Rabbit Eight Brother Note 14 (3): Hibernate Query Language (HQL)

zhaozj2021-02-16  71

Rabbit Eight Brother Note 14 (3): Hibernate Query Language (HQL)

10.11 subqueries (SUBQUERIES)

Hibernate supports subquery, and subquery must be surrounded by parentheses. Subsequet usually called by SQL aggregation function. The alias that references an external query in the subquery is also allowed.

From eg.cat as fatcat

WHERE fatcat.weight>

SELECT AVG (Cat.Weight) from eg.domsticcat cat


From eg.domesticcat as cat

Where cat.name = Some

Select name.nickname from eg.name as name


From eg.cat as cat


From eg.cat as worth where code.mate = cat


From eg.domesticcat as cat

Where cat.name not in (

Select name.nickname from eg.name as name


10.12 examples (Examples)

Hibernate's query features are quite powerful and complicated. In fact, the powerful query language is the main selling point of Hibernate (SELLING POINTS. It turns out that this is a foreign word, today know. ^ _ ^).

Here are some simple query examples, which is picked out from my nearest project. In most cases, you should write more simpler than these.

The table below is used below: Order, Order_Line, Product, Catalog and Price. There are 4 internal connections and a subquery that does not have a uncorrelated.

Select Order.id, SUM (Price.Amount), Count (item)

From Order as Order


Join Item.Product As Product,

Catalog as catalog

Join Catalog.Prices As Price

Where order.paid = false


and price = product

And catalog.effectiveDate

And catalog.effectiveDate> = all

Select Cat.effectiveDate

From catalog as cat

Where cat.effectiveDate



Having Sum (Price.Amount)>: Minamount

Order by Sum (Price.Amount) DESC

It's a monster! (What a monster!). In Real Life, we are not very concerned about child inquiries. Most of our queries are more like this:

Select Order.id, SUM (Price.Amount), Count (item)

From Order as Order


Join Item.Product As Product,

Catalog as catalog

Join Catalog.Prices As Price

Where order.paid = falseand Order.customer =: Customer

and price = product

And catalog =: CurrentCatalog


Having Sum (Price.Amount)>: Minamount

Order by Sum (Price.Amount) DESC

The following query is translated into SQL to need 2 internal connections and a associated subquery. It uses the table: payment, payment_status and payment_status_change.

Select count (payment), status.name

From payment as payment

Join payment.currentstatus as status

Join payment.statuschange asse statuschange

Where payment.status.name <> paymentStatus.awaiting_Approval

OR (

StatusChange.TimeStamp =

SELECT MAX (Change.TimeStamp)

From paymentstatuschange change

WHERE change.payment = payment


And statuschange.user <>: currentuser


Group by status.name, Status.Sortorder

Order by status.sortorder

If I mapping TatusChanges for a list, then our query will be simpler:

Select count (payment), status.name

From payment as payment

Join payment.currentstatus as status

Where payment.status.name <> paymentStatus.awaiting_Approval

OR payment.statuschanges [maxindex (payment.statuschange)] .user <>: currentuser

Group by status.name, Status.Sortorder

Order by status.sortorder

The following query uses the MS SQL's ISNULL () function to use 3 internal connections and 1 outer join, with large tables: account, payment, payment_status, account_type, organization, and org_user.

Select Account, Payment

From Account As Account

Left outer join account.payments as payment

Where: CurrentUser in Elements (Account.Holder.Users)

And paymentStatus.unpaid = isnull (payment.currentstatus.name, paymentstatus.unpaid)

Order by account.type.sortorder, account.accountnumber, payment.duedate

For other databases, we need to use the associated subquery:

Select Account, Payment

From Account As Account

Join Account.Holder.Users as User

Left Outer Join Account.Payments as paymentwhere: currentuser = User

And paymentStatus.unpaid = isnull (payment.currentstatus.name, paymentstatus.unpaid)

Order by account.type.sortorder, account.accountnumber, payment.duedate

10.13 Tips and Tips

You can don't have to return to the query results, and you know the quantity of the query results:

(Integer) session.Ike ("Select count (*) from ...."). Next ()) .intValue ()

Sort by the size of the collections returned, you can use the following statement:

SELECT usr.id, usr.name from user as usr

Left join usr.Messages As MSG

Group by usr.id, usr.name

Order by count (msg)

If your database supports subqueries, then you can specify a query to return a result size in the WHERE clause:

From user usr where size (usr.Messages)> = 1

If your database does not support sub-inquiry, then you can use the front query:

SELECT usr.id, usr.name

From user usr.name

Join usr.Messages MSG

Group by usr.id, usr.name haVing count (msg)> = 1

The above approach is useful because of the information that has a user who has 0 messages cannot be returned. The following query is useful:

SELECT usr.id, usr.name

From user as usr

Left join usr.Messages As MSG

Group by usr.id, usr.name

Having count (msg) = 0

JavaBean's properties can be bound as the specified parameters of the query:

Query Q = S.CREATEQUERY ("from foo in class foo where foo.name =: name and foo.size =: size");

Q.SetProperties (FOOBEAN); // foobean Has getName () and getsize ()

List foos = q.list ();

The collection can be implemented by using the Query interface with a filter:

Query Q = S.CreateFilter (Collection, "); // The Trivial Filter

Q.SetMaxResults (Page_Size);

Q.SetFirstResult (Page_SIZE * PAGENUMBER);

List page = q.list ();

Using the query filter, you can achieve the ordering and packet of the collection element:

Collection OrderedCollection = S.Filter (Collection, "Order by this.amount");

Collection Counts = S.Filter (Collection, "Select this.type, count (this) group by this.type");

You can get its size without initialization, you can get its size: ("" Select count (*) from .... "). Next ()) .intValue ();

Bugs Bunny

Sunday, January 4, 2004 17:57


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