Win32ASM beginners Common Questions and Answers

zhaozj2021-02-17  74

Win32ASM beginners Common Questions and Answers

Author: Iczelion Chinese version of the translation: Neo

1. About this question 2. What is Win32ASM? 3. What is prepared to start Win32ASM programming? 4. Where can I get help about Win32ASM programming?

About this questionnaire

This is a Win32ASM newcomer common question collection. This question is maintained by ICZelion. My Email is:

What is Win32ASM?

Win32ASM is a term describing 32-bit Windows programming using assembly language, which is not a language. In Win32ASM you can use a variety of different assembly compilers.

What are you needed before starting Win32ASM programming?

At least, you need 32-bit Windows :) Yes can be Windows 95/98 / NT / 2000. As far as my personal opinion, the best programming platform is Windows NT / 2000 because it is more stable, in addition, some have in Windows 95 / The small error of the neglected in 98 is running in Windows NT / 2000 will immediately get an error notification.

You have to have some basic knowledge of assembly languages. If you are a complete assembly language, you can find some textbooks and guides online. Complete assembly book site is Randal Hyde's the art of assembly language programming. Note this book It is about 16-bit DOS compilation. Of course, whether the basic assembly commands are the same in OS / Windows or Linux. I have found some of the 32-bit assembly language. The next step is to learn more about General Windows. Programming knowledge. About this, the best book you can find is Charles Petzold's "Programming Windows 95". This book is not online reading, you can buy from your local bookstore. You will find that this book is much higher than his price.

It is now necessary to combine the knowledge of Windows programming for your assembly language to make your work easier. I wrote some guidelines about this topic, you can find them below:

The tools need are:

Compilation / connector (Assembler / Linker). You can use several compilers. I prefer Microsoft Honghui (MASM). You can download from the following site. It is included in Masm32 In the package. You can also use Borland / Inprise's Turbo Assembler (TASM) and NetWide Assembler (NASM). TASM is not upgraded as a separate product. The final version is 5.0R. In addition, it is not free. NASM is a Free software assembler. However, I know that it is not in Win32ASM. It is more in Linux. You can download the latest version of NASM: ITS Main Page from the following site. The assembler is called SPASM, or it can be used. It contains an IDE and a built-in debugger (Debugger).

Text Editing / Comprehensive Programming Environment (Text Editor / IDE). You can use any text editor. I usually use UltraEdit. Some people prefer Winedit. Justin Decker's Visualasm is a MASM IDE. For Tasm users, May find that Tasm IDE makes you like.

Resource Editor. If you need design dialogs, menus, icons, cursors, etc., you need a good resource editor. There are several resource editors to choose. For example, Borland Resource Workshop (BRW), Symantec Resource Editor. I prefer to integrate to the resource editor in Visual C IDE .Win32 API Reference. In your programming process, frequent looks This reference. You can download a free version from this site: Borland / Inprise Site. However, this version is over time. I can't find the latest technology information. There are a lot of upgrade update information about this reference in Microsoft Developer Network. If you The CD that can buy MSDN is the best, which will make your knowledge base has many great resources.

Debugger. Believe me, you need a debugger to find the bug in your program. The best software debugger you can buy is Softice. There is a free debugger from Netwalker, you can download from here: My Site

Summary, if you want to use MASM, download Masm32 package and read My Win32ASM Tutorials. I highly recommended that you use MASM: 99% of Win32ASM programmers to use MASM so you can get a lot of support.

Where can I get help with Win32ASM programming?

You can post your question in Win32ASM webboard, if you like more direct way, try IRC. I can connect to EFNET, Channel # Win32ASM. Or If the EFNET is not going, try Undernet, Channel # Win32ASM. You also Can send email to me my email address is I will try to give you the best reply but I don't do any form of guarantees for me.


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