JBUILDER9 WebLogic7 actual articles
Tools (JDK installation and configuration)
Author: Kay Huang
E_mail: hk_sz@163.com
This article will introduce some of the tools that will be applied in my article and their installation and configuration.
JDK installation and configuration
First, the acquisition of JDK tools
JDK: J2EESDK1.4_BETA2, the download address is:
Second, installation and configuration
1. First decompress the .zip file, then find the setup.exe file in the decompressed directory, double click to start installation;
2. All the way "Next" à "Software License Agreement" selection "Yes", then "Next" à press "Next", if you are installing, you will pop up the "Create New Directory" dialog box, click "Create Directory" to continue à Enter your password, "Next" à "install now" Start installing à Click "Finish" to complete the installation.
3. Open "My Computer" Right-click à "Properties" à "Advanced" à "Environment Variable", the following, if you don't have, "New" or Edit "Add:
System variables:
Variable name
Java_Home C: /sun/j2eesdk1.4_beta2/jdk
PATH% J2EE_HOME% / bin;% java_home% / bin
ClassPath.;% Java_home% / lib / dt.jar;% java_home% / lib / Tools.jar
Ok, I have completed the JDK installation and simply configured. As for later use of servlet or JDBC, I put inserted into a specific time.
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