WEBLOGICs in JBuilder9 + WebLogic7

zhaozj2021-02-16  71

JBUILDER9 WebLogic7 actual articles

Tools (WebLogic7 installation and configuration)

Author: Kay Huang

E_mail: hk_sz@163.com


This article will introduce some of the tools that will be applied in my article and their installation and configuration.

WebLogic7 installation and configuration

First, installation and configuration

1. Click the installation file to start installing, first "Next" à selected "Yes", click "Next" à

Create a directory, here I use the default, directly "Next" à all the way "Next" until the installation is installed.

2. After the installation, we have to configure your Domain, click "Start / Program / Bea WebLogic Platform 7.0 / Domain Configuration Wizard" à to select "WLS Domain", pay attention to "name" "" "", click " Next "Next" à until "Create Administrator User", enter the username and password "Next" à "do you want to install this server as windows service?" Selection "NO", click "Next" à "Do You Want To Install this Server AS Windows StartMenu?" Select "YES", click "Next" à "create" to start creating à select "End Configuration Wizard." (Default), click "DONE" to end.

3. We can start Mydomain to see if it can be used normally.

Click "Start / Programs / Bea WebLogic Platform 7.0 / User Projects / Start Server" à

Enter your username after "Enter Username to Boot Weblogic Server:", you can enter your password after "Enter Password To Boot Weblogic Server:", if there is no abnormal report, start normally. The basic installation and configuration of this WebLogic7 are completed.

4. Tips:

Every time we start MyDomain, we need to enter username and password, which is not more annoying, there is a more information about "% BEA_HOME% / user_projects / mydomain" "SET WLS_USER =" and "SET WLS_USER =" and "SET WLS_PW = "Write your UserName and Password.

My article is the first Auro Forum (www.newer.com.cn/bbs) and programmers forum (www.9cbs.net), welcome to reprint, but please keep the author and the name of the revision, thank you.


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