Use CB skills to solve the dynamic binding event in VC

zhaozj2021-02-17  80

Use CB skills to solve the dynamic binding event in VC

First, declare that I am not very familiar with VC, I have a colleague who discovers the dynamically created button when using VC, such as click, he created several buttons, but to handle their click It is very troublesome when the event is, it is necessary to build several corresponding functions.

I use CB, the event binding in the CB is very easy, as long as you create a MyClick (Tobject * Sender) function, then Button-> OnClick = MyClick: It is ok, even if it is The button can be processed with this function to use this function to force the Sender to force the Sender to force to TButton types.

Use the above practice to the VC, I think it is ok.

First inherit the CBUTTON class (CMYBUTTON), declare the typedef void (Int ID) in the header file; // This parameter is set according to different situations.

Define a public member variable in the class



INT m_id; // This is the only sign used to record the button

Then handle the original OnClick events of this class, write this in the function

void onclicked ()


IF (m_myclick)

m_myclick (m_id);


This is OK.

Create a function in your program (cannot be a member function of the class)

Void __cdecl myclick (int ID)


// Do what you want to do

AfxMessageBox ("You click on the button");


// Dynamically create, dynamically bind

For (int i = 0; i




TButton.m_id = i;

TButton.m_myclick = myclick;



// below is CMYBUTTON class

TypeDef void (* cmyclick) (INT ID);

Class CMYButton: Public CButton


// construction



// attributes



INT m_id; // This is the only sign used to record the button

// Operations


// Overrides

// ClassWizard Generated Virtual Function Overrides



// Implementation


Virtual ~ cmybutton ();

// generated message map functions



AFX_MSG void onclicked ();

//}} AFX_MSG



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