
zhaozj2021-02-17  63

JBoss3.0.7_tomcat_4.1.24 AXIS configuration

Author: Shuai Niu Shi Email: Trynews@163.com

One. Decompose the jboss-net.sar file in the c: /jboss-3.0.7_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/server/all/Deploy directory, solve the file in the jboss-net.sar directory, then put JBoss- Net.SAR file back up to other directories, such as C: / Root Directory, remove C: /JBoss-3.0.7_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/server/all/Deploy/jobss-net.sar file

two. Start JBoss (Run -c ALL), enter http: // localhost: port / axis / * / service in the IE address bar, you can see the following text, explain the configuration success


Hi there, this is an axis service!

Perhaps there is a form for invoking the service here ...

three. Construction WSR file

Example: Write a TestHelloWorld.java file, compile into CLASS

Content: Public Class TesthelloWorld


Public helloworld () {


Public String GetHelloWorldMessage (String Name) {

Return "Hello World to" Name;



Built a meta-inflicide file in the directory of the Testhelloworld file, build a web-service.xml file in Meta-Inf,


XMLns = "http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/"

XMLns: xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2000/10/xmlschema-instance"

XMLns: java = "http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/providers/java">

Using JAR commands in the Testhelloworld file directory: JAR CVF TestHelloWorld.WSR, copy TestHelloWorld.WSR to C: /JBoss-3.0.7_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/server/all/deploy/ directory.

four. Write a client class call (of course, PHP, ASP can also be called), the content:

Import org.apache.axis.client.call;

Import org.apache.axis.client.service;

Import org.apache.axis.encoding.xmltype; import javax.xml.rpc.parametermode;

Public Class TestClient1


Public static void main (String [] args) {

Try {

String endpoint =


String methodname = "gethelloworldMessage";

Service service = new service ();

Call call = (call) service.createcall ();

Call.SettargetendPointdaddress (New Java.net.URL (Endpoint));

Call.SetoperationName (MethodName);

// Call to addparameter / setReturntype as described in user-guide.html

Call.addparameter ("Name",



Call.setReturntype (org.apache.axis.constants.xsd_string);

String Ret = (string) Call.invoke (new object [] {"axis!"});

System.out.println (RET);

} catch (exception e) {

System.err.println (e.tostring ());

E.PrintStackTrace ();




Perform this class, such as printing Hello World to Axis! Is OK.


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