Delphi Design Mode - ABSTRACT FACTORY

zhaozj2021-02-17  40

The description of the mode can be referred to [1], and the example in delphi will be held below.

Usually the FORM in Delphi is automatic CREATE or write code in the Form to create (usually in the master Form). The following is created with Abstract Factory.

// Unit Abstractf

TabstractFactory = Class Public Function Createform: TForm; Virtual; ABSTRACT;

// Unit Concretefa

Tconcretefactorya = Class (TabstractFactory) Public Function Createform: TForm; Override;


Function Tconcretefactorya.createform: TForm; Begin Result: = tfrmforma.create (Application); Result.ShowModal; End; // Unit Concretefb

TconcreteFactoryb = Class (TabstractFactory) Public Function Createform: TForm; Override;


Function TCONCRETEFAACTORYB.CREATEFORM: TFORM; Begin Result: = tfrmFormB.create (Application); Result.ShowModal;

// Main Form

Unit mainfrm;


Uses Windows, Messages, Sysutils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Stdctrls, Abstractf;

type TfrmMain = class (TForm) btnConcreteA: TButton; btnContreteB: TButton; procedure btnConcreteAClick (Sender: TObject); procedure btnContreteBClick (Sender: TObject); private {Private declarations} FAbstractFactory: TAbstractFactory; public {Public declarations} end;

Var frmmain: tfrmmain;


Uses concretefa, concretefb;

{$ R * .dfm}

Procedure tfrmmain.btnconcreteclick (sender: TOBJECT); begin fabstractfactory: = tconcretefactorya.create; FabstractFactory.createForm; FabstractFactory.Free; End;

Procedure tfrmmain.btncontretebclick (sender: TOBJECT); Begin FabstractFactory: = tconcretefactoryb.create; FabstractFactory.createform; FabstractFactory.Free; End;



1. "Design Mode - Object-Oriented Software Basics"


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