The structure of the ODBC file DSN

zhaozj2021-02-08  207

ODBC Document DSN Small Secret 1. Create a file with an attachment with the WordPad text editor, the format is as follows, then put it according to the text: Note: The format is important and must be stored as 'text format' Otherwise, don't recognize that other editors should also. ######################### [odbc] driver = Driver name uid = user name PWD = password Database = database name WSID = server name app = (casually fill) server = server name ################### ########## 2. Copy this .dsn file to your common files / odbc / dataserces directory, if you can't get your directory, try to test a file DSN in the control panel and find this file. You can get a directory. 3. Use the "filedsn = file name .dsn" can be connected. ******************************** *********************************************************** The following is my experiment file: [odbc] driver = SQL ServerUId = Sapwd = finegirlDatabase = testdbwsid = tbb-itapp = netstar ApplicationServer = TBB-IT2. Copy to C: / Program Files / Common files / ODBC / DataSources Directory 3. The program is called as follows: DIM CN as new "filedsn = my.dsn" ************************* *********************************************************** ** Clear enough, remember to add points, if you are handsome enough, please drink coffee. :)


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