Team development in Visual Studio.NET (1)

zhaozj2021-02-17  79

The method of teaming web application in Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Beta2 is based on File Share Access Mode. Each developer operates a copy of the file in their own virtual directory, but all developers are Check in and check out files from the Microsoft Visual SourceSafe project. This approach not only provides separation, but also prevents one of the members of the member from affecting the work of the entire team.

This approach is different from the way to use Microsoft Visual InterDev accessible to Microsoft FrontPage pages. The default access mode in Visual Studio.Net Beta2 is file shared page access (File Share Web Access).

The Workplace of Visual SourceSafe and Visual Studio.NET works with the original way of collaboration with Visual Studio 6.0, Microsoft Visual C , Microsoft Visual Basic. Developers can create their own projects locally (such as using http: // localhost), then from the ordinary SourceSafe project, this is different from Visual Interdev 6.0, all developers in the same team Work in the same virtual directory on the server.

Although we discuss us here is the development of web applications, but it also applies to the development of non-web applications in Visual Studio.NET Beta2.

The following is a few ways to help team development: divide the application into several projects, using the ASP.NET user-defined control (User Control), HTTP Modules, class libraries.

Set file sharing access mode

File sharing mode in Visual Studio.NET Beta2 is the default access mode. By the following steps, the access mode settings are correct: Select the Option item in the Tool menu, select the Project item in the Option dialog, then select the web settings item, set The preferred way of access is File Share, then click OK to determine. Such a Web project will be added to the Visual SourceSafe.

If your project has already used FrontPage Access Mode, you can change it into file sharing access mode. Open Solution Explorer, right-click the project, select Properties, select CommON Properties in the Properties page, select Web Settings, change the page access mode to file sharing, then click OK to determine. Then you need to save the project, turn off the project and re-open the change of the project.

The following discussion is assumed that you have chosen file sharing access mode.

Create a project using SourceSafe

The first team member creates a solution that contains one or more items (because the file sharing access mode is used, if you create an item on other machines, you need to use UNC (Universal Naming Convertion, such as // myserver / c $ / inetpub / wwwroot / myWebApp or // myserver / wwwroot $ / myWebapp). To allow the solution to use other team developers, create a solution to right-click the solution or item in Solution Explorer, then select Add Solution To Source Control, or select Source Control from the File menu, Select Add Solution to Source Control. If the items contained in the solution use the file sharing access mode, the following warning will appear:

Figure 1. File Share Warning Dialog

Ignore the warning, click Continue.

Integrated Development Environment IDE (Integrated Development Environment) gives you a prompt for your Visual SourceSafe Database Server, asking you to specify where you store solution files and project files.

Visual Default will use "Admin User" to log in to the default Visual SourceSafe Database. Because the default password of "Admin User" is empty, it may not appear in the Visual SourceSafe Database Server prompt when you add a solution to Visual SourceSafe. Instead, you will automatically log in to Visual SourceSafe Database Server, display the Add to SourceSafe Project dialog box directly.

In order to avoid this, in the Tool menu, select OptionsàSource ControlàScc Provider, modify the ID as the appropriate user ID, then select Advanced ..., select the Integration page, select Prompt for Choose SourceSafe Database.

Figure 2. Add a project to visual sourcesafe

Each project of the solution will provide the same tips to make you decide to save their location in Visual SourceSafe. That is to say, you have to be a location for each project in Visual SourceSafe. If you don't want to save a special project in Visual SourceSafe, you can click Cancel, so that Solution Expore will view the item as Check Out, and these files are not in Visual SourceSafe.

When setting the location where Visual SourceSafe is stored, you can put the solution files and project files in the same Visual SourceSafe folder or in different folders, which is to put the project in different folders because of different A renowned file (such as WebForm1.aspx) may appear in the project. If you try to put different items in the same Visual SourceSafe folder, and there is a reimbursement problem, then the following warning appears:

Figure 3. Warning Dialog When Trying to add a duplicate file to a Visual SourceSafe Project

Select SELECT DIFFERENT LOCATION and repeat the work above. If you don't think

Visual SourceSafe

Among you have added

Visual SourceSafe

Add new or existing projects in the solution, then you first add a project to the solution -

Solution Explorer

Right-click on the solution, click



New Project


EXInship Project

. in

Solution Explorer

The project is displayed

Checked Out

But the document is not

Visual SourceSafe

In now, now

Solution Explorer

Select the project in


Select in the menu

Source Control

, Finally click

Add SELECTED Project To Source Control ...

This way you will mention the requirements you specify

Visual SourceSafe

A place where the project file is stored.


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