Groove Development Guide (1)

zhaozj2021-02-17  90

"You know my methods. Use them."

- Sir Arthur Cona Doyle, Code Jock

Groove networks

Groove Development Summary

This part outlines the process of tool development. Before you start development, you know what you need to create a tool is very helpful. You need to create multiple files to test, run, and publish a tool. You need a GRV (Injection) file, tool template (Tool Template) file, and OSD files, which are related. These files and their creation and installation will be described in detail below.

Tool Template File / Tool Template

The template is a static persistent file describing the tool. Tool templates (for example: myTool.tpl) are XML documents that define components that make up tools, just like the layout of a tool (Layout), place the control in the layout. Groove can also use templates to describe tool sets, Shared Space or Skin. The tool template file contains everything you need to generate the user interface at runtime, instantiate components in memory, and give tool behavior. It is "source code" after the tool

Usually template files contain script code for control applications (the default is JavaScript or VBScript, Perlscript, Pythonscript). The controller code can also be placed in an external DLL written in C or VB, in which case the template file must generate a connection to the external code.

When the tool first injected (Injected) or this tool is randomly added to a Shared Space, the template file will be stored in the template.xss file using the information and instructions in the OSD file. Although you created a source file in the file system, it is run from template.xss. When you create an instance of a tool, Shared Space references the template for that tool. Tools can be added to one or more Shared Spaces.

Tool templates below multiple or all elements:

1 Form (may be implicit) and sub-form

2 layout and view container

3 components

4 proxy, exposure tool method and attribute to other tools

5 Script code, connect components together and specify behavior and any events that occur in components

Template file structure

This chart shows the XML structure of the tool template file.

One tool may consist of these files:



Groove's accessible components

The assembly provides the user's appearance and function when using your tools after combining. Already installed with the Groove client includes the UI component (button, editing, layout, etc.) and engine, you can simply include them in your template. If your tool can be done on the previously completed component, you can provide the necessary behavior as long as you write some script code in the template. This means that you don't have to create your own components.

Custom component

Custom components refer to existing components that are written from the header or through the ActiveXWrapper through the Groove, which must be installed on the user's machine. These components are generally DLL and OCX files.

Component runtime environment

If you use Visual Basic to customize the component, you must install the VB runtime environment on your client's machine.

Graphic file

Image files (BMP, JPG, GIF) that can be used in tools

GSL file

The Groove Script library can be included in one or more tool templates. The GSL file is copied to the templates.xss file.

Tool Template Components will be described in detail in "Groove Components"

Tool description files (for example, MyToolDescriptor.xml) are XML documents that contain tool information, such as name, version, and type. The most important tool description file determines the OSD file and template file for your tool. When the user first chooses your tool for the first time, the tool description file indicates that Groove will get the required files and components by explaining the OSD file. For more information on tool description files, see the Tool Description File section. The tools listed in the Add Tool are over the tool description file. When the user runs a GRV file, the tool description file is injected into the user's account database.

OSD file

The OSD file is an XML document containing download tool description files, template files, and any necessary components and graphics files. It defines the source files and installation locations of all components in the tool. It defines software packages in the tool, how different components and groove handle these components. Please refer to the "OSD File" section if you want to know more.

GRV (Injection) file

GRV files (such as MyTool.grv) are an XML file that injects tools into user accounts, which allows users to select this tool. GRV details the name of the OSD file, and the component service uses it injects the description file of the tool into the user account. This copies the tool description file to the local device, describing the files into the "Create Shared Space" and "Add Tool" dialog box, which means that you can select the tool but not copy all the files related to the tool to the local In the device. Users can get GRV files through many ways, such as a shared directory, mail attachment, or on the web page (such as new tools you can add from Groove.NET).

Tool installation process

Some tools do depends on standard Groove components may also include custom components. Do not manage this tool to download, install, or ready to add to the shared space. The key is that the entire new tool, the skin or tool set is very easy. No need to reinstall Groove, do not require PC support technicians, no distribution discs and magnetic sheets, some click can be completed. You may also notice that many user help systems use the same download service dynamic upgrade without user intervention. Also, whenever you connect to the Internet, Groove can automatically modify itself with new versions and error modifications.

The following picture shows the steps of tool injection and installation and will discuss them.

1. The user runs a Groove tool to inject file (GRV) on the web page.

2. This GRV file contains a component URL, which points to the tool OSD file address and detailed in detail the software package that mounts the tool description file (XML) to the user database / data / xml directory.

3. Component Services Download Tool Description File (XML) into the user's database (/ data / xml directory).

4. Because the tool file (characteristic) is listed as a tool description file. They will be installed locally in the injected (otherwise only when the user adds the tool to the shared space).

5. Groove Procuratorial Listing List The latest version of the tool template and components has been installed.

6. If the tool template or any of its components are not installed, the component service goes to the resource URL to get the required OSD file. The file determines that the tool template (TPL), the related components (typically DLL), other files required by other tools such as graphics or runtime environments, or other OSD files containing other instructions.

7. Tools are added to the user's account and can be found in the Add Tool window.

8. The user adds the tool into the shared space.

9. Component Services Repeat steps 5 and 6 Installing the independent component.osd. 10. The tool is installed now.

It is important to pay attention to the request to install a new tool to stem from other members of adding new tools in the shared space. Each other member will apparently receiving instructions for installing this tool so that sharing spaces can be synchronized.

In this manner, the tool is mounted to the shared space rather than the user's database. Such other users cannot install this tool to other shared space unless they run GRV to inject this tool into their account.

Tool development / release process

Now you have learned all the details of the tool instance process, knowing that timing in the development / release process is important. The most basic level said that the tool development and release process is to create and edit 4 XML files.

• 1 TPL establishes the interface and behavior of the tool (additional code may still put the Groove Script Base - GSL file).

2 GRV, Description File (XML) and OSD files are used to install tools.

Generally, GRV, description files and OSD files will not change a lot. As a stage of tool design, you should know what components you need to use or create, OSD is generally complete. .

It is template file to change many times. Before it is not perfect, you must repeatedly test, modify, and to Templates.xss to overwrite this template in "Adjustment Period".


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