The generated random number in .NET

zhaozj2021-02-16  56

Using the Random Class randomly used

In this article well be going over how to use the Random class found in the System Namespace. The Random class can be used to generate random numbers a number of different ways and in this article we will go though most of them. In the first part of the article well be discussing how to initialize a new instance of the Random class Then in the second half of the article we will be going over 3 of its most useful methods:.. Next, nextBytes, and NextDouble us in this article The use of the Random class will be discussed. The Random class can generate a random number, which we will study this. In the first part, we will discuss how to initialize a randomized list. We will then discuss three important methods: Next, Nextbytes, and Nextdouble. Initializing an Instance of the solid the Random Class initialize a class Random column Before we get into the different constructors for the Random class I want to discuss what a Seed is The definition of a Seed is:. A number used to calculate a starting value for A Number Sequence. What this Means IS, IF You Want To Generate A Random Number That IS Not Less Than 50 THEN You Want Yours Seed To BE 50. We first discuss the seed (seed) before entering the structure of the structure. The definition of the seed is: the number used to define the start value of the number column. If you want to produce a random number of not less than 50, your seed should be 50. ★ Description: Original text has problems, correct understanding should be: The definition of seeds is: the parameters used to define the generated random number, the same machine, each seed produces the same random number. (See also below the norm column) The reason I wanted to quickly go over what a Seed was is because you will need to know what it is to understand how the constructor of the Random class determines what the seed is! The first overload for the Random Class Expects no parameters and uses a time dependent seed value. The Second Overload EXPECTS ANTEGER AS A parameter. This INTEGER VALUE WILL BE Used as the seed. The reason why we review the seed is: the seed is the basis for constructing the random class! The first random class is not any parameters, and the usage time is used as the default parameter. The second use an integer as a parameter, this integer will be as seed.

Code Example: Code List: 1. Random Ra = New Random (); 2. Random Ra = New Random (15); The Numbers Generated from The Random Class Are ON Random To a Degree. If you use the Same Seed Value The Same Series of NumBers Will Be Returned. for instance, Say You Use 15 as The seed value. You Will Receive This Series of Numbers over and over aga for the first two value! The random number generated from a random class is randomly generated. If you use the same seed value, the returned random count column will be the same. For example, you use 15 as a seed, the random number column returned each time is the same. Code EXAMPLE: Code File: