Operation of documents in Java (2)

zhaozj2021-02-17  61

Operation of documents in Java (2)

I used to write a file in Java (http://dev.9cbs.net/develop/Article/19/19064.shtm), but not all, add some of the rest to the comment, but this time After the revision, I couldn't see it in the comment, I will post it.

10. Press the file <% @ page contentty = "text / html; charset = GB2312"%> <% @ page import = "java.io. *"%> <% fileReader myfilereader = new fileReader ("C: / Haha). txt "); BufferedReader myBufferedReader = new BufferedReader (myFileReader); String myString = null; String resultString = new String (); while ((myString = myBufferedReader.readLine ())! = null) {resultString = resultString myString "
";} Out.println (resultString); MyFileReader.close ();%>

11. Database field files download directly to the client <% @ page import = "java.sql. *"%> <% @ Page import = "java.lang. *"%> <% @ Page import = "java.io. * "%> <% @ page import. *"%> <% @ page import = "dbstep.idbManager2000. *"%> <% string filename = "bb.doc" .tostring () ; // open the database ResultSet result = null; String Sql = null; PreparedStatement prestmt = null; DBstep.iDBManager2000 DbaObj = new DBstep.iDBManager2000 (); DbaObj.OpenConnection (); // get the data in the database Sql = "select * From marklist order by markdate design; result = dbaobj.executeQuery (SQL); Result.next (); // Read data in the database InputStream in = Result.getBinaryStream ("markbody"); // Set the output Format response.reset (); resplication.setContentType ("Application / Msword"); Response.addheader ("Content-Disposition", "Attachment; FileName = /" " FileName " / "); // Removal Data in the stream BYTE [] B = New byte [1024]; int Len; while ((len = in.read (b))> 0) Response.getOutputStream (). Write (B, 0, LEN); in. CLOSE ();%> 12. Folder traversal

<% @ Page ContentType = "text / html; charset = GB2312"%>

<% @ Page Import = "java.io. *"%>


String URL1 = "C: / AAA";

File f = (New file (url1));

IF (f.IsDirectory ()) {

File [] fe = f.listfiles ();


For (INT i = 0; i

IF (Fe [i] .Indirectory ()) {

File [] fe1 = fe [i] .listfiles ();

For (int J = 0; j

IF (Fe1 [J] .Indirectory ())

Continue go_on;

Out.println (Fe1 [J] .tostring ());



Else Out.println (Fe [i] .tostring ());




13. Mobile files encoded by characters

<% @ Page ContentType = "Text / HTML; Charset = GB2312"%> <% @ Page Import = "Java.io. *"%>


String Ret = new string ();



Byte [] bytes = new byte [102400];

InputStream IN = New FileInputStream ("C: /AAA.DOC");

In.read (bytes);

Ret = new sun.misc.base64encoder (). eNCode (bytes); // specific coding method

In.Close ();


Catch (FilenotFoundException E)


E.PrintStackTrace ();


Catch (java.io ioexception ex)


EX.PrintStackTrace ();


Out.println (RET);

Byte [] bytes = new sun.misc.base64decoder (). DecodeBuffer (RET);

Java.io.byteaRrayinputStream Instream = New java.io.byteArrayInputStream (Bytes);

Byte [] buffer = new byte [1444];

FileOutputStream Fs = New FileOutputStream ("D: /AAA.DOC");



While ((Byteread = Instream.read (buffer)! = - 1)


Bytesum = byteread;

fs.write (buffer, 0, byteread);



14. Code files into base64 strings <% string ret = new string (); byte [] bytes = new byte [1024]; string aa = "aaaa"; BYTES = aa.getbytes (); Ret = new sun.misc. Base64encoder (). Encode (bytes); // Specific encoding method Bytes = new sun.misc.base64decoder (). DecodeBuffer (RET); AA = new string (bytes); out.println (aa);%>


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