Use Windows Task Bar in the program

zhaozj2021-02-17  65

Use Windows Task Bar in the program. Windows Task Bar is a standard control.

Used to structure NOTIFYICONDATA: typedef struct _NOTIFYICONDATA {DWORD cbSize; HWND hWnd; UINT uID; UINT uFlags; UINT uCallbackMessage; HICON hIcon; char szTip [64];} NOTIFYICONDATA, * PNOTIFYICONDATA; Contains information that the system needs to process taskbar status area messages cbSize:. Size of this structure, in bytes hWnd:. Handle to the window that will receive notification messages associated with an icon in the taskbar status area uID:. Application-defined identifier of the taskbar icon uFlags:. Array of flags that indicate which of the other members contain valid data This member can be a combination of the following:. NIF_ICON The hIcon member is valid NIF_MESSAGE The uCallbackMessage member is valid NIF_TIP The szTip member is valid uCallbackMessage:... Application-defined message identifier THE SYSTEM Uses This Identifier for Notification Messages That Sends To The window Identified in hwnd. These Notifications Are Sent When A Mouse Event Occurs in The Bounding Rectangle of . The icon hIcon: Handle to the icon to add, modify, or delete szTip: Tooltip text to display for the icon using the communication function Shell_NotifyIcon:.. WINSHELLAPI BOOL WINAPI Shell_NotifyIcon (DWORD dwMessage, PNOTIFYICONDATA pnid);


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