Tomcat + ApacheSoap WebService deployed to the COM object

zhaozj2021-02-17  80

If you have used Microsoft's SOAPToolBox, you will know that you will be a very simple thing to deploy an access to COM objects. In the Java environment, it is not very complicated to complete this matter. The following is I access a simple COM object via WebService, with a simple SayHello method returns a string.

My environment is Tomcat 4.0 apachasoap, where tomcat is downloaded at, and Apachesoap is downloaded at step 1. Contain SOAP. JAR to ClassPath 2. Set the path where the comprovider.dll is located to PATH 3. VB Write a COM object code The following 'webdll.simath public function sayhello () AS STRING SAYHELLO = "Hello from object" End Function Compile Generate Webdll.dll 4. Write a deployment description file Webdll.xml Org.apache.soap.server.domfaultListener 5. Deploy Java Org.Apache.soap.server.serviceManagerClient http: // localhost: 8080 / soap / servlet / rpcrouter Deploy Webdll.xml 6.

Client program import *; import *; Import java.util. *; Import org.apache.soap. *; Import org.apache.soap.rpc. *; Public class jclient {public static Void main (string [] args) throws exception {integer n1 = null; integer n2 = null; final string URN = "URN: Webdll-com"; Vector params = new vector (); URL URL = New URL ("http: // " serverhost ": " serverport soapservlet); // Build the call Call call = new Call (); call.setTargetObjectURI (urn); call.setMethodName (." SayHello "); call.setEncodingStyleURI (Constants. NS_URI_SOAP_ENC); Call.SetParams (params); Response Resp = CALL.INVOKE (/ * router URL * / URL, / * ActionURI * / "); if (resp.generatedfault ()) {Fault Fault = Resp.GetFault ); System.out.println ("Ouch, The Call Failed:"); System.out.Println ("Fault Code =" Fault.GetFaultCode (); System.out.Println ("Fault String =" FAULT .getfaultstring ();} else {parameter results (); system.out.println;}}} static string serverhost = "L Ocalhost "; static string serverport =" 8080 "; static string soapservlet =" / soap / servlet / rpcrouter ";} // end addit 7. Test operation compile JClient boot Tomcat Run Java JClient Return Results Hello from object text Not properly, ZLYPERSON @


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