Simple IDE using UltraEdit and GCC

zhaozj2021-02-17  71

Everyone usually uses UltraEdit as an editor, in fact, combines UltraEdit and GCC to construct a simple IDE, which is also very convenient to many times. The configuration method is as follows (I used MingW (D: / MingW) and UltraEdit Chinese version):

Fill in the UltraEdit menu "Advanced -> Tool Configuration -> Command Line":

D: / mingw / bin / gcc% f -O% N or GCC% f -O% N (if the GCC is set in the PATH, you can write directly)

Note:% f is the path where the current file is located,% N is the current file name (excluding suffix). It is generally set to set the work directory into the current directory, that is, fill in% P, then fill in the name of the menu display, then select "Save Activity File", "Output to List Square", "Collect Output", click "Insert "It's okay. This will appear in an output window. If you want the DOS window, simplect "Show DOS BOX", then click Replace. After confirming, a corresponding menu item will be generated below the tool configuration. Finally modify the shortcuts for the GCC menu item in Configuration -> Acceleration Key Map.

If other libraries are used in the program, such as the Boost library, just modify the command line and then insert it.

GCC% f -i "c: / boost / include / boost-1_31" -O% n (the location of the BOOST library is set according to the situation)

Compile completion, want to run the program, modify the command behavior:% P% N

If you want to open the DOS window, modify the command behavior cmd.

With shortcut keys, everyone can quickly edit, compile, and run programs in UltraEdit. See UltraEdit's Help File to learn more option parameters.

The same method can also use many other command line compilation tools, such as BCC, and more. Others more usage everyone will discover yourself.


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