J2EE and ASP.NET platform electronic enterprises have two ideas (5)

zhaozj2021-02-17  77

Similarity points for J2EE and .NET platform

All comparable places between J2EE and the platform is given in Figure 2. As you can see, many .NET platform features have no corresponding functions in J2EE. In some cases, as for these functions, if support, support, how is supported, it is considered to be a clear decision, pay attention: To understand unfamiliar abbreviation words, check the glossary.

Figure 2. Technical correspondence




Support technology

Release agreement


ISA * Nothing - HTML page Cache ISA *, ASP.NET is not defined

Layer technology

basic structure

IIS no defined program design model

ASP.NET servlets, JSP high availability

NLBS *, ACS *, other

Not defined

Load balance

NLBS *, ACS *, other

No definition management

ACS * is not defined

Intermediate layer technology

basic structure

COM EJB programming tool

Visual Studio.net is not defined - high availability

ACS * does not define load balancing

ACS * No Security API COM Security Call Context Jaas Message Queuing API MSMQ JMS 1.0 Asynchronous Components

Queued (COM ) Message Driven Beans (EJB 2.0) - Naming and Directory Service



Data layer technology

Distributed transaction

MS-DTC JTS Relational Database API

ADO.NET JDBC 2.0 Level Database API

ADO.NET - Database Storage

SQLSERVER ** - Mainframe database connection

His * Java connector

Architecture technology

E-commerce architecture

Commerce Server * - B2B BizTalk Server * -

* For the .NET platform is an optional service.

** SQLServer is formal .NET platform database technology, but you can use any database that supports ADO.NET, including most databases.

Difference between J2EE and .NET platform

You can see a big overlap between J2EE and .NET platform technology. But how do you choose between them? In this section, the author will discuss the main difference I have seen.

Developer neutrality

Many companies buy J2EE, they believe this can give them a developer. In fact, this is a deterministic goal of Sun's plan:

A product that is configured and implemented in various J2EE specifications is possible. A portable J2EE application is successfully deployed in any of these products [1], it can operate correctly.

In fact, there are very few people who are not a Sun J2EE opponent. This is achievable. Paul Harmon is one of the most important independence J2EE spokespersons. He is the Cutter Consortium's chief consultant, which is widely released by Architecture / E-Business E-mail Advisory author. Although Harmon always opposes J2EE, he recently wrote such unusual frank evaluation to J2EE's developers portability.

Does the EJB model have reached the extent that I can move the EJB component from an EJB application server to another? In most cases. The EJB specification is not comprehensive enough. Improve this model by providing proprietary solutions to ensure that their customers can create production systems, and EJB application server developers make up this. [2]

Harmon concluded that today's developers were neutralized, his comments are as follows:

At this moment, the reality is if you want to develop an EJB application, you should be faithful to a developer. [3]

Today's reality is that there is no such situation like developers. Of course, the .NET platform is not a developer neutral, it is bundled with Microsoft's operating system. But both are not the implementation of J2EE. The best suggestion that the author can give is to choose a developer and plan to stand together, so you can take advantage of the platform advantage provided by the developer. Overall maturity

The first J2EE specification, EJB specification was proposed in 1998, and the first beta version appeared in 1999. And this is three years after the first time with it is the first time with it. Net platform technology, MTS, COM . The author discussed the development process from MTS to COM in the most recent article [4].

Under the case where the .NET platform appears than J2EE, it is not surprising that the .NET platform is more mature than the J2EE platform. Although we have a highly reliable website that uses .NET technology (NASDAQ and Dell are two in many examples), but we don't know which website uses J2EE platforms. Paul Harmon made the following comments:

Today, any company is trying [J2EE-based] company-wide enterprise-wide company, all doing efforts, better ways to let a real outstanding development team to help them get rid of trouble. More importantly, it may reconsider an integrated project and is satisfied with initial approximation. [5]

Interoperability and network services

If the author is discussed in detail, the .NET platform electronic collaboration model is based on UDDI and SOAP standards. These standards are widely supported by more than 100 companies. Microsoft, IBM and Ariba are leaders in this field. Sun is a member of the UDDI Association and recognizes the importance of UDDI standards. At the recent press conference, Sun is responsible for the President of Java Group Development, George Paolini, said:

"Sun has been working to help build and support open, standard-based technologies to promote network-based applications, and we believe that UDDI is an important, establish a registered architecture for B2B e-commerce." [6]

However, although Sun discloses to believe UDDI standards, but in fact, Sun has not taken any measures to merge any UDDI standard into J2EE. This includes the most basic, more than a year of UDDI standards, SOAP. As IBM's Rod Smith (vice president of Emerging Technologies, the company is one of the most powerful partners of Sun):

So far, Sun has not published comments on [UDDI] network service. But I think this is reason. I think they are considering Java. When we consider online services, we are listening to our customers and their needs, but the truth is that customers have not based on Java-based systems and Java applications. Therefore, Sun is still adhering to Java, but it is very calm on this issue. [7]

In fact, smith is analyzed in the analysis of the interoperability strategy of Sun. Sun will focus mainly in the interoperability of J2EE developers and CORBA developers. Sun's interoperability idea is that it should be based on a so-called IIOP communication protocol.

There are three main defects using IIOP-based interoperability.

First, it requires the world to run J2EE or CORBA, which is a hypothetical assumption that SUN's partners are opposed. IBM's Rod Smith explains IBM support SOAP instead of supporting IIOP as an interoperability open standard:

When publishing a statement, and saying that we will use SOAP as an open standard, and the response is unbelievable and positive, because people want to make such integration. They have Microsoft-based solutions. They also have Java-based solutions. They also have a solution based on [Windows] NT and Linux-based solutions. [8] The second drawback is that like all communication protocols, IIOP should be subject to transfer from the Internet. This makes it impossible to be a universal electronic collaborative mechanism.

The third defect is that even the world agrees to use IIOP and J2EE, even in the J2EE developer, it is not appropriate to ensure that the current IIOP specification of the interoperability is also inappropriate. As Paul Harmon said:

Does the EJB application server from different developers have been standardized in a way that can bite in a larger system? Although Internet Interorb Protocol (IIOP) is used to support application communication between EJBs, it is still unable to join multiple EJB products together in a network. Two EJB application servers that each dependent several non-standard tools to communicate smoothly need some important programming work. [9]

Today's reality is that compared with J2EE, the .NET platform has a more powerful technical neutral electronic collaboration strategy. IBM is convinced that UDDI, rather than IIOP is the correct interoperability method, on this issue, this has been broken with Sun. At this point, it is painful but it is obvious that although it has been leading 10 years in UDDI, it is a complete failure.

[1] Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition Manual, V1.3, page 2-7, can be obtained at http://java.sun.com/j2ee/.

[2] Building a Large, Integrated, Multi-EJB Server System, Paul Harmon the http://www.cutter.com/consortium/consultants/phbio.html Architecture / e-Business E-Mail Advisory, Cutter Consortium August 23, 2000

[3] IBID

[4] See the article ObjectWatch Issue 30 Roger Sessions: CIO ALERT: ObjectWatch Responds to Gartner (available at www.objectWatch.com).

[5] Building a Large, Integrated, Multi-EJB Server System, Paul Harmon the http://www.cutter.com/consortium/consultants/phbio.html Architecture / e-Business E-Mail Advisory, Cutter Consortium August 23, 2000

[6] http://www.sun.com/smi/press/sunflash/2000-09/sunflash.20000906.1.html

[7] Interview with IBM's Rod Smith, Vice President of Emerging Technologies, September, 2000, can be obtained at http://www-4.ibm.com/software/developer/library/w-int.html?dwzone=ws.

[8] IBID.


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