Delphi compile error message

zhaozj2021-02-17  71


* Compile error 信 信 *


'; "NOT ALOWED BEFORE' ELSE 'ELSE is not allowed"; "

'' CLAUSE NOT ALLOWED IN OLE Automation Section does not allow "" clause in OLE automatic section

'' is not a type Identifier is not a type identifier

'' not previously Declared as a property NOTY PROPERTY


Clause Expected, But Found Requirements , but

16-bit fixup encountered in Object file '' In the object file encountered 16 restoration

486/487 Instructions Not Enabled Can't use 486/487 instructions

Abstract Methods Must Be Virtual or Dynamic Abstract Method must be virtual or dynamic

Array Type Required requires an array type

Assignment to for-loop variable '' gives for loop variable assignment

Bad Argument Type In Variable Type Array Constructor Incorrect Parameter Type in Variable Type Architecture

Bad file format '' error file format

BAD FILE FORMAT: Error file format

Bad Global Symbol Definition: '' IN Object File '' object file '' Directed global symbol definition ''

Bad Unit Format: Error unit Format

Break or Continue Outside of Loop Break or Continue Beyond the loop

Cannot Add or Subtract Relocatable Symbols cannot add or reduce reset symbols

Cannot Assign to a Read-Only Property cannot specify read-only properties

Cannot Break, Continue or Exit Out of a finally Clause exceeds the range of Finally clauses, can't use Break, Continue or Exit statements

Cannot Initialize Local Variables cannot initialize local variables

Cannot Initialize Multiple Variables cannot initialize multiple variables

Cannot Initialize Thread Local Variables cannot initialize the thread local variable

Cannot Override A Static Method Cannot override Static Method Cannot Read A Write-Only Property Can't read only write properties

Case Label Outside of Range of Case Expression Case labels beyond the range of CASE expressions

Circular Unit Reference To Cyclic References for Unit

Class Already Has A Default Property class has a default attribute

Class Does Not Have A Default Property class does not have the default attribute

Class or Object Types Only Allowed In Type Section Only a class or object type is allowed

Class Type Required requires class types

Close Error ON File Turning off error

Compile Terminated by User User Mediation Compile

Constant EXPECTED requires constant

Constant Expression EXPECTED requires constant expressions

Constant Expression Violates Subrange Bounds Constant Expression Benefits Benefits

Constant Object Cannot Be Passed As Var Parameter Constant Object Can't be passed as a variable parameter

Constant or Type Identifier Expected requires constant or type identifier

Constants Cannot Be Used As Open Array Arguments constant cannot be used as an open array parameter

Constructing instance of '' Containing Abstract Methods entity contains abstract methods

Could Not Compile Used Unit '' Cannot Compile with Unit

Could Not Create Output File Cannot establish an output file

Could Not Load Rlink32.dll cannot load rlink32.dll

Data Type Too Large: Exceeds 2 GB Data Types too large: More than 2GB

Declaration of Differs from previous decaration Different from previous descriptions

Default Property Must Be an Array Property default properties must be array properties

Default Values ​​Must Be of Ordinal, Pointer or Small Set Type The default value must be the number, pointer or small set type

Destination Cannot Be Assigned to Targets Cannot Specify

Destination is INACCESSIBLE target cannot access

Dispid '' Already use by '' DISPID identification number has been

Dispid Clause Only ALLOWED IN OLE Automation Section Dispid clause can only be used in OLE automatic sections

Division by ZERO divisor is zero

Duplicate Case Label Case Number Repeat

Duplicate Tag Value Repeat Sign Value

Dynamic Method or Message Handler Not ALLOWED Here is not allowed to have dynamic methods or information handlers Dynamic Methods and Message Handlers Not ALLOWED IN OLE Automation section does not allow dynamic methods or message handles in OLE automatic sections.

Element 0 inaccessible - Use 'length' or 'setlength' Element 0 Cannot Access - Using Length or SetLENGTH

Error in Numeric Constant Value Constant Error

Except or finally expected requires ExcePt or Finally

Exports Allowed Only At Global Scope Exports is only allowed to use in global scope

Expression Has NO Value does not have a value

Expression Too Complicated Expression is too complex

Field Definition Not ALLOWED IN OLE Automation Section does not allow domain definitions in the OLE auto section

Field Definition Not ALLOWED AFTER METHODS or Properties does not allow domain definitions after the method or attribute

Field Or Method Identifier Expected Requirements Domain or Method Identifier

File Not Found: File Did not find

File Type Not ALLOWED Here does not allow file types

For loop control Variable Must Be Simple Local Variable for loop control variable must be simple local variables

For loop control variable must have ordinal Type for loop control variable must be the order type

For While Loop Executes Zero Times - DELETED FOR or WHILE loop Perform zero-deletion

For-loop variable '' Cannot Be Passed As Var parameter for loop variable Cannot be delivered as parameters

For-loop variable '' May Be Undefined After LOOP After the loop, the FOR cycle variable is uncertain

Function Needs Result Type function requires the result type

Identifier Redeclared: '' identifier Repeated description

Illegal Character in Input File: '' ($ ) illegal characters in the input file ''

Illegal Message Method INDEX illegal message method pointer

ILLEGAL REFERENCE TO SYMBOL '' In Object File '' illegal reference to symbol in Object File

ILLEGAL TYPE IN OLE Automation Section: '' illegal type in the OLE automatic section

Illegal Type in read / readln state illegal type in the Read / Readln statement

ILLEGAL TYPE IN WRITE / WRITELN Statement illegal type inaccessible value in the WRITE / WRITELN statement is not available value

INCOMPATIBLE TYPES: '' and '' incompatible type and

INCOMPATIBLE TYPES: is incompatible with

Inline assembler stack overflow

Inline assembler Syntax error Inline Syringe Gauge Error

Instance Variable '' Inaccessible Here Entity Variable Can't access here

Integer Constant or Variable Name EXPECTED requires plastic constant or variable name

Integer constant TOO LARGE integral constant

Internal Error: Internal error

Invalid Combination of OpCode and Operands Operation Code and Operation Object Invalid Combination

Invalid Compiler Directive: '' Invalid Compile Instruction

Invalid Function Result Type invalid function value type

Invalid Message Parameter List Invalid Message Parameter List

Invalid Register Combination invalid register combination

INVALID TYPECAST invalid Typecase

Label '' Is Not Declared In Current Procedure Not explained during the current process Non-explanation Number

Label Already Defined: '' Number has been defined

Label Declaration Not ALLOWED In Interface Part No Number Description

Label Declared and Reference, But Not Set: '

Label EXPECTED Requirements Number

Left side cannot be assigned to to be assigned

Line Too Long (More Tan 255 Characters) is too long (more than 255 characters)

Local Class or Object Types Not ALOWED does not allow local classes or object types

Local Procedure / Function '' Assigned to Procedure Variable Local Process / Function Assignment Variable


Low Bound Exceeds High Bound lower bounds

Memory Reference EXPECTED Requirement Memory Reference

Method '' HIDES Virtual Method Of Base Type '' method Hide a virtual method for the base type

Method '' NOT FOUND IN BASE CLASS Didn't find ways in the base class method identifier excected requirements method identifier

Missing Endif Directive lacks ENDIF instructions

Missing Operator or SEMICOLON lacks operator or semicolon

Missing or Invalid Conditional Symbol IN '$ ' Directive Missing or Invalid Conditions in $ Instruction

Missing Parameter Type lacks parameter type

Necessary Library Helper Function Was Eliminated by linker The necessary library help function is deleted by the connection program

No Definition for Abstract Method '' Allowed Abstract Method Nothing

NOT ENOUGH ACTUAL Parameters does not have enough actual parameters

Number of elements diffriation Element number and description

Numeric overflow numerical overflow

Object or class type required requires object or class type

Object Type Required requires object types

Only Register Calling Convention Allowed In Ole Automation Section only allows register call conventions in the OLE automatic section

Operand Size Mismatch Object Size Match

Operator Not Applicable To this Operand Type operator is not used in this operational object type

ORDER OF FIELDS IN Record Constant Differs from Declaration Different in the field of record constants

Ordinal Type Required requires a number of order

Out of memory memory overflow

Overflow in conversion or arithmetic operation or arithmetic operation overflow

Overriding Automated Virtual Method '' Cannot Specify A DISPID Overwrite Automatic Method Cannot Specify DISPID

Packed Not ALLOWED Here Not allowed Packed

Pointer Type Required needs pointer type

Procedure Cannot Have A Result Type procedure does not have a result type

Procedure Dispose Needs Destructor Process Dispose Need Destructor

Procedure Fail Only Allowed In Constructor Process Fail only allows in the constructor method

Procedure New Needs Constructor Process NEW Requires CONSTRUCTOR Method

Procedure or function expected requires Procedure or Function

Procedure or function name expected requires a process or function name

Program or unit '' Recursively Uses itself program or unit recursive

Property '' Does Not Exist in base Class In the base class attribute does not exist

Published property '' can not be of type Published Properties can have the type Published Real48 property '' must be Single, Double or Extended Published REAL Properties must Single, Double or Extended

RE-RAISING An Exception Only Allowed in Exception Handler only allows reconciliation processes in unexpected processing

Read Error on File Read error

Record, Object or Class Type Required requires record, object, or class type

Redeclaration of '' HIDES A MEMBER IN THE BASE CLASS Recommoding an element in the base class

Redeclaration of Property Not ALLOWED IN OLE Automation Section does not allow attributes to repeat instructions in the OLE auto section

Return Value of Function '' Might Be Undefined Function The return value may not be defined

Seek Error on Search for errors in

Segment / Offset Pairs Not Supported in Borland 32-Bit Pascal does not support segment / offset pair in the Borland 32-bit Pascal

Sets May Have At Most 256 Elements set has at least 256 elements

Size of public set '' is> 32 bits Published set size greater than 32 bytes

SLICE Standard Function Only ALOWED AS OPEN ARRAY ARGUMENT SLICE Standard function is only allowed as an open array parameter

Statement EXPECTED, But Expression of Type '' Found requires statement, but the type expression

Statements Not ALLOWED INTERFACE PART is not allowed in the interface

String constant TOO long string constant too long

String constant truncated to fit string [] string constant intercepted to String []

Strings May Have At Most 255 Elements strings at least 255 elements

Structure Field Identifier Expected requires domain identifier


System Unit out of date or corrupted: Missing ' The system unit is out of date or corruption: missing

Text after final 'end. The compiler ignores end.

This Form of Method Call Only Allowed for Class Methods The form of this method only allows classifications

This form of method call only allowed in Methods of Derived Types This method is only allowed in the export type method to this Type cannot be initialized this type cannot be initialized

Thread Local Variables Cannot Be Absolute Thread Local Variables Can't be Absolute

Thread Local Variables Cannot Be Local To A Function or ProCedure Thread Local Variables Can't be partial

Too Many Actual Parameters too much actual parameters

Too Many Conditional Symbols too much condition symbol

Type '' HAS NO TYPE INFO type no type information

Type '' is not yet completely defined type has not defined

TYPE '' Must Be a class to have a publication section must be class in the Published section

Type '' Must Be a class to have Ole Automation Type must be an OLE automated class

TYPE '' Needs Finalization - Not ALLOWED IN File Type type Requirements - Not allowed in file type

Type '' Needs Finalization - Not ALLOWED IN VARIANT RECORD Type Requirements - Not Allows Variable Record


Type Not ALOWED IN OLE Automation Call is not allowed in OLE auto call

Type of Expression Must Be Boolean Expressions must be Boolean

Type of Expression Must Be Integer The type of expression must be an Integer type

TypeInfo Standard Function Expects A Type Identifier TypeInfo Standard Function Requirements Type Identifier

TypeOf Can Only Be Applied To Object Types with a VMT TypeOf can only be used for object types with VMT

Types of actual and formal var parameters must be consistent

Undeclared Identifier: '' Non-designed identifier

Unexpected End Of File In Comment Started on line Incoming the end of the comments starting with the row

Unit WAS Compiled with a different version of unit compiled with different versions of

Unit name mismatch: '' cell name does not match

Unknown Directive: '' Unknown instruction

Unnamed Arguments IN Ole Automation CALL In OLE Auto-Call, unnamed parameters must be named before the NSATISfied Forward or External Declaration: '' Unsweight or External Description

Unterminated string unfill string

Value Assigned to '' NEVER USED assignment to Never use

Variable '' Inaccessible Here Due To Optimization Due to Optimization, Variable Name> Can't access here

Variable '' Is Declared But Never Used In ' Variable Name has been described, but never use

Variable '' Might Not Have Been Initialized Variable Name may not initialize

Variable Required needs variables

Virtual Constructors Are Not ALLOWED Do not allow virtual constructors methods

Write Error on File Write an error


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