Why will UDDI succeed? Even

zhaozj2021-02-17  47

Why will UDDI succeed? Even

Chai Xiaowei


This article was originally published by the IBM DeveloperWorks China website, its URL is http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/

It has been born in May 2001, unified description, discovery and integration protocol (UDDI, Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) has been born. Perhaps the decline in Nasdaq makes the critics to these technical standards more doubtful than ever, but even in this weak economic environment, the support of UDDI technology is still constantly being constantly Growth, this, actually predicted the beginning of the UDDI program success.

The founders of the UDDI standard (IBM, Microsoft and Ariba) Confident UDDI will receive extensive attention, I also believe this, but I also believe that most readers are still very strange to it. At present, the warm discussion on the details of Web services and UDDI standards also appear between some leadings in the field of e-commerce. It is impossible to confirm that the current root cause of UDDI has not obtained the media is? By the way, it is because of its simple negation or to maintain this healthy development of this developer's standards. However, one thing can be confirmed that the elements that make UDDI succeeds are slowly developed behind the scenes.

From the initial 36, more than 250 companies and agencies have signed "In the future support UDDI" protocol and joined the UDDI big group UDDI Community. The development and support of the entire UDDI has covered industrial giants such as Boeing and Ford, as well as major technology providers, such as Microsoft, IBM, Sun, HP, and Oracle. In particular, members in the organization are slowly spanning the boundaries of the company's own development strategy, for example, as a direct competition, together with Ariba and Commerce One, Microsoft and Sun, join hands together to participate in the UDDI program.

All basic superiority contained in UDDI did not have fundamentally changed in the past six months. Development and support for Web services are gradually gradually, and more and more public are public. So why have so many companies that are keen on such a very ordinary agreement? I think there are two main factors to prompt UDDI to get extraordinary success:

§ UDDI can solve the problem is being the current large business environment, everyone is indeed facing and needs to be solved.

§ Very wise and promptly launched technical specifications for technology implementation

Brief review of UDDI

UDDI is essentially some of the issues that cannot be resolved in developing the technical methods used in the development of component-based web services. UDDI has extraordinary technical simplicity, and he provides three important support for Web services:

§ Standardized, transparent, specifically describing the mechanism of web services

§ Simple mechanism for calling web services

§ Accessible Web Service Registration Center

In theory, all information required by the required publication is provided by the UDDI Business Registration Center, including three parts: "White Paper" of the Company Contact Information, "Huang Pei" and the Publishing Service in accordance with the commercial classification of standard classification Technical Description Information of "Green Pass".

The white paper includes:

§ Company Name

§ contact information

§ Description read by people

§ Logo (DUNS, tax account, etc.)

The contents of the yellow book include:

§ Services and product indexes

§ Industrial code

§ Geographical index

The content of the green paper includes:

§ E-commerce rules

§ Service Description

§ Call method

§ Data Binding Because UDDI is usually downgrade as a telephone directory, this important value is easily ignored by the value of such a central business registration center. In fact, the UDDI Registry is just like Internet, is serving a wide range of business media environment.

As an auxiliary description, let's take a look at the WEB before 1994. How do we use web from the two students of Stanford University. How do we use web before updating all the sites they are looking for. Yahoo!, making the Internet users to find and get information on the website. It has a fundamental change. Yahoo! website directory service The impact of the Internet is only used in the NCSA Mosaic browser's impact on the Internet, and we are still using these two techniques and methods.

Before Yahoo! appeared, the discovery information would take a lot of time and rely on the simple cognition of the user's first impression of the website (may rely on a large luck component). This is very similar to the way I found a web service today. The protocols set offline in line are implemented when implementing and connecting remote systems, and their computer and software and software (Web services) are interacted according to technical description documents.

UDDI promises to solve this implementation bottleneck and will significantly strengthen web-based software and other software connection capabilities. Just like Yahoo! drama, the efficiency of web users find information, UDDI's registry and language collection will greatly improve the efficiency of integration based on web-based applications and business processes. Following, technical and business personnel representing corporate wealth will be able to be liberated and their energy is concentrated in resolving strategic issues. When e-commerce develops in the direction of the machine's direct communication, the effective discovery of automated business processes has become a very important implementation mechanism for application implementation.

Commercial front hopes

What is the CIOs in today's society? Simple, let's take a look at the famous vivid description of James Carville: "Bored, this is the economy." At the same time, we will not make detailed detail of layoffs recently disappointing industry income and technical departments. In other words, it is simply that the growing uneasiness prediction of the sudden vacuum and economic prophets in the capital market will prompt the company's decision makers to take conservative postures in the next six months.

Following the traditional wise people will insist, after the investment boom ignited by the Internet after the 1990s, the investment in technology will be very sensible and calm. When we talked to the CIO of a major financial service company, we learned that he had issued a notice of warning from his company in the near future. Ordinary technical decision makers, will not invest in any larger IT project in the remaining time. He believes that the company has overloaded other technical investments in e-commerce and sustainable explosive growth. It is now necessary to pay attention to their monthly fixed costs very carefully. This state may actually predict that the investment tide on the infrastructure that can drive the top expansion is calm.

In any case, this does not mean that all technical investments will disappear. Under the driving of the rule of the financial baseline, the enterprise management will continue to find out that the method that is not developed to improve efficiency. The technical department is still very obvious, we believe that the following technologies will make the company's trade more effective - Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Supply Chain Management and Collaboration Program and Forecasts - In the future, more than nine months A large amount of attention will be obtained.

Although income issues also plaguing Ariba and Commerce ONE, their MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Operation) system and non-direct material procurement automation technology makes automatic commercial trade operates in the simplest form, this makes us feel the development of these companies The next generation of commercial web services have a good hope. Most of their potential customers have collected the most underlying results and are trying to find the efficiency of the more complex processes that the Web service can do.

From a historical point of view, these complex processes have been distorted and equivalent to the installed business resource plan software (ERP). The technology-based technique only replaces certain parts of them, while most of them are still dominated by traditional techniques. Returning a step to examine this situation We think it is very worthwhile, why enterprise applications use such a way - supply chain automation, ERP, and a large number of enterprise application integration (EAI) modules - from the perspective of technology How difficult is it.

Simply put, this is due to each mode, pre-planned, automated business process is unique. Of course, the code for more advanced software may be advanced, face-phase objective and reusable, but when inter-system contacts - use programmers' professional terms, description and documentation Remote Program (RPCS) - is still an isolated incident. Whenever there is a new partner or customer to enter this mixture, the implementation of the application connection must be re-coded again.

The fundamental reason is that the remote process interface is unrecognizable. In other words, with the ability of these technologies, these interfaces cannot be automatically queried under such a system architecture, and the system cannot be "self-cured" to re-establish the connection in the peer-to-peer system that has been established. Remote program calls are recognized fragile and it is also the weakest in all EAI implementations.

When this business process negotiation is improved, we will continue to review the preliminary attempts of inappropriate supply chain automation like NIKE. In this case, we do not need to blame techniques (which use I2 technology), but its fundamental technical design concept must be changed, and the purpose is to prevent such disasters in the future. A complementary material for Nike this: A analyst of the Gartner Group recently expects 5% of the mainstream companies in the implementation of new enterprise software to experience a certain degree of failure in the coming year.


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