Sybase Easerver 3.6 Frequently Asked Questions

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Sybase Easerver 3.6 Frequently Asked Questions

(Shi Wei July 20, 2001) 17:55) First, talk about the status of Easerver in a three-tier structure and web-like distributed applications and what role it is in it. Figure 1 is the relationship between the Easerver product and the relationship between the product package and the outside. I believe that you will have a deep understanding of it after seeing this picture. Figure 1 between Easerver products and the relationship between the product package and the outside, Easerver FAQ 1. What is Easerver? Easerver is Sybase proposed solutions for e-commerce applications that provide users with comprehensive enterprise-level web, distributed and customer / server applications, which is an abbreviation of English Sybase Enterprise Application Server. 2. What is Jaguarts and PowerDynamo? JAGUAR CTS (Component Transaction Server) and PowerDynamo are two main server products for Sybase E-Commerce Solutions Easerver. JAGUAR CTS is a component transaction server, which is the core product of the intermediate layer of the Sybase new adaptive component architecture. Its application type is an enterprise / server application and Web OLTP app under multi-layer structures. It is a future web application. Typical representative of development. Power Dynamo is a professional application server product that will be managed to manage the management of the database and the Web site. Its main role is to provide a wide range of application service sets for creating data-driven web applications, providing an interpretative gateway in the web server and database. 3. Sybase's e-commerce solutions Easerver products and other commonly used products. The application server Power Dynamo is equivalent to the currently common Microsoft Active Server Pages (JSP), JavaSoft's Java Server Pages (JSP), and PHP, etc .; component transaction servers are equivalent to Microsoft's MTS. These different products have thousands of autumn, but features are basically similar. 4. What is the latest version of Easerver? The latest version of Easerver is a version 3.6.1 released in November 2000. The new version fully supports the J2EE architecture, and has received J2EE authentication granted by Sun, which contains: EJB 1.1, Corba 2.2, Java Servlet 2.2, JSP 1.1, JTA 1.0, JDBC 2.0, JNDI 1.2, Java Mail 1.1 and other 5. What is the running platform of Easerver? The latest EaserVer3.6 is mainly to provide Windows NT and Sun Solaris platforms, while Easerver 3.5 can run on other UNIX platforms, including HP and Linux. But in the Eastudio product family, Powerj and Powerbuilder and PowerSite, etc., there are currently only Windows run platforms. 6. What are the protocol standards supported by Easerver?

Distributed Protocol: IIOP, IIOPS, HTTP, HTTPS, TDS, CGI, ISAPI, NSAPI, and PowerDynamo dedicated protocols. Database driver: OpenClient (Native Sybase), Native Oracle 7 & 8, JDBC, ODBC, etc. Component Model: COM (DCOM), Java / Servlet / JSP, EJB, PB NVO, and C and C , etc. 7. The relationship between Easerver and CORBA? Easerver supports the CORBA architecture, and CORBA plays a very important role on Easerver. 8. Easerver supports those components type?

ActiveX (Or Com) Components Java-Corba Componentsenterprise

JavaBeans (EJB 1.1) CORBA C Components, C Components Powerbuilder NVO's (Sybase ProPrietary) Java Servlet 2.2 Java ServerPages (JSP 1.1) 9. What are the development tools for Easerver? Sybase provides the following development tools:

Powerj to develop Java's environment, and it supports Easerver; PowerBuilder can be used to develop the NVO components of Jaugar CTS; PowerSite is used to make web design and production; PowerDynamo is used to complete the interpretative gateway between Web Server to database; Adaptive Server Anywhere Database can be used to manage the page, and so on. On the other hand, other development tools can also be used, such as VB / VC / Delphi / JBuilder, etc., as long as the development of the developed components will be submitted to the Easerver. 10. How to solve the problem that occurs during the installation EASERVER? If an error occurs during the installation process, you should first check the information about the log files Srv.log in the bin subdirectory in the directory of the JAGUAR; you can also find the answer or ask questions in the for . 11. How do I find an error message to execute EASERVER? Check the srv.log log files under the directory bin where Jaguar is located. 12. How to connect to JAGUAR Manager? Start Jaguar Manager, select Link Jaguar Server, enter the connection information in the pop-up dialog box, and ensure that the user name is: jagadmin, password (password) is blank, host name (host name) is Localhost, the port number is (Port Number) is 9000 and can be connected to the Easerver. 12.EA Server can run on a Windows 2000 platform? Easerver 3.6 can run in the Windows 2000 platform, but Sybase is not officially announced to support Win 2000. Second, JAGUAT CTS Problem 1. How do I change the jaguarts server listener (Listener), launch Jaguarcts Manager, log in to Jaguar Manager as Jagadmin, click Servers to expand this folder, then expand the JAGUAR folder, click Listener folder, you will see a lot of listener profile (such as. IIOP, IIOPS, etc.), with the listener you want to change in the mouse, click the right mouse button, select Lister Properties, modify in the pop-up dialog box. Here is the listener configuration of the default JAGUAR server. If the user creates a server yourself, you must manually configure the listener of these services, at least there are at least two protocols of the HTTP. The name of the default listener is localhost, which generally wants to change the name of IIOP and HTTP to the name of the machine where JAGUAR CTS is located. Otherwise, PowerBuilder, PowerSite or Dynamo cannot find Jaugar CTS. 2. Why do you change the PASSWORD of Jaguarcts's PASSWORD machine downtime? May cause a typical installation when installing EASTUDIO, generally in Jaguar Server, in Jaguar Server, in Jaguar Server when installing Eastudio. Some component types are "Service Components".

The solution is as follows: Start Jaguarcts Manager, and log in to Jaguar Manager as Jagadmin, select Jaguar Manager / Servers, and select "Server Properties", right click, select "All Properties" tab, find " Service "property, click the Modify button, delete the text in the pop-up window, then select the OK button. After the modification is complete, restart JAGUAR CTS Server. 3. Can you install jaguarts into NT services? If you have already installed a service, how to delete the service? When installing Eastudio, you can directly select the JaguArts to NT service. If you do not have the installation as a service at installation, you can also install it as a service after the installation is successful, or you can uninstall the JAGUAR service that has been installed as a NT service. The method is as follows: Installing jaguar into the DOS mode for NT services; transfer the current directory to the bin directory in the directory where JAGUAR CTS is located; run the command serverStart Server -Install, here Server is the server name, it is to display in the Jaguar CTS manager Consistent. After running this command, you can see the service name in the NT control palette. Deleting the JAGUAR's NT service is similar, just command is ServerStart Server -remove, where Server is the name displayed in the "Services" item list in the Window NT Control Item. 4. When performing HTML DataWindow, the system gives the classpath not found information? This error is very easy to appear in the initial period of development, the main reason is that some of the types of paths and paths required for the system run are not set correctly. Determine the following ClassPath and Path environment settings in your machine. Here, Sybase is installed in a C: / Program Files / Sybase directory, Easerver is version 3.6.

ClassPath C: / Program Files / Sybase / Shared / Sun / JDK118 / LIB / CLASS.ZIP; C: / Program Files / Sybase / Jaguar CTS 3.5 / HTML / CLASES; C: / Program Files / Sybase / Jaguar CTS 3.5 / Java / class; c: / program files / sybase / shared / powerbuilder / ;. path C: / Program Files / Sybase / Jaguar CTS 3.5 / bin; C: / Program Files / Sybase / Jaguar CTS 3.5 / DLL; C : / Program Files / Sybase / Jaguar CTS 3.5 / Client / DLL; C: / Program Files / Sybase / Shared / Sun / JDK118 / BIN; C: / Program Files / Sybase / Shared / PowerBuilder; C: / Program Files / Sybase / Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0 / Win32; C: / Program Files / Sybase / PowerDynamo / Win32; 5. How to install Jaguar CTS and POWERDYNAMO on different machines? When installing Jaguar CTS and PowerDynamo on a different machine, you need to pay attention to the following points (% jaguar% means jaguar's home directory): copy all things under the% jaguar% / html / classes to the machine where PowerDynamo is located And specify CLASSPATH and PATH to this directory; change the listener configuration on JAGUAR Server, the purpose is to allow JAGUAR Server to accept service requests from the remote PowerDynamo. How to set it out, it has already been said, it is not repeated. 6. How do Jaguar Manager controls the remote JAGUARCTS? First configure the listener that needs to be controlled to control, change the IIOP listener property to the machine name, restart JAGUAR CTS Server. Then start JAGUAR Manager on the machine to be controlled, enter the name of the IIOP listener you want to control during the Host Name when logging in. 7. What is Connection Caches, how to use? In the Client / Server structure, each access to the database generates a connection, and then releases this connection after the end is completed. In the JAGUAR CTS Component Transaction Server, in order to overcome this problem in Client / Server, the mechanism of Connection Caches is introduced. Generally, the front-end application requests the components in the Jaugar CTS to perform some logical processing, but in the same, each front-end program is not necessarily connected to the database at the same time, so JaguArts establishes a buffer pool that stores the connection database, when the component needs When using a database connection, jaguarcts will sequentially remove from Pool, which is returned to Pool when it is no longer needed, in fact, there can be a lot of front-end applications to share several database connections, improve response performance. 8. When establishing a Connection Cache in the Jaguar CTS, the connection buffer created in the IP address in Server Name is invalid? Invalid is normal. When establishing a connection cache in the Jaguar CTS, the ServerName has the following:

ODBC mode should be filled in ODBC's DSN (Data Source Name) instead of the remote host IP address; JDBC / ODBC mode, you should fill in JDBC: ODBC: EAS DEMO DB V3; JCONNECT mode, you should fill in JDBC: Sybase: TDS: 2638; OCI mode, you should fill in Oracle TNS Names. 9. What is the life cycle of components in CTS? NewInstance → Activation → Invoke Method → ​​Invocation Complete → Deactivation → Destruction, etc. 10. What are the management of transactions? Mainly: 2-Phase Commital, DTC (Microsoft), JTS (Java), and XA (Mainframe). 11. What is the status quo of JAGUARCTS in Linux? At present, Jagarects is version 3.5 Beta (2000 APR) on the Linux operating system, which can only be executed on the BlackDown JDK with Native Threads. Third, PowerDynamo issues how PowerDynamo works with Web Server and databases? After the web server setting is connected to PowerDynamo, PowerDynamo directly uses the URL format, and the web server will point the request for the front-end page to PowerDynamo. With the background database section, you can connect to the database with the set of PowerDynamo's template wizards to the database, which can use the embedded SQL statement (Embed-SQL), after the Server end is executed, passed through ISAPI, NSAPI or CGI. Web Server sends back the front end, or first PowerDynamop connects the JAGUAR CTS component to connect to the database. 2. PowerDynamo supports those Web Server® PowerDynamo to support Personal Web Server, IIS, Netscape, Apache, and other web Server. 3. If you enter the URL directly in your browser, Browser displays all directories of Website. How to avoid? Change the contView.ssc file under the System directory in the PowerDynamo Web Site site to avoid the above results. The file can be deleted, or the internal structure of the file can also be modified, as follows the program, will pass the index.stm of the current directory back to the user.

<- script curdoc = document.location; document.redirect = curdoc "/index.stm"; -> then build index.stm files in each directory. Hiding, you can modify the ContView.ssc file according to different situations to meet your needs. Finally, almost everyone will have such a problem. From these introductions, Easerver has exhibited powerful features in enterprise web, distributed and customer / server applications. What is the current successful case of this product? According to Sybase Media, Easerver is the most beautiful scenery of 1998, this is a set of numbers they offer, I believe you will make correct judgment. From June 12 to July 12, 1998, there were 11.4 billion page clicks; click on the up to June 30, 1998, a total of 7,3 million; click on the up to one hour, June 29, 1998; June 29, 1998 On the day, there are a total of 1 million; click on the most minutes from June 29, 1998, a total of 235,356 times. There are few cases in China. At present, I am currently involved in the development of the Ningbo National Tax Surveillance System should be a successful case. There are other successful cases. You can go to the Sybase website. Sybase EaserVer 3.6 Frequently Asked Questions (Shi Yuzhen July 20, 2001) 17:55) First, talk about the status of Easerver in distributed applications in the three-layer structure and the web, and what role it is in it. Figure 1 is the relationship between the Easerver product and the relationship between the product package and the outside. I believe that you will have a deep understanding of it after seeing this picture. Figure 1 between Easerver products and the relationship between the product package and the outside, Easerver FAQ 1. What is Easerver? Easerver is Sybase proposed solutions for e-commerce applications that provide users with comprehensive enterprise-level web, distributed and customer / server applications, which is an abbreviation of English Sybase Enterprise Application Server. 2. What is Jaguarts and PowerDynamo? JAGUAR CTS (Component Transaction Server) and PowerDynamo are two main server products for Sybase E-Commerce Solutions Easerver. JAGUAR CTS is a component transaction server, which is the core product of the intermediate layer of the Sybase new adaptive component architecture. Its application type is an enterprise / server application and Web OLTP app under multi-layer structures. It is a future web application. Typical representative of development. Power Dynamo is a professional application server product that will be managed to manage the management of the database and the Web site. Its main role is to provide a wide range of application service sets for creating data-driven web applications, providing an interpretative gateway in the web server and database. 3. Sybase's e-commerce solutions Easerver products and other commonly used products. The application server Power Dynamo is equivalent to the currently common Microsoft Active Server Pages (JSP), JavaSoft's Java Server Pages (JSP), and PHP, etc .; component transaction servers are equivalent to Microsoft's MTS. These different products have thousands of autumn, but features are basically similar.

4. What is the latest version of Easerver? The latest version of Easerver is a version 3.6.1 released in November 2000. The new version fully supports the J2EE architecture, and has received J2EE authentication granted by Sun, which contains: EJB 1.1, Corba 2.2, Java Servlet 2.2, JSP 1.1, JTA 1.0, JDBC 2.0, JNDI 1.2, Java Mail 1.1 and other 5. What is the running platform of Easerver? The latest EaserVer3.6 is mainly to provide Windows NT and Sun Solaris platforms, while Easerver 3.5 can run on other UNIX platforms, including HP and Linux. But in the Eastudio product family, Powerj and Powerbuilder and PowerSite, etc., there are currently only Windows run platforms. 6. What are the protocol standards supported by Easerver? Distributed Protocol: IIOP, IIOPS, HTTP, HTTPS, TDS, CGI, ISAPI, NSAPI, and PowerDynamo dedicated protocols. Database driver: OpenClient (Native Sybase), Native Oracle 7 & 8, JDBC, ODBC, etc. Component Model: COM (DCOM), Java / Servlet / JSP, EJB, PB NVO, and C and C , etc. 7. The relationship between Easerver and CORBA? Easerver supports the CORBA architecture, and CORBA plays a very important role on Easerver. 8. Easerver supports those components type?

ActiveX (Or Compass "Java-Corba Components


JavaBeans (EJB 1.1) CORBA C Components, C Components Powerbuilder NVO's (Sybase ProPrietary) Java Servlet 2.2 Java ServerPages (JSP 1.1) 9. What are the development tools for Easerver? Sybase provides the following development tools:

Powerj to develop Java's environment, and it supports Easerver; PowerBuilder can be used to develop the NVO components of Jaugar CTS; PowerSite is used to make web design and production; PowerDynamo is used to complete the interpretative gateway between Web Server to database; Adaptive Server Anywhere Database can be used to manage the page, and so on. On the other hand, other development tools can also be used, such as VB / VC / Delphi / JBuilder, etc., as long as the development of the developed components will be submitted to the Easerver. 10. How to solve the problem that occurs during the installation EASERVER? If an error occurs during the installation process, you should first check the information about the log files Srv.log in the bin subdirectory in the directory of the JAGUAR; you can also find the answer or ask questions in the for . 11. How do I find an error message to execute EASERVER? Check the srv.log log files under the directory bin where Jaguar is located. 12. How to connect to JAGUAR Manager? Start Jaguar Manager, select Link Jaguar Server, enter the connection information in the pop-up dialog box, and ensure that the user name is: jagadmin, password (password) is blank, host name (host name) is Localhost, the port number is (Port Number) is 9000 and can be connected to the Easerver. 12.EA Server can run on a Windows 2000 platform? Easerver 3.6 can run in the Windows 2000 platform, but Sybase is not officially announced to support Win 2000. Second, JAGUAT CTS Problem 1. How do I change the jaguarts server listener (Listener), launch Jaguarcts Manager, log in to Jaguar Manager as Jagadmin, click Servers to expand this folder, then expand the JAGUAR folder, click Listener folder, you will see a lot of listener profile (such as. IIOP, IIOPS, etc.), with the listener you want to change in the mouse, click the right mouse button, select Lister Properties, modify in the pop-up dialog box. Here is the listener configuration of the default JAGUAR server. If the user creates a server yourself, you must manually configure the listener of these services, at least there are at least two protocols of the HTTP. The name of the default listener is localhost, which generally wants to change the name of IIOP and HTTP to the name of the machine where JAGUAR CTS is located. Otherwise, PowerBuilder, PowerSite or Dynamo cannot find Jaugar CTS. 2. Why do you change the PASSWORD of Jaguarcts's PASSWORD machine downtime? May cause a typical installation when installing EASTUDIO, generally in Jaguar Server, in Jaguar Server, in Jaguar Server when installing Eastudio. Some component types are "Service Components".

The solution is as follows: Start Jaguarcts Manager, and log in to Jaguar Manager as Jagadmin, select Jaguar Manager / Servers, and select "Server Properties", right click, select "All Properties" tab, find " Service "property, click the Modify button, delete the text in the pop-up window, then select the OK button. After the modification is complete, restart JAGUAR CTS Server. 3. Can you install jaguarts into NT services? If you have already installed a service, how to delete the service? When installing Eastudio, you can directly select the JaguArts to NT service. If you do not have the installation as a service at installation, you can also install it as a service after the installation is successful, or you can uninstall the JAGUAR service that has been installed as a NT service. The method is as follows: Installing jaguar into the DOS mode for NT services; transfer the current directory to the bin directory in the directory where JAGUAR CTS is located; run the command serverStart Server -Install, here Server is the server name, it is to display in the Jaguar CTS manager Consistent. After running this command, you can see the service name in the NT control palette. Deleting the JAGUAR's NT service is similar, just command is ServerStart Server -remove, where Server is the name displayed in the "Services" item list in the Window NT Control Item. 4. When performing HTML DataWindow, the system gives the classpath not found information? This error is very easy to appear in the initial period of development, the main reason is that some of the types of paths and paths required for the system run are not set correctly. Determine the following ClassPath and Path environment settings in your machine. Here, Sybase is installed in a C: / Program Files / Sybase directory, Easerver is version 3.6.

ClassPath C: / Program Files / Sybase / Shared / Sun / JDK118 / LIB / CLASS.ZIP; C: / Program Files / Sybase / Jaguar CTS 3.5 / HTML / CLASES; C: / Program Files / Sybase / Jaguar CTS 3.5 / Java / class; c: / program files / sybase / shared / powerbuilder / ;. path C: / Program Files / Sybase / Jaguar CTS 3.5 / bin; C: / Program Files / Sybase / Jaguar CTS 3.5 / DLL; C : / Program Files / Sybase / Jaguar CTS 3.5 / Client / DLL; C: / Program Files / Sybase / Shared / Sun / JDK118 / BIN; C: / Program Files / Sybase / Shared / PowerBuilder; C: / Program Files / Sybase / Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0 / Win32; C: / Program Files / Sybase / PowerDynamo / Win32; 5. How to install Jaguar CTS and POWERDYNAMO on different machines? When installing Jaguar CTS and PowerDynamo on a different machine, you need to pay attention to the following points (% jaguar% means jaguar's home directory): copy all things under the% jaguar% / html / classes to the machine where PowerDynamo is located And specify CLASSPATH and PATH to this directory; change the listener configuration on JAGUAR Server, the purpose is to allow JAGUAR Server to accept service requests from the remote PowerDynamo. How to set it out, it has already been said, it is not repeated. 6. How do Jaguar Manager controls the remote JAGUARCTS? First configure the listener that needs to be controlled to control, change the IIOP listener property to the machine name, restart JAGUAR CTS Server. Then start JAGUAR Manager on the machine to be controlled, enter the name of the IIOP listener you want to control during the Host Name when logging in. 7. What is Connection Caches, how to use? In the Client / Server structure, each access to the database generates a connection, and then releases this connection after the end is completed. In the JAGUAR CTS Component Transaction Server, in order to overcome this problem in Client / Server, the mechanism of Connection Caches is introduced. Generally, the front-end application requests the components in the Jaugar CTS to perform some logical processing, but in the same, each front-end program is not necessarily connected to the database at the same time, so JaguArts establishes a buffer pool that stores the connection database, when the component needs When using a database connection, jaguarcts will sequentially remove from Pool, which is returned to Pool when it is no longer needed, in fact, there can be a lot of front-end applications to share several database connections, improve response performance. 8. When establishing a Connection Cache in the Jaguar CTS, the connection buffer created in the IP address in Server Name is invalid? Invalid is normal. When establishing a connection cache in the Jaguar CTS, the ServerName has the following:

ODBC mode should be filled in ODBC's DSN (Data Source Name) instead of the remote host IP address; JDBC / ODBC mode, you should fill in JDBC: ODBC: EAS DEMO DB V3; JCONNECT mode, you should fill in JDBC: Sybase: TDS: 2638; OCI mode, you should fill in Oracle TNS Names. 9. What is the life cycle of components in CTS? NewInstance → Activation → Invoke Method → ​​Invocation Complete → Deactivation → Destruction, etc. 10. What are the management of transactions? Mainly: 2-Phase Commital, DTC (Microsoft), JTS (Java), and XA (Mainframe). 11. What is the status quo of JAGUARCTS in Linux? At present, Jagarects is version 3.5 Beta (2000 APR) on the Linux operating system, which can only be executed on the BlackDown JDK with Native Threads. Third, PowerDynamo issues how PowerDynamo works with Web Server and databases? After the web server setting is connected to PowerDynamo, PowerDynamo directly uses the URL format, and the web server will point the request for the front-end page to PowerDynamo. With the background database section, you can connect to the database with the set of PowerDynamo's template wizards to the database, which can use the embedded SQL statement (Embed-SQL), after the Server end is executed, passed through ISAPI, NSAPI or CGI. Web Server sends back the front end, or first PowerDynamop connects the JAGUAR CTS component to connect to the database. 2. PowerDynamo supports those Web Server® PowerDynamo to support Personal Web Server, IIS, Netscape, Apache, and other web Server. 3. If you enter the URL directly in your browser, Browser displays all directories of Website. How to avoid? Change the contView.ssc file under the System directory in the PowerDynamo Web Site site to avoid the above results. The file can be deleted, or the internal structure of the file can also be modified, as follows the program, will pass the index.stm of the current directory back to the user.


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