OFBIZ workflow learning (2)

zhaozj2021-02-17  65

OFBIZ installation and configuration

The default Web Server provided by OFBIZ2.11 is Jetty, and we intend to transfer him to Tomcat. The default database provided by OFBIZ2.11 is HSQL, which is very convenient to transfer his database with WebTools. Here we describe how to install it into MySQL.

I think not to ask why you want to install it, after you install it twice with this method, everything you understand.

1 Download OFBIZ2.11 You can download by www.ofbiz.org, you can also find the OFBIZ project download directly to http://sf.net.

2 Download and install Tomcat recommends using Tomcat4.1.18, it has seen someone in the online version of the version of Tomcat.4.1.7, TAGLIB's processing is very slow, and the subsequent version does not have this problem. Tomcat can be downloaded at www.apache.org.

3 Install MySQL

It is mainly to establish a table space and establish a user.

4 Installing OFBIZ

4.1 Set the environment variable Java_HomeAnt_HomeCatalina_HomeOfbiz_home

4.2 Copy the Classes and JAR files

Copy all files below the OFBIZ_HOME / COMMONAPP / ETC / Directory to Catalina_Home / Share / Classes. Copy the OFBIZ_HOME / COMMONAPP / LIB / Directory * .jar to Catalina_Home / Share / LIB. Copy the OFBIZ_HOME / CORE / LIB / Directory * .jar to Catalina_Home / Share / LIB. Copy the OFBIZ_HOME / LIB / Directory * .jar to Catalina_Home / Share / LIB. Note that the JAR file in OFBIZ_HOME / LIB is stored by the directory slogan, copy it to catalina_home / share / lib, need to remove all directories, put all JARs in LIB.

4.3 Editing Catalina_Home / Share / Classes / EntityEngine.xml File

Found the following text:

Helper-class = "org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenerichelperDao"

Field-type-name = "mysql"

Check-on-start = "true"

Add-missing-on-start = "true"

Use-foreign-keys = "false"

Join-Style = "Theta-Oracle">

JDBC-Driver = "org.gjt.mm.mysql.driver"

JDBC-URI = "JDBC: mysql: //"

JDBC-UserName = "root"

JDBC-Password = "GG"

isolation-level = "serializable" />

Edit the corresponding configuration.

Find Change to 4.4 Copy the executable

Copy the OFBIZ_HOME / SETUP / CATALINA41 / BIN CAATALINA_HOME / BIN Copy OFBIZ_HOME / SETUP / CATALINA41 / CONF SERVER.XML to CATALINA_HOME / ConF Note that the server.xml here can also be copied, this is Configure OFbiz's Context, manually update to server.xml, but also pay additional attention, OFBIZ defaults OFBIZ and TOMCAT in a directory, so in server.xml, his Context path is used, for example

4.5 Launched in OFBIZ_HOME / SETUP / CATALINA41 / BIN / RUNOFBIZ.BAT content is as follows: OFBIZ.BAT RUN

Use this command to start

It first calls OFBIZ.BAT to set the environment variable, then launch Tomcat. When starting Tomcat, OFBIZ's DatabaseUtils checks if there is a table in the database in the database, and does not automatically create, the general creation process does not have errors. If there is an error, please check the log file in Catalina_Home / Logs, which is generally a few JARs, see which number is found to Catalina_Home / Share / LIB in the OFBIZ_HOME


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