Two dynamic link libraries (MFC extensions) and examples of their test procedures (including source code)

zhaozj2021-02-17  64

An example of a dynamic link library (MFC extension) and its test procedure (system tray icon)

Http:// A Dynamic Link Library (MFC Extension) and the example of its test program (system tray icon). Upgrade. Dynamic connection library Output A class: class __declspec (DLLEXPort CSYSTEMTRAY: PUBLIC CWND {// ...........}; This class encapsulates the system tray to add delete modifications. And provide many convenient way to modify the pallet properties. You can change the tray icon; you can dynamically Display the tray icon (the icon displayed by the caller); you can change the prompt string. You can change the message sent by the tray. You can pop up or do not pop up the menu; you can change the pop-up menu; you can change the window of the handling menu command. You can specify the pop-up. Menu (mouse) message, default is the left button or right-click Press the bomb default menu, can be changed to just the left button or right-click Press the pop-up menu, or only the middle key presses the pop-up menu, or the mouse moves pop-up menu. You can specify "Different mouse messages pop up different menus." You can forward the tray notification message to the specified window and can be dynamically changed, but the window that receives the notification message needs to define the processing function of the notification message. I have not all tested all of the above functions, so Know what kind of bug, I hope that a friend has discovered bugs or other suggestions to send me an email. The library file with D ended is the debug version, the other is the release version. Dynamic Link Library Output File is located in the Export folder The test program is located in the SystemTraydlltest folder. With all source code, you can compile (VC6) directly.

An example of a dynamic connection library (MFC extension) and its test procedure (a timed-off message dialog). output dynamic link library: a class: class __declspec (dllexport) CAutoMessageBox: public CDialog {// ...}; a global function: int __declspec (dllexport) AutoMessageBox (INT Ninterval, Const CString & StrMessage, Const Cstring & Stutele); This global function is just a simple call to the above class. The function of the output class and function is to display a mode dialog and at the specified time (in seconds This dialog is automatically closed after the unit. Where StrMessage and Strtitle need to format strings, reserve a place to display seconds, refer to the following default value. Default: Ninterval = 30; // Dialog Show time, in seconds In the unit, the default is a 30 second! Strmessage = dialog box will close ... "; // Default display message strTITITLE =" Remaining time:% D seconds "; // Default display Title Dynamically The header file and library of the library are located at the Export folder. The file name is the debug version, and the Release version is the Release version. The test program is located in the folder TestAutMessageBox. Attached to the source code, you can compile (VC6) directly.

Author: Chen Lifu-mail: Home:


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