Several different email sends a solution in .NET Environment

zhaozj2021-02-17  64

Several different email sends a solution in .NET Environment

1. Use Outlook to provide transmission

Such as: I have seen UF Software U8 Production (Demo Edition), where the mail function is to call the Outlook ActiveX component

Advantages: Simple development

Disadvantages: Relying on Outlook Components, SMTP Mail Services

The code sent by the mail is as follows:

Private subsessment ()

Dim outobj as new outlook.Application ()

Dim item as outlook.mailItemclass

Item = Outobj.createItem (0) = "


Item.subject = "Hello"

Item.body = "hell"

Item.attachments.add ("c: /abc.txt")

Item.send ()

End Sub

Reference: Using Microsoft Outlook 2002 Development Solution Http://

2, web development, reference system.web.mail class in ASP.NET

System.Web.mail Namespace contains classes that enable you to construct and send messages using CDOSYS (Wildows 2000 Collaboration Data Object) messages. The mail message is transmitted by built-in SMTP mail service or any SMTP server in Microsoft Windows 2000. Classes in this namespace can be in ASP.NET or any hosting application

MaiLattachment provides properties and methods for constructing email attachments.

MailMessage provides properties and methods for constructing email.

SMTPMAIL provides properties and methods for sending messages using the Collaboration Data Objects (CDOSYS) message components of Windows 2000.

The message can be transmitted through the SMTP mail service or any SMTP server built in Microsoft Windows 2000. The type in System.Web.mail Namespace can be used in ASP.NET or any hosting application.

SMTP server settings, now some free mail providers are no longer providing all emails to provide SMTP services, when sending mail, you need to verify user information, consider SMTP user authentication issues

If the SMTP server is in the local computer, the transmission speed is very fast, basically don't worry, if it is not a local server, then it is best not to use this time, one is the speed problem, the second is to send too many emails, SMTP Server may think is spam and refusal service

code show as below:

Private sub button1_click (byvale as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) Handles

DIM Mailobj as new mailmessage ()


'Define the name of the SMTP server


'Defining the send address of the message

Mailobj.from = ""

'Define the receiving address of the message = "


'Defining the Dark Address of Mail

'Mailobj.bcc ""' Defines the copy address of the message

' = ""

'Defining the subject of the email

Mailobj.subject = "Theme"

'Defining the subject of the mail

Mailobj.Body = "Mail body!"

'Mail is sent in HTML format

Mailobj.BodyFormat = mailformat.html

'Define the limited number of emails, set it high here

Mailobj.Priority = mailpriority.high

'Additional attachments to send mail

Mailobj.attachments.Add (New MaiLattachment ("C: /Lihonggen.doc")))

SMTP.SEND (Mailobj)

End Sub

3, use in VB.NET or C # development Windows applications

Also based on the SMTP protocol

1. Introduction to the SMTP Protocol

1. Establish TCP / IP connection through the 25-port of the server

Server: 220 Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready

2, the client uses "helo" command to identify the sender

Client: Helo

Server: 250

3, the client sends the mail command, the server side is in response to the response to the reception

Client: Mail from:

Server side: 250 ok

4, the client sends the RCPT command to identify the recipient, the server side responds if it is willing to accept mail for the recipient

Client: rcpt to:

Server side: 250 ok

5. After the negotiation is over, use the command DATA to send the mail.

Client: DATA

Server: 354 Start Mail INPUT: End with .

6, the client is. Representing the end of the input content

Client: Subject:


7, the client exits with the Quit command.

Client: quit

Server: 250 Closing Transmission Channel

Advantages: You can develop your own components on this basis, using Sockets we can develop network programming

Disadvantages: The amount is relatively large,

The code to send the message is as follows:

Dim Senddata As String



CRLF = "/ r / n"

'Creating a connection to the server 25 port


Lstlog.Items.clear ()

'Display server initial information

DIM NetStrm As NetworkStream


Dim rdstrm as new streamreader (SMTPSERV.GETSTREAM ())

If rdstrm.readline () <> "" "" "" "" "


Senddata = "Helo Server" CRLFSZDATA = System.Text.Encoding.ascii.getBytes (Senddata.toChararray ())

NetStrm.write (szdata, 0, szdata.length)

Lstlog.Items.Add (RDStrm.Readline ())

'Sign Sender

Senddata = "Mail from:" "<" TXTFROM.TEXT "> CRLF

Szdata = system.text.Encoding.ascii.getbytes (Senddata.tochararray ())

NetStrm.write (szdata, 0, szdata.length)

Lstlog.Items.Add (RDStrm.Readline ())

'Logo recipient

Senddata = "RCPT TO:" <" TXTTTTO.TEXT "> CRLF

Szdata = system.text.Encoding.ascii.getbytes (Senddata.tochararray ())

NetStrm.write (szdata, 0, szdata.length)

Lstlog.Items.Add (RDStrm.Readline ())

'Ready to send content

Senddata = "Data" CRLF

Szdata = system.text.Encoding.ascii.getbytes (Senddata.tochararray ())

NetStrm.write (szdata, 0, szdata.length)

Lstlog.Items.Add (RDStrm.Readline ())

'Send the subject


'Send Content

Senddata = sendData TXTMSG.Text CRLF

'End send

Senddata = sendData "." CRLF

Szdata = system.text.Encoding.ascii.getbytes (Senddata.tochararray ())

NetStrm.write (szdata, 0, szdata.length)

Lstlog.Items.Add (RDStrm.Readline ())

'drop out

Senddata = "quit" CRLF

Szdata = system.text.Encoding.ascii.getbytes (Senddata.tochararray ())

NetStrm.write (szdata, 0, szdata.length)

Lstlog.Items.Add (RDStrm.Readline ())

'Close connection

Netstrm.close ()

Rdstrm.close ()

Lstlog.Items.Add ("¿¿关 闭")

Lstlog.Items.Add ("Send Success")

You can also refer to: Create a mail sending component (SMTP) using C #


4, IIS SMTP comes with the basic letter component CDONTS you don't have to download, Microsoft has provided this component, as long as the 2000, NT's SMTP will have.

Advantages: Components comes from the operating system

Disadvantages: the function is poor, the scalability is not strong

Mymail = creteObject ("cdonts.newmail")

Mymail.from = *** 'Letter sender mailbox = *** 'Letter Receiver Mailbox = *** 'Cc

Mymail.bcc = *** 'Delivery

Mymail.subject = *** 'Letter Theme

Mymail.body = *** 'letter body

'Setting the priority, 0- is not important, 1-general, 2- important.

MyMail.Importance = 2

Mymail.send ()

Mymail = Nothing

5, use JMail components

Jmail has the following features:

(1) You can send an attachment; (2) Detailed logging ability, easy to see the problem; (3) Set the priority of mail delivery; (4) Support for multiple formats, such as HTML or TXT transmission mail. This is a free component. (5) Delivery / (CC) Cc / Emergency Letters; (6) The most critical is - free components, don't make money, so it is worthwhile.

Website:, the current version is 4.3

The common attribute of the JMail component:

Body mail body

Logging call log record for Debug

Priority email priority, from 1 to 5

Sender sender

IP address or name of the ServerAddress SMTP server

Subject mail title

Common methods for JMail components:

Addattachment Specifies an attachment file

AddRecipient Add to a Recipient

AddRecipientBCC hidden copy Cc, only the sender and BCC recipient know.

AddRecipientcc copy Cc

Execute sent out mail

After understanding the necessary properties and methods, the remaining part receives the Email entered by the user, transmitting the remaining attribute as needed, and then fill in the execute method. E.g:


Jmail = Server.createObject ("jmail.smtpmail")

Jmail.logging = true

Jmail.Serveraddress = ""

Jmail.Sender = "


Jmail.subject = "Subject."

Jmail.Body = "body."

Jmail.Addrecipient ("")

Jmail.Addattachment ("c: /GO.gif")

Jmail.priority = 3

Jmail.execute ()

Jmail = Nothing

Summary: What kind of program, the use and demand of the proceedings, and several programs in this article are available for your reference. For example, UF software U8, call Outlook Components, integrate into their own software. I have written the management system, write component (SMTP), the function is equally powerful, but the Coding time is long! Note: This article has a small number of information extracted

Author: Li Honggen



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