#ifndef _MYALLOCATOR_ # Define_Myallocator_
namespace MyLib {template
// rebind Allocator to Type U Template
// Return Address of Values Pointer Address (Reference Value) Const {Return & Value;} const_pointer address (const_reference value) const {return & value;}
/ * constructors and destructor * - Nothing to do because the allocator Has no state * / myalloc () throw ()} myalloc (const myalloc) () {} ~ myalloc () throw () {}
// RETURN MAXIMUM NUMBER of Elements That Can Be Allocated Size_Type Max_size () const throw () {size_type n; n = (suze_type) (- 1) / sizeof (t);
Return (0 // allocate but don't initialize number allocate (size_type num, const void * = 0) {//print message and allocate memory with global new / * std :: cerr << "allocate << Num << "Element (s) <<" of size "<< SizeOf (T) << std :: end; * / pointer ret= (Pointer) (HeapAlloc (HHEAP, 0, Num * Sizeof (t))))) ; // std :: cerr << "Allocated at: << (void *) RET << std :: end1; return ret;} char * _charalloc (size_type n) // vc-included STL (char *) HeapAlloc (hHeap, 0, N * sizeof (T));} // initialize elements of allocated storage p with value value void construct (pointer p, const T & value) {// initialize memory with placement new new ( (void *) p) t (value);} // destroy elements of initialized storage p void destroy (POINTER P) {// destroy objects by calling their destructor P-> ~ t (); // deallocate storage p of deleted elements // The original should be Pointer void deallocate (void * p, size_type num) {// print message and deallocate memory with global delete / * std :: cerr << "deallocate << NUM < <"Element (s) <<" "of size" << SizeOf (T) << "at: << (void *) P << std :: endl; * / heapfree (hheap, 0, (void * P);}}; // return that all specializations of this allocator are interchangeable template / * Written by leezy_2000 03-9-5 15:12 * / # include "stdafx.h" #pragma Warning (Disable: 4786) / / # define _stlp_use_malloc # include "myallocator.h" #include Typedef unsigned long ulong_ptr, * pulong_ptr; Using namespace std; / * What do you need to pay attention to this program: 1. In the realization of its own dispenser, this can make changes in the STL container do not affect the pile we have to monitor. 2, the container can only use the vector otherwise any change in any pile will cause the Heap32Next always return to True This should be Microsoft's bug 3. When allocating the memory failure, Std :: Bad_alloc memory should be thrown, and this exception is not thrown here without low memory. That is, it does not fail when you assign memory since the dispenser is allocated. * / // Used to compare the imitation function of the plug block // to determine two HeaPENTRY32 size Class HeapInfocompare {public: BOOL Operator () (HE1.DWBLOCKSIZE TypedEf Vector Void HeapInfo (HeapENTRYSET & HSET, ULONG_PTR HeapID); Void getHeapid (Set Heaplist32.dwsize = sizeof (Heaplist32); Bool Bret = Heap32ListFirst (HSnapshot, & Heaplist32); While (Bret) {Heapid.Insert (Heaplist32.th32heapid); Cout << Heaplist32.th32heapid << Endl; Bret = Heap32ListNext (hsnapshot, & heaplist32);} closehandle (hsnapshot); Cout << "The end" << endl;} Handle mylib :: myalloc Handle hheap; INT Main (int Argc, char * argv []) {// enumerates all stacks at this time and enumerate this again after establishing a new pile, then enumerate this from it to the new heap set HHEAP = HeapCreate (0,0,0); GetHeapid (HeapID2); INSERT_ITERATOR Set_difference (Heapid2.begin (), Heapid2.end (), Heapid1.begin (), Heapid1.end (), iTer; Set For (POS = Heapid3.begin (); POS! = Heapid3.end (); POS) {cout << "The new heap ID IS / T" << (* POS) << Endl; newheapid = * POS } MYLIB :: myalloc // vector Int size; HeapInfo (HeapSet1, Newheapid); Sort (Heapset1.begin (), HeapSet1.end (), HeapInfocompare (); SIZE = Heapset1.size (); Handle hcurheap = getProcessHeap (); // Heapalloc (hcurheap, heap_zero_memory, 4 * 1024); Char * p = new char [4 * 1024]; // GlobalAlloc (GHND, 4 * 1024); Char * q = (char *) Malloc (4 * 1024); COUT << "The P IS" << (int) P << ENDL; HeapInfo (Heapset2, Newheapid); Sort (Heapset2.begin (), HeapSet2.end (), HeapInfocompare (); size = Heapset2.size (); Insert_iterator Set_difference (Heapset2.begin (), HeapSet1.Begin (), Heapset1.eGin (), Heapset1.end (), MITER, HeapInfocompare (); SIZE = Heapset3.size (); HeaPENTRYSET :: Iterator Mpos; for (Mpos = Heapset3.begin (); MPOS! = Heapset3.end (); MPOS) {cout << "The size of the different block is / t" << (* MPOS) .dwblocksize << "/ tand the addresses is / t" << (* mpos) .dwaddress << "/ tdwflags is / t" << (* mpos) .dwflags << Endl; cout << "The Heapid IS: /t"<<(*mpos).th32HeapID << endl;} return 0;} void heapinfo (HEAPENTRYSET & hset, ULONG_PTR hid) {HANDLE hSnapShot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST, GetCurrentProcessId ()); HEAPLIST32 heaplist32; Heaplist32.dwsize = sizeof (Heaplist32); Bool Bret = Heap32ListFirst (hsnapshot, & heaplist32); static int i = 0; While (Bret) {HeaPENTRY32 HE32; DWORD TOTALSIZE = 0, FREESIZE = 0; IF (Heaplist32.th32Heapid == HID) {Bret = Heap32ListNext (HSnapshot, & Heaplist32); Continue; DWORD NUMBER = 10; Handle ProcessHeap [10]; DWORD NUMGET = GetProcessHeaps (Number, ProcessHeap); Handle hheap = getProcessHeap (); HE32.dwsize = sizeof (HeaPENTRY32); Heap32First (& HE32, Heaplist32.th32Processid, Heaplist32.th32heapid); IF (he32.dwflags & lf32_free) Freesize = he32.dwblocksize; Totalsize = he32.dwblocksize; Cout << "The Heapid IS:" << He32.th32heapid << Endl; cout << "The Information of First Block:" << "blocksize: << He32.dwblocksize <<" / t address: << (Long) He32.dwaddress << Endl; IF ((He32.dwflags & lf32_fixed) || (HE32.DWFLAGS & LF32_MOVEABLE)) HSET.PUSH_BACK (HE32); While (Heap32Next (& HE32)) {cout << "The Information of Block:" << "blocksize:" He32.dwblocksize << "/ t address:" << (long) he32.dwaddress << Endl; Totalsize = he32.dwblocksize; IF (he32.dwflags & lf32_free) freeize = he32.dwblocksize; // cout << i << Endl; if ((He32.dwflags & lf32_fixed) || (HE32.DWFLAGS & LF32_MOVEABLE) HSET.PUSH_BACK HE32); // char * p = (char *) Malloc (300); } COUT << "The Total Size of Heap IS: << Totalsize << Endl; Cout <<" The Free Size of Heap IS: << FreeSize << Endl; Cout << "The commitde size of heap is:" << (TOTALSIZE-FREESize << ENDL; Bret = Heap32ListNext (hsnapshot, & heaplist32); CloseHandle (HSnapshot); Cout << "The end" << endl;}