Use ASP to implement online answering questions in the chat room (continued)

zhaozj2021-02-17  55

The answer processing section is placed in a program that processes the sending dialog information. Below is the code part of the answer processing:

IF MID (FSTR, I, 1) = "#" The 'fstr is a string variable TFSTR = MID (FSTR, I 1, 1) IF CINT ("QuestionTime" in saving conversation information. ), NOW ())) <= 1 THEN 'Judgment time within 1 minute Operation IF LCASE (TFSTR) = LCase ("ANSWERTRUE")) THEN' Judgment The answer is correct if IF INSTR (1, Application ("Answername" ), session ("user_username")> 0 THEN 'Judging whether the user has answered TfStr = session ("user_username") & "has answered this !!!" Else Tfstr = session ("user_username") & "The answer is correct!" Session ("user_exp") = session ("User_exp") Application ("Questioncent) 'to answer the answer to the answer application Application (" ANSWERNAME ") = Application (" Answername "& session User_username ") &" "" Save the answer to the name of the user End if else if INSTR (1, Application ("" user_username ")")> 0 TEN '' Judging whether the user has answered TFSTR = Session ("User_Username") & "has already answered this !!!" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ") (" user_username ") &" "Save the name of the user IF end if Endiff


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