You can use it without reinstalling PowerBuilder8.0

zhaozj2021-02-17  74

If we are using PB8 to make a general simple C / S mode programming, the features that need to be used are relatively small. At this time, if you have a machine's PB8 in your local area installed, you don't have to install it at all, after you come over, you can change it.

The following modifications are assumed:

PB80.EXE and PB.INI are replicated in local C: / PB8 / under the shared copy in local C: / PB8 / Shared. These files are enough if they make a general programming. Other can be replicated as needed, such as help files, PFC class libraries, etc.

The content that needs to be modified includes:

1. Setting system variable PATH setting

You first need the value of the system variable path, add the path to the file in the Share directory you copied. If it is a Win9X system, you can write this in the automatic batch file: path =% path%; C: / PB8 / Shared; if it is a Winnt system, you can directly modify system variables directly in the system properties and take effect immediately.

Modify the registry:

2. Venders in Database:

Registration location: hkey_local_machine / Software / Sybase / PowerBuilder / 8.0 / Vendors

The mounted machine (temporarily called "Source Machine") is installed in the registry, which can be connected to the database.

3. Path of the Help file:

The location of the registry:


If you don't want to find trouble every time you press F1, then set this default key value, you should set what your value you should know.

4. PB version control

If you still want to use the PB Native SCC, you need to set the contents of these two aspects:

First register the registry key of the PB version control, the location of the registry is: hkey_local_machine / Software / SourcecodeControlProvider / InstalledsccProviders

Add a string value in this path: PB Native = Software / Sybase / Powerbuilder / 8.0 / Native SCC;

Then, in the path points to the key value, new two string values:

Sccservername = PB Native SCC

SccserverPath = [c: /pb8/shared/pbnat80.dll (ie: PBNAT80.DLL path)]

OK, now you can use most features of PB8.


If you are using the version of PB7 and below, it is easier to use. Simply copy the files in PB70.exe and Shared directory, modify the following PATH variables. (However, when I use, I will copy the PB? 0.exe file to the same path to the .dll file, even the PATH does not have to be modified.)


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