Use ASP to realize online answering questions in chat rooms

zhaozj2021-02-17  75

The main function is: In the chat room, every 5 minutes, send a question to the display dialog page, all users can answer questions. The response person adds a corresponding score. Specific implementation: Add an implicit frame in the chat room frame, this frame is refreshed once every 5 minutes.

The ASP page of the implicit frame is as follows: <% @ language = vbscript%> <% response.expires = 0%> <% DIM CONN, RSApplication.lockApplication ("canswername") = Application ("answername") 'Save Answer The user's name Application ("ANSWERNAME") = "" Application ("tanswername" = "" Clear the signature user's name set conn = server.createObject ("AdoDb.Connection" AccessDB = "db1.mdb "'The connection mydsn =" driver = {Microsoft Access Driver (* .mdb)}; "MYDSN = MYDSN &" DBQ = "" " RECORDSET ") rs.cursorlocation = 3" Select * from questions ", conn randomize 'randomly got a question ID = r.RecordCount ID = Int ((((r-1) * RND) 1 rs.close set Rs = NothingSet Rs = Server.CreateObject ( "ADODB.Recordset") "select * from QUESTION where questionID =" & ID, Conn application ( "questionName") = Rs ( "questionName") 'subject application ( "questionID" = Rs ("QuestionID") 'title ID Application ("Questioncent")' The score application ("QuestionClass") = RS ("Question NOTES ") 'title r rclose set = NothingSet ra = server.createObject (" adoDb.recordset ")" Select * from answer where quothesID = "& id, conn Application (" answera ") = ra ( "Answerable" 'title Application ("Answerb") = ra ("answerb") Application ("answerc") = ra ("answerc") Application ("Answerd"


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