How Calendar only shows "One, Second, Third ... Day", does not show "Week"

zhaozj2021-02-16  75

Calendar's DayNameFormat, such as Firstletter, Firstttwoldters, Full, Short but struggles to speak English, so I am like modifying DateTimeFormatinfo DAYNames to achieve, such as

System.globalization.datetimeformatinfo.currentinfo.daynames = new string [] {"1", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven"}

But to pay attention to two points. CurrentInfo must be instantiated, there can be two ways

Globalization settings in web.config, such as culture = "en-us" modifies the Culture of the current page, such as <% @ page culture = "zh-cn"%>

2. Calendar's DayNameFormat cannot be set to short, such as

DaynaMeformat = "full" daynaMeformat = "firstletter"


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