GRE computer special exam questions (98)

zhaozj2021-02-17  64

1. The best tool for In-Order Expression to Post-Order Expression Conversion is: a. Array B. List C. Stack D. Binary Tree E. Hash Table2. Which of the following is completed (with their combination Represents all logical operations) a. {⌉, ⋁} B. {⌉, ⋀} C. {⌉, ⊕} 3. About World Wide Web (WWW), what is the following statements A. WWW is a Satellite-Connected Network That Connects Computers World Wide.b. WWW is a computer-mediated network.c. Www is associated with a group of software That Work ON computers which are connected to the Internet.4 on packet switch network, in which the correct a the packets of the same message must follow the same routeB the packets of the same message may arrive out of orderC node a and node B must establish a exclusive connection BEFORE A CAN SEND PACKETS TO B5WHAT IS THE VALUE OF A and B IF = 0, B = 0 ba = 0, B = 1 Ca = 1 b = 0 D. a = 1 b = 1 E none6template, overload, isomorphic function with the underlying concept of how the three corresponding A a module which can be initiated with a type so that it can generate modules of different typeB a function that can be different operations in different contextsC a function that can Take Arguments Of Different Type In Different Contexts7 Seeking Minimum Generation Tree on Simple, Connected, Acyclic, Weight Graph, 1) E is the smallest side of all sides 2) f is the smallest edge A of all the mains except E E, F in all the minimum spanning trees of all generated, BE. In all generated minimum spanning trees, f Not in some trees, C e may not be in some trees, f may not be in some trees in some trees? The order of magnitude is A o (logn) B o (nlogn) C O ((logn) 2) 9. If p ≠ np, then which of the following guaranteed problem K without multiplicity solution A k∈P B K NP C K Multi-term Statute to the SAT D SAT Multi-Identification Statute in K E K Multi-Site Regional NP Issues 10 ~ 11 Structure, each can contain two link, the link value is null or pointing to another node, the Link value does not point to this Node The THESE STRUCTEDED is set to NULL, the number of nodes is at least a? BN / 2 CN-1 DNLOGN EN If a node is at most one LINK point to it, the number of nodes is: AN B2N-1 CNLOGN 1 D2 (N-1) 12. Initial, a = b =

0, asking how the AB sequence changes with clock 13. If the determination problem with the text method is NP-COMPLETE, it is known that the determination of A. L has a polynomial solution B. There are polynomial solution C. l can be polynomial specimen to polynomial solution D. Not E. Can be expected to obtain a solution to the determination problem 14. ODD-PARITY CHECKING technology can be used in computer graphics, when used for polygons, have the following conclusions: a. Will get stable continuous output B. Get messy or unable results D. Get the edge of the multilateral edge to be filled, 15-17, which will reduce the graphic resolution 15-17. A Bag's New INSERT REMOVE algorithm is Bag newbag () {Bag b = newbag () ; B-> tail = null; return b;} Bag INSERT (Bag B, int x) {bag temp = newnode (); temp -> data = x; Temp -> tail = b; b = Temp; Return B; }

Remove (B, INT X) {/ * This function is not given to the function body, only given: Precondition: B is a list, there may be or no x; Postcondition: If B can decompose into a linked list without X B1, containing the constination of the X node and the linked list B2, returns the CONCANATION of B1 and B2, otherwise returns B; * / 15. As a result of REMOVE (Bag B, INT X) is correct: a. If X is in B, B The REMOVE function returns a node C. b when the X-containing node C. b is returned to the empty list. 16. Invariant is defined as: all the functions of the object operation outside of the initialization function, the Invariant of the Bag object is: a. B is integer K, and the TAIL domain operation will be obtained in nulld. B for B. E. Element 17. The implementation of the Remove function is as follows: Bag Remove (Bag B, int x) {BAG Temp = B; 1 While (Temp -> Tail -> Data! = x) DO TEMP -> Tail; 2 IF (Temp -> Tail && Temp -> Tail -> Data == x) 3 {Delete (Temp -> Tail); Temp -> tail = Temp -> tail -> tail;}} What modifications should be made A.1 change to While (Temp -> Tail && Temp -> Tail -> Data! = X) DO TEMP -> Tail ; B. 2 change to IF (Temp -> Tail -> Data == x) c. 3 change to (?)

18. INT I; SUM = 0.0; T = 1.0; for (i = 1; I <10; i ) {SUM = SUM T; T = T * 2.0; Printf ("% f", sum);} Question last time The output value is closest to the number below A 5 B 7 C 9 D 11 E 1319. A total of 4 stages, finger, take action, execution, write back, each Stage takes a CLOCK below a CLOCK? R1 = R2 R1; R3 = R1 1; R5 = R2 1 , Less Than 5 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 E. More Than 720. If L1, L2 is a 3-type language, what is correct I. {xy | x∈ l and | x | = 2 | y |} Type 3 language ii. {Xy | x∈ l and | x | = 2 | y |} is 2 language iii. {Xy | x∈ l | x | = 2 | y |} ∩L1∩L2 = A None B. I C. II D. III E. ALL21. For balance binary tree implementation dictionary of INSERT, DELETE, Find operations, the correct case is A. At least one is a constant time B. More than one The species is constant time C. The three are 0 (NLOGN) 22. Heap-sort, the correct is A. Its worst case B. Hybrid is 0 (NLOGN) c. It's averactant's time failXity Than's Costant's Time Faster Than's Costant's Time Faster Than's Cost 3 (NLOGN) C. It's. Available Elements K domain, each domain can be 0 or 1, one table is defined as that each domain has a determined value, to get 105 different Table, K is at least A. 5 B. 10 C. 4024- 25. A format of an Activation Record is θ% FP-4 RETURN Address-8 static address-12 arguments (if any) FOLLOWED by local variables block Procedure Pvar A: int X) Beginx: = x Adebeginq (a); END 24. In Q, reading X is determined to translate which of the following machine code A. MOV T0 -12 (% fp) b. MOV T0 -12 (% FP) MOV T0 θ (q 0) C. MOV T0 -12 (% FP) MOV T0 -4 (% T0) 25. Q, the operation reads the X value will be translated into A. MOV T1 -8 (% FP) MOV T1 0 (% T1) ) B. MOV T1 -8 (% FP) MOV T1 -4 (% T1) c. MOV T1 -8 (% fp) MOV T1 -8 (% T1) d. MOV T1 -8 (% fp) MOV T1 - 12 (% T1) 26. IO device transmits data with Cycle Stealing mode, 107MHz, and reads 4Byte (32bit) Word, how much is it used by a 28kbps (bit per second) or 3600 BYTE PER Second CPU time A. 40% B. 1% C. 0.4% D. 0.1% E. 0.01% 27.? Titlace A. The floating point representation cannot indicate 6 B to do addition, seeking Mantisa without considering the OPERAND symbol C Multiplication Time,

Ask MantiSA does not need to consider Operands symbol 28. For 2'S Complement, incorrect is A. Overflow / Underflow Can Be Checked Easilyb. The negative number indicated by the positive number C. θ is not D. Unique E. Adding Don't Have to check operands' signs29. float sum = 1.0; j: = 0.1; INT i; for (i = 1; i 10; i ) SUM = SUM - JPRINTF ("% f", sum); if the output is not 0 The reason is A. Sum and J Should Use Double Floatb. A Machine Error Happenedc. 0.1 CAN't Be ReperseTed Accurately30. Which of the following is not caused by flushing of pipeline: a. I / O Interrupt B. Page Fault C. Cache Missing D. INVALID INSTRUCTION D. DIVIDE BY 031. For the diagram, the correct thing is I. It is HamilTatienii. It is an Euler diagram III. It is a Planar Figure 32. If an algorithm can achieve the worst case of 106 entries, the worst case of 106 entries can be found, and a for 4 × 106 entry must be A. 11MS B. 40ms 33. If this is the language: the number m of the string θ can be 12 And m = 4 (MOD 10), how many status required for identifying L DFA A. B. 12 C. 24 D. 48 E. 6034. m, N is large integer, M

A. Dived and conquerb. Greedyc. BACK TRACK41. Time complexity of this method is A. O (N) b. C. D. 42. Recursive Version: function (int * p) {int x; x = * P ; ...... p = & x; f (p); ... ..} Non-recursive version: Function F (int * p) {INT X; x = * p; l: .... ... p = & x; goto L; } Which correct A. P and & X Will Reference The Same Location in The Recursive Versionb. P and & X Will Never Reference The Location In The Recursive Versionc. The space used by the recursive version is more than the non-recurrent version 43. Give a medium The algorithm of the condolences, the node sequential sequence 44 of the specific tree is obtained 44. In the algorithm of the question 43, the desired stack is high and what is the number of nodes of the tree in the tree, the number of leaves of the tree C. Tree of the tree D. tree The left son depth E. The rightmost son depth of the tree. Which of the results of which of the subsequent subsections may reach a single operation relative error 5 times A. x = x y zb. X = x * Y * Zc. x = x * Y / z46. If the polynomial function f in the interval [A, B] is F (a)> 0, f (b) <0, then: a. Different method finding root a certain convergence B. two points When the law and Newton overlays converge, c. Different methods are fast D. Different Methods to find the derivative of F. During the root of AX = B, if A0X = B0, A1X = B1 two squares A0, A1 DETRIMENT is similar to 0 and 1, then: a. Use A0 to find the root speed faster B. Use A0 to find a relative error ratio of A1 to the relative error of A1 C. Easy to overflow when using A1 in calculation, 48 49, where is EE? Operation * is higher than EE, above , , * operation is to combine 48. Which error A. ID∈First (e) b. Id∈follow (e) c. * ∈First (e) d. * ∈Follow (e) 49. The following action, which error stack status Lookahead Symbol Action A. E E Statute B. E E * Move into C. EE movement into the D. E E ID moving into E. E * ID moved into 50. A 6-sided dice, the probability of throwing two additions and 7 is A. 1/7 B. 1/651. A [1, 100] medium float 100 different for i = 1 To 100 doBeginTemp = a [i] for j = i 1 to 100 dobegin a [i] = a [i] a [j] a [j] = a [j] temp 1; convenda. a [1 ... 100] is still 100 non-B. The number of C. A [1] is dividable by 100e. A [1 ... 100] only 30 non-F. Number of G.

52-53. N is 2 power for i: = 1 to log n DOFOR J: = 1 to doa [J]: = a [2 * j-1] a [2 * j]

52. A [1] is previously A. ..b. C. 53. If the program is running on the N parallel handers, the kth processor makes for J: = 1 to 2n / j in the king LOOP, the algorithm time complexity is A. O (log n) b. o (nlog n)

54-55 A virtual address is organized as the following organization segment page byte 31 21 20 12 11 0 54. It can access: A. 256 Size 4096Byte page B. 512 Size 2048byte page C. 1024 size 1024byte Page D. 2048 Page E. 1024 Size is 256byte page 55. To take the 156th byte of paragraph 18, the virtual address should be 56. Test-and-set can be used in A. Unconditional Jumpb. Conditional Jumpc. Mutual Exclusion57. If SET-Assaciative Cache, if S is a page mapped in a page in Cache, use the LRU algorithm, then? A. The most recent least use of the entire cocle B. Change the minimum page of the minimum of COCLE C. S collection Change the least page D. Sitations Recently used page 58-59 Use the array to implement a collection three methods I. Element Are Unsorted, MAY Have Redundant Copiesii. Elements Are Sortated, Don't Have Redundant Copies58. The implementation of the realization of the fact that the implementation is the best A. Ib. IIC. IIID. I II is the same E., F. Better than IIG. II is the same H., i. Better than I59. Ask some elements to be a collection, which is best (option 38) 60. The following adjectives describe the high-speted latch data defendency, Data And Control Dependency Initiate Order AccompLish Data Forwardinga. Pipe Line

61. COPYING TO? MARLS SYNHNUNICATION, WHICH OF FOLLOWING CAN DO THISA. CISC Processor B. Second Processorc. Another I / O Bus Buffer in Memony

62-63 L is A * (B C) * AB * C * 62. If n is a series long, f (n) is a number of serials N, f (n) number A. linearb. Quardricc If all A is required, all b is in all B, all b at all of F (n) quantity level A. linearb. Quardricc. Cubicd. Loge. Exponential64. If h (x) means "X is very honest ", F (x, y) means" X robbery Y ", which means" There is no honest person to rob the others "A. B. C. 65. The best description of the operating system is A. ?? b. ?? c. Resource managerd. ?? e. Interrupt Head


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