Regarding the ASP (VBScript) class, I only hope to take a look at the beginner, I hope to help you.

zhaozj2021-02-17  60

First, the (VBScript) class is composed of events and methods (they are members of the constituent class). If you have not touched, you can first look at the following description (haha, I am now selling, said Not good, please forgive me.

In the Class block, the member is declared by the corresponding statement statement as Private (private member, only within the class internal) or public (public member, can be called within the class). The declared Private will be visible only in the Class block. Declare that PUBLIC is not only visible inside the Class block, and it is also visible to the code outside the Class block. Did not use Private or public clearly declared by default as public. The process (SUB or FUNCTION) that is declared as public is declared as a process of publication. Public variables will become the properties of the class, just like the properties explicitly declared using the Property Get, Property Let, and Property Set. The default attributes and methods of classes are specified by the default keywords in their declaration.

Please read the blue part in your heart. Let's take an example.