Oracle8.16 installation steps on redhat7.1

zhaozj2021-02-16  80

Hello, everyone, Oracle installed on Linux is visible online. But there is no one that allows readers to be successfully installed in accordance with the article. To be honest, I will refer to the online article to install N times successful, deeply installing the pain, in order to let the new friends don't have my pain, I am determined to write this article to put the whole process of me to tell everyone and Do not let the details make it easy to let the details as fine. My name is xiyuxi my mail is

As levels are limited, please forgive me, if you have any suggestions or unknown, please Mail Me.

I wish you all the best to make a successful installation.

The installation steps are as follows:

1. Machine configuration:

Memory is greater than 128M

The hard disk space is large enough if only the installation is at least 600m space,

2. View hard disk space:

Log in with root users [root @ xiyuxi / root] #df

Check available space, if you are not enough, don't install it.

3. Start service

Be sure to manually start Telnet and FTP service methods before installation is as follows:

a. Log in in root [root @ xiyuxi / root] #ntsysv

b. Use space to select Telnet and FTP options

c. Use the Tab key to move the focus to the OK button, knock back the vehicle key

d. Exit

e. [root @ xiyuxi / root] #CD /etc/rc.d/init.d/


4. Installation 6.2 compatible RPM package

Please prepare the redhat7.1 installation CD to find the following three GLIBC2.1 compatible packages

Compat-glibc-6.2- (first CD)

Compat-libs-6.2-3.rpm (Second CD) Compat-EGCS-6.2- (Second CD)

The installation steps are as follows

Log in with root users [root / xiyuxi / root] #

Put the first CD into the optical drive.

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #umount / mnt / cdrom

[root @ xiyuxi / root] # mount / mnt / cdrom

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #CD / mnt / cdrom / redhat / rpms /

[root @ xiyuxi / root] # rpm -ivh compat-glibc-6.2-

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #CD /

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #umount / mnt / cdrom

Remove the first optical disc, put the second disc in the optical drive;

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #umount / mnt / cdrom

[root @ xiyuxi / root] # mount / mnt / cdrom

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #CD / mnt / cdrom / redhat / rpms /

[root @ xiyuxi / root] # rpm - IVH compat-libs-6.2-3.rpm

[root @ xiyuxi / root] # rpm -ivh compat-eGCS-6.2-

5. Establish Oracle users, steps below

Log in in root users [root @ xiyuxi / root] #

[root @ xiyuxi / root] # useradd oracle

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #passwd oracle (set password)

6. Establish a directory required for Oracle installation

Log in with root users [root @ xiyuxi / root] # Establish Oracle8161_tar.gz package (275M) Unzip directory / Home / Test steps as follows:

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #mkdir / home / test

Establishing an Oracle installation directory / ORA8 steps as follows:

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #mkdir / ora8

Establishing an Oracle Data File Directory / ORADATA steps as follows:

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #mkdir / oradata

7. Change the directory and its subdirectory to Oracle users' extremely group permissions steps below

Log in in root users [root @ xiyuxi / root] #

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #Chown Oracle / Home / Test

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #Chown Oracle / ORA8

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #Chown Oracle / ORADATA

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #chgrp oracle / home / test

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #chgrp oracle / ora8

[root @ xiyuxi / root] #chgrp oracle / oradata

8. Modify the environment and configuration file, (Please pay attention to correct)

a. First, I want to log in to Oracle users [Oracle @ xiyuxi / oracle] #

b. [Oracle @ xiyuxi / oracle] #vi .bash_profile (please do not ignore points)

c. Add a few lines in the following lines after adding (assuming Oracle installation / ora8) directory

ORACLE_HOME = / ora8; export ORACLE_HOME LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / ora8 / lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH ORACLE_BASE = / ora8; export ORACLE_BASE ORACLE_SID = ora8; export ORACLE_SID ORA_NLS33 = / ora8 / ocommon / nls / admin / data; export ORA_NLS33 NLS_LANG = american_america.zhs16cgb231280; EXPORT NLS_LANG EXPORT LD_ASSUME_KERNEL = 2.2.5. /usr/i386-glibc21-linux/bin/ umask 022

Please note that there must be a space between points and / /

-------------------------------------------------- -------------

Will Path = $ PATH: $ homen / bin modified

Path = $ PATH: $ HOME / BIN: / ORA8 / BIN

-------------------------------------------------- -------------

The deployment is exit;

9. Install Oracle Software

a. Log in in root [root @ xiyuxi / root] #

b. View Hostname

c. [root @ xiyuxi / root] #vi / etc / hosts

d. Exit

e. If you don't know if you can use localhost as your Hostname

f. [root @ xiyuxi / root] #xhost hostname (if you don't know the host name to use localhost) as follows g. [root @ xiyuxi / root] #xhost localhost

h. [root @ xiyuxi / root] #SU - Oracle

i. [Oracle @ xiyuxi / oracle] $ cd / home / test / oracle8ir2

J. [Oracle @ xiyuxi oracle8ir2] $. / Runinstaller

k. Popked the Oracle installation interface, follow the step next step next. Note: On the FILE Locations interface, check the Destination path in the UNIX Group name window, type "Oracle" when you pop up, to run /ora8/ as root, switch to the root user window just retained - -------------------------------------------------- ------------ [Root @ xiyuxi / root] # cd / ora8 [root @ xiyuxi ora8] $. / ORAINSTROOT.SH --------------- ------------------------------------------- The window just popped up, click Retry. On the "Available Products" window appearing, select "Oracle8i Enterprise Edition" installation type Optional Typical In prompting Enter Global Database Name, a name is as ORA8.XYX, ORACLE_SID is ORA8 (the same as .Bsah_profile) prompt input DB FILES LOCALTION, on the last summary window of the input / ORADATA, click on Install to complete the machine speed, and my machine is completed about 10 minutes. After that, pop up a window to run, switch to another window, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ [root @ xiyuxi ora8] ./ --------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- When you ask the Local Bin Directory, press the back to the key, return it to the window, click OK and then 10 machine minutes Oracle Database Configuration Assistants, click OK, on ​​the End of Installation screen, click EXIT, click Yes on the Do You Realywant to EXIT? Window, oralce 8i Enterprise is installed!

10. Start Oracle Server

Log in to Oracle users [Oracle @ xiyuxi / oracle] $

[Oracle @ xiyuxi / oracle] $ SVRMGRL

[Oracle @ xiyuxi / oracle] $ Connect Internal

[Oracle @ xiyuxi / oracle] $ startup

10. Stop Oracle Server

Log in to Oracle users [Oracle @ xiyuxi / oracle] $ [Oracle @ xiyuxi / oracle] $ SVRMGRL

[Oracle @ xiyuxi / oracle] $ Connect Internal

[Oracle @ xiyuxi / oracle] $ Shutdow Normal

11. Manage Oracle

a, launch Oracle server

b, you can use your Windows system to connect with your Oracle server with SQL * Plus Worksheet

The rest of you will look at it.

Ok, I wished everyone to install Oracle smoothly, it is best to succeed, if there is unknown, or find mistakes

Mail me.


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