Access the registry via MS SQL Server

zhaozj2021-02-17  52

Use the extended stored procedure XP_regREGREAD and XP_REGWRITE to access the registry.

for example:

<% Dim cnnDim rsdim strSQLSet cnn = Server.CreateObject ( "ADODB.Connection") cnn.Open "provider = sqloledb; data source = .; initial catalog = master; user id = sa; password =;" strSQL = "xp_regread ' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ', "& _' SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / Currentversion ',' CommonFilesDir '" Set rs = cnn.Execute (strSQL) Response.Write "Common files Path:" & rs ( "data") rs.CloseSet rs = Nothingcnn .Closset CNN = Nothing%>


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