The key is to use DBGRID event ontitleclick
First, judge which column is,
i: = column.index;
Then determine which field is it?
Field: = dbgrid1.columns [i] .fieldname 'ASC';
Finally, sort:
The above is just ascending order, to add descending order, use 'dec'
To click, ascending, then click, descend the order .....
Use a parity judgment
An example of me
(Where Bsort: Boolean, initialization when FormShow)
procedure TfmPlayVideo.DBGrid1TitleClick (Column: TColumn); var i: integer; fieldname: string; begin // Sort i: = Column.Index; if bSort then begin fieldname: = DBGrid1.Columns [i] .FieldName 'ASC'; bSort : = False; Else Begin FieldName: = dbgrid1.columns [i] .fieldname 'dec'; bsort: = true; end; QRYSHOW.SORT: = FIELDNAME; END;