The function of Pinyin and Urlencode (using GB and Unicode comparison table)

zhaozj2021-02-16  68

Urlencoding, often written with VB, easy to implement urlencode, and using to easily rewrite into VBS to achieve some Chinese characters, but because some people Need to write completely with JavaScript, while JavaScript is unicode unicode, you need a Unicode and GB convert library.

Unicode and GB convert libraries and urlencode and getspell functions, please download qswhu2GB = []; // Unicode and GB correspondence table, slightly var qswhspell = [ ]; // Pinyin control table, slight function urlencode (str) {var i, c, ret = ", strspecial ="! # $% & '() * , / :; <=>? @ [/] ^ `{|} ~%"; For (i = 0; i = 0x4e00) {c = qswhu2GB [str.charcodeat (i) -0x4e00]; RET = "%" C.SLICE (0, 2) "%" C.SLICE (-2);} else {c = str.Charat (i); if (c == "" RET = " "; Else IF (STRSPECIAL.INDEXOF (C)! = - 1) RET = "%" Str.Charcodeat (i) .tostring (16); Else Ret = C;}} Return Ret;

Function GetSpell (STR, SP) {VAR I, C, T, RET = ""; if (sp == NULL) sp = ""; for (i = 0; i = 0x4e00) {c = parseint (qswhu2GB [str.charcodeat (i) -0x4e00], 16); if (c <55290) {for (t = qswhspell.length-1; t> 0; T = T-2) IF (qswhspell [t] <= c) Break; if (t> 0) RET = qswhspell [T-1] sp;}}} Return Ret.Substr (0, Ret.Length-SP .length);} SP is separator, examples are as follows