An example of JDOM + JSP + JavaBean (2)

zhaozj2021-02-17  71

Use the XML files to be used as follows: Examplea.xml

Wang 5

Java programming





XML in Java

Li 4


The next is to call these two JavaBean implementations to the XML operation, the code of the JSP file is as follows:

<% @ Page ContentType = "text / html; charset = GB2312"%>

<% @ page import = "org.jdom. *"%>

<% @ page import = "org.jdom.output. *"%>

<% @ page import = "org.jdom.input. *"%>

<% @ Page Import = " *"%>

<% @ Page Import = "java.util. *"%>

<% @ page import = "xml. *"%>


// XML file path (absolute path) string filename = "examplea.xml";

String aa = getServletContext (). GetRealPath ("/") "jdom //";

String trace = aa filename;

// Initialization Read and write bean

Xml.readxml readxmlbean = new xml.readxml ();

Xml.writexml writexmlbean = new xml.writexml ();

// Get relevant data from the XML file

Document doc;

Readxmlbean.readXML (Trace);

Doc = readxmlbean.getxmldoc ();

/ / Add a processing instruction

Processinginstruction PI = New ProcessinginstructionTRuction

("XML-Stylesheet", "HREF = /" BookList.html.xsl / "Type = /" text / xsl / ");

Doc.addContent (pi);

// Get the root element

Element root = doc.getrootelEment ();

// Get a collection of root elements all child elements

Java.util.list books = root.getchildren ();

// Get the first BOOK element

Element book = (element) books.get (0);

/ / Add a property for the first book

Attribute A = New Attribute ("Hot1", "True");

Book.setttribute (a);

/ / Get the specified word element

Element author = book.getchild ("author");

/ / Change the author to Wang 5

Author.Settext ("Wang 5");

/ / Get the specified word element

ELEMENT price = book.getchild ("price");

//Modify the price

Price.Settext (float.tostring (50.0f));

// A stack display all elements

Iterator it = books.iterator ();

While (it.hasnext ()) {


Out.println (E.GETCHILD ("name"). getTextTrim () "

List priceelements = E.GETCHILDREN ("price");

Itrator it2 = priceelements.Item ();

While (it2.hasnext ()) {

ELEMENT PE = (Element) ();

Out.println (PE.GetaTributevalue ("currency") "

Out.println (Pe.GetaTributevalue ("Amount") "



// instruction operation

String target = pi.gettarget ();

String Data = pi.getdata ();

String type = pi.getValue ("type"); out.println (target "
" "
" Type "

// Delete properties

Book.removettribute ("hot");

// Delete the instruction

Doc.removeContent (PI);

// New node

Element add = new element; "add");

A = New Attribute ("SKU", "123456");

Add.setttribute (a);

Add.addContent ("add");

Book.addContent (add);

// There is no content that only attributes

Element attr = new element ("attribute");

A = New Attribute ("SKU", "123456");

Attr.setttribute (a);

A = New Attribute ("SF234", "123456");

Attr.setttribute (a);

Book.addContent (attr);

// Delete the node

Book.removecontent (attr);

Book.removeContent (add);

// Write XML file

Writexmlbean.writexml (DOC, TRACE);


This example includes general addition, deletion, modifying node, and attributes, and general XML file operations such as display XML data. If it is just a pure display of data, it is recommended to operate all the data to the Javabean. The JSP page is just displayed, which can improve the speed of the run, reduce the probability of error :)


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