Configure log4net to MS SQL under ASP.NET.

zhaozj2021-02-17  46

Log4net is an excellent open source log project, which is now written as a Demo, as follows

0: Preparation

Go to, you can download log4net, the latest version 1.2,

Create an ASP.NET web project and add log4net.dll to reference

1: Establish a data sheet

Create Table [DBO]. [Log] (

[ID] [INT] Identity (1, 1) Not NULL,

[DATE] [datetime] not null,

[Thread] [varchar] (255) Not null,

[Level] [varchar] (50) Not null,

[Logger] [varchar] (255) Not null,

[Message] [varchar] (4000) Not null,

[EXception] [varchar] NULL


2: Write a configuration file




Special instructions , this is the buffer size of the log information record, (such as only the log information record reaches 10,

Write log information to the database

3: in Global.asax.cs

Protected void Application_Start (Object Sender, Eventargs E)


// Read configuration information

Log4net.config.domconfigurator.configure ();


4: A Demo class that uses log

Using system;

Namespace log



/// MYLOG summary description.


Public class mylog


Private static readonly log4net.ilog log = log4net.logmanager.getlogger (Typlace);

Public static void loginfo ()

{ ("Log Log");


Public static void logerror ()


LOG.INFO ("Log Error");




5: Resources:

My blog:

Main site

Learn articles using Log4Net



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