUE), to avoid memory leakage problems, change to this. Otherwise, it will never perform four lines @ code] {

COUT << "Insert a Coin (5, 10, 25):";


Switch (coin)


Case 5:

VM-> add nickel ();


Case 10:

VM-> adddime ();


Case 25:

VM-> addquarter ();





i ;


Delete start :: instance (); @ @ @ @ s

Delete FIVE :: Instance (); @ @ @ @

Delete Ten :: instance (); @ @

Delete fifteen :: instance (); @ @

Return 0;


/ * The following is a certain runtime output result:

The Vending Machine is now Online: Product Costs 25c

Credit: 0C

INSERT A Coin <5, 10, 25>: 5

Credit: 5C

INSERT A Coin <5, 10, 25>: 10

Credit: 15C

INSERT A Coin <5, 10, 25>: 5

Credit: 20C

INSERT A Coin <5, 10, 25>: 5

Dispensing Product ... Thank you!

* /

in conclusion

Design patterns take the essence of multi-year experience in solutions that are commonly seen in object-oriented software design. Regardless of the size of the project, they provide answers to the issues encountered by most software developers. C # improves the productivity of the programmer, which has added the characteristics that can promote object-oriented design and reduce the development of manual labor. The combination of the two is not good.


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