ADO error code

zhaozj2021-02-16  68

ADO error code

The subscript lists the standard errors from the ADO operation.

Constant number code

ADERRPROVIDERFAILED 3000 provider failed to complete the request

ADERRINVALIDARGUMENT 3001 application is using type error, exceeding the acceptable range or other parameters conflict

AderropeningFile 3002 An error occurs while opening the requested file

ADERRREADFILE 3003 exists an error when reading from the specified file

ADERRWRITEFILE 3004 There is an error while writing files

AderrnocurrentRecord 3021 EOF or BOF is true, or the current record has been deleted. The operation requested by the application requires a current record

ADERRILLEGALOPERATION 3219 Does not allow the application request to request in this text

AderrcantChangeProvider 3220 provider cannot change

ADERRINTRANSACTION 3246 application does not clearly close a Connection object in a middle of a transaction

AderrfeatureNotavailable 3251 Provider does not support the operations required for the application

AderritemNotfound 3265 ADO can't find an object in a collection

AderrobjectIncollection 3367 cannot be attached. Objects have been in the collection

The object referenced by the ADERROBJECTNOTSET 3420 application is no longer pointing to an legitimate object

ADERRDATACONVERSION 3421 Application is using the current application not supported

ADERROBJECTCLOSED 3704 If this object is turned off, the operation requested by the application is not allowed

ADERROBJECTOEN 3705 If the object is open, the operation requested by the application is not allowed

AdrProviderNotfound 3706 ADO does not find the specified provider

AderrboundTocommand 3707 Application Unable to use the Command object to change the ActiveConnection property of the Recordset object to its source data. The ADERRINVALIDPARAMINFO 3708 application does not correctly define a parameter object

ADERRINVALIDCONNECTION 3709 application requests on an object involving closing or illegal Connection objects

AderRNotreenTrant 3710 This action is re-entered

ADERRSTILLEXECUTING 3711 operation is still executing

ADERROPERATIONCANCELLED 3712 This action is canceled

AderrstillConnecting 3713 operation is still in connection

AderrinvalidTransaction 3714 This transaction is illegal

AderRNotexecuting 3715 does not execute

ADERRUNSAFEOPERATION 3716 This operation is insecure in these cases

ADERRSECURITYDIALOG 3717 This operation leads to a security dialog

ADERRSECURITYDIALOGHEADER 3718 This operation leads to displaying a security conversation title

AderrintegrityViolatin 3719 failed due to violation of data integrity

Aderrpermissiondenied 3720 Because you don't have this action without the authority of the motherland, the event failed

AderrdataOverflow 3721 data is too large to the data provided

ADERRSChemaviolation 3722 Action violation mode

The AderrsignMismatch 3723 expression contains a mismatch symbol

AderRcantconVertValue 3724 value cannot be converted

AderRcantcreate 3725 resource cannot be established

AderrcolumnNNTonthisRow 3726 The column specified on this line does not exist

AderrurldoesNotexist 3727 This URL does not exist

AderrtreePermissiondenied 3728 does not look at this directory tree

The URL provided by AderrinvalidURL 3729 is illegal

AderrresourceCelocked 3730 resource is locked

AderrresourceExists 3731 resources already exist

AderrcanNotcomplete 3732 activities cannot be completed

Aderrvolumenotfound 3733 file column is not found

AnderRoutofspace 3734 Because this operation is not available, this action failed

AderrresourceOutofscope 3735 resource is out of range

ADERRUNAVAILABLE 3736 command is not available

ADERRURLAMEROWDOESNOTEXIST 3737 This URL does not exist in the specified line

AderrdelresOutofscope 3738 This resource cannot be removed because it exceeds the range allowed

ADERRPROPINVALIDCOLUMN 3739 This property provides an invalid option for the selected column is invalid.

AderrPropinvalidValue 3741 provides an invalid value for this property

AnderRPropConflicting 3742 Setting this property causes conflicts with other properties

ADERRPROPNOTALLSETTABLE 3743 is not all attributes

ADERRPROPNOTSET 3744 This property is not set

ADERRPROPNOTSETTABLE 3745 This property cannot be set

This property is not supported by AderropNotSupported 3746

The ADERRCATALOGNOTSET 3747 activity cannot be completed because the directory is not set.

ADERRCANTCHANGECONNECTION 3748 connection cannot be changed

AderrfieldSupdateFailed 3749 Fields collection UPDATE method failed

AderrdenynyNotSupported 3750 You can't set DENY permissions because providers do not support them

AderrdenyTypenotSupported 3751 Provider does not support the type of DENY


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