Understanding UDDI (3): BindingTemplate and Web Service Call (on)

zhaozj2021-02-17  73

Understand UDDI (3):

BindingTemplate and Web Service Call

(This article was originally published by the IBM DeveloperWorks China website, its URL is http://www.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/)

(This article is a BindingTemplate and web service call published in the developerWorks column. You need to browse the original text, please visit http://www.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/)

The technical description of the web service is implemented by an instance of the BindingTemplate structure included. These structures provide support for determining technology entry points, or optionally support remote host hosts, while also providing a lightweight tool for describing a unique technical feature implemented by the designated service implementation. Technical and application-related parameters and configuration files are also supported.

Since the main role of UDDI is used to describe and discover web service information, BindingTemplate is used to describe the most interested technical information.

Each BindingTemplate structure has a single BusinessService logical master structure, and the BusinessService also has a single BusinessSentity logical parent structure.

Structural specification:

Lower layer structure description:

Field name Description Data Type Length BindingKey

A unique key value for a given BindingTemplate. When a new BindingTemplate structure is saved, a BindingKey value of a value should be passed. The above operation will cause the UDDI registration center to generate a new UUID value. To update an existing BindingTemplate structure, it should pass to the UUID value corresponding to the binding information. If the data is obtained by a query operation, the bindingKey value is not empty. This property is optional when the BindingTemplate product contains a ServiceKey value of a serviceKey value while BindingTemplate data is included. If BindingTemplate data is generated as an XML document, this document does not include a BusinessService parent structure with ServiceKey, then the serviceKey value of the parent structure must be provided in BindingTemplate. This behavior supports behavior for browsing with any core element as a starting point, in which case such a data description can easily handle the parent / sub-relations given by the core element. UUID 41 Description optionally repeatable elements. A zero or multiple text descriptions with national language code modifications to technical service entry points. String 255 AccessPoint The necessary data elements modified by the property. This element is a text field used to describe the appropriate entry point address required to call the service. It can be a URL, an E-mail address, or a phone number. Before the technical requirements for the web service are known, the information that appears in the text bar should not be understood. String W / Attributes 255 HostingRedirector

If there is no AccessPoint element, then this element is necessary. This field is a reference that redirect to another BindingTemplate. If you query a bindingTemplate and find a HostingRedire's value, you should get this redirected BindingTemplate and replace the bindingTemplate to replace the original BindingTemplate that contains HostingRedire. EMPTY W / Attributes


This structure is a list of TMODELINSTANCEINFOs. All of this information forms a distinct technical fingerprint that can be used to identify compatible services (which can be considered compatible with the same technical fingerprint). Structure

AccessPoint and HostingRedirector child elements should have one, and only one can appear.

The content of the structure called TMODELINSTANCEDETAILS can be discovered in the BindingTemplate structure as a technical fingerprint service to serve the service. This technical fingerprint is a series of references to specifications and / or concepts of unique identifiers. In order to achieve a new service compatible with a TMODEL, the specification corresponding to the TMODEL must be correctly understood. In order to register a service and declare that it is compatible with a specification, then the TMODELINSTANCEDETAILS in the BindingTemplate instance under this service should include a reference to the TMODEL of the specification, and the referenced key value is TModelKey.


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