Getting Started -> Use (C ++ Library) OFSTREAM Write Document Data

zhaozj2021-02-17  64

Original collection

// AWZZZ @ 2002

// Getting Started -> Using (C Library) OFSTREAM Write Data

// Apo-> using OFStream.

// Accident Project of use OFStream. (C iostream library)

/ *



Ofstream Class Provides a Street Interface to Write Data To Files.

THE CLASS MANTAINS INTERLY (Privately) a Pointer to a filebuf Object

In Charge of the Intertion with the file. This Pointer Can Be

Obtained / Modified by Calling Member Rdbuf.

The File to Be Processed Can Be Specified As a Parameter for T

Constructor or by calling member open.

After a file is processed it can be closed by calling member close.

In this case the file stream may be used to open another file.

MEMBER IS_OPEN CAN BE Used to Determine Wether The Stream Is Currently

Operating on a file or not.

Please refer to Parent Classes for more details on information mantained

By an OFStream Object.

* /

// Use (C ) OFSTREAM write file data

// Simple Example



Using namespace std;

#ifdef Win32

#define test_file "c: //tmp/test.txt"


#define test_file "/tmp/test.txt"


Void test ()


// ofstream OFS;

//; Test_File;


CHAR CH = '#';

Const char buf [] = "1234567890";

Ofs.put (ch); // simple


Ofs.put (ch);



Int main (int Argc, char * argv [])


Test ();

Return 0;



New Post(0)