Use the Callbacks mechanism for Web Service in .NET (3)

zhaozj2021-02-17  84

Return WsdlFromFile (Source);

// Try to get from the file system


Public string wsdlfromfile (String FileFullPathname)


FileInfo Fi = New FileInfo (FileFullPathname);

IF (FI.EXTension == "WSDL")


FILESTREAM FS = New FileStream (FileFullPathname, FileMode.Open,;

StreamReader SR = New StreamReader (FS);

Char [] buffer = new char [(int) fs.length];

Sr.Readblock (buffer, 0, (int) fs.length);

Return New String (Buffer);


Throw New Exception ("this is no a wsdl file");


// Make Assembly for Specified WSDL Text

Public assembly assemblyFromWSDL (String strwsdl)


// XML Text Reader

StringReader WSDLStringReader = New StringReader (STRWSDL);

XMLTextReader Tr = New XMLTextReader (WSDLStringReader);

Servicedescription SD = (TR);

Tr.Close ();

// WSDL Service Description Importer

CODENAMESPACE CNS = New CodenameSpace ("rkiss.webserviceAccessor");

ServiceDescriptionImporter SDI = New ServicesDescriptionImp Porter ();

SDi.AddServicedScription (SD, NULL, NULL);

SDI.PROTOCOLNAME = _Protocolname;


// Source Code Generation

CsharpcodeProvider Cscp = New CsharpcodeProvider ();

ICodeGenerator ICG = cscp.creategenerator ();

Stringbuilder srcstringbuilder = new stringbuilder ();

StringWriter SW = New StringWriter (srcstringbuilder);

Icg.generatecodefromNamespace (CNS, SW, NULL);

_srcwsproxy = srcstringbuilder.tostring ();


// assembly compilation.

CompilerParameters cp = new compilerparameters ();

cp.referencedassemblies.add ("system.dll");

cp.referencedassemblies.add ("System.xml.dll");

Cp.ReferenceDassemblies.add (""); cp.generateexecutable = false;

Cp.GenerateInmemory = True;

Cp.includebuginformation = false;

ICodeCompiler ICC = cscp.createcompiler ();

CompilerResults cr = icc.compileAssemblyfromsource (CP, _SRCWSPROXY);

IF (cr.errors.count> 0)

Throw new Exception (String.Format ("Build Failed: {0} ErrorS",


Return_Ass = cr.compiledassembly;


// CREATE Instance of the Web Service Proxy

Public Object CreateInstance (String ObjTypename)


TYPE T = _Ass.gettype ("RKISS.WEBSERVICEACCESSOR" "." ObjTypename);

Return Activator.createInstance (T);


// Invoke Method on The Obj

Public Object Invoke (Object Obj, String MethodName, Params Object [] ARGS


MethodInfo Mi = Obj.gettype (). GetMethod (MethodName);

Return Mi.invoke (OBJ, ARGS);



WebserviceEventargs class.

The WebServiceEventArgs class is used to pass the call status. This has an example of helping you understand the concept. This class is dependent on this application, but only one field is defined as _state. This field is a Callback

Cookie; additionally, there are two ways to serialize / deserialize. Here I use explicitly and implicit operators to operate / incoming strings.

// The Callback State Class


Public Class WebServiceEventArgs: Eventargs


Private string _name;

Private string_state;

Private int _paham;


Public String Name


Get {return _name;}

Set {_name = value;}


Public String State


Get {return _state;}

Set {_State = Value;}


Public Int Param


Get {return_param;}

Set {_Param = Value;}


Public Static Implicit Operator String (WebServiceEventArgs Obj)


StringBuilder XmlstringBuilder = new stringbuilder ();

XmlTextWriter TW = New XmlTextWriter (New StringWriter (NEW STRINGWRITER


XMLSerializer Serializer = New XMLSerializer (TypeOf (WebServiceEventArgs);

Serializer.Serialize (TW, OBJ);

Tw.close ();

Return XmlstringBuilder.toString ();


Public Static Explicit Operator WebServiceEventArgs (String XMlobj)


XMLSerializer Serializer = New XMLSERIALIZER (

TypeOf (WebServiceEventArgs);

XMLTextReader TR = New StringRextReader (New StringReader (XMLOBJ));

WebserviceEventArgs EA =

Serializer.deSerialize (TR) AS WebServiceEventArgs;

Tr.Close ();

Return EA;




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