How to make the advertising bar automatically run, only for learning reference

zhaozj2021-02-17  57

Dear programmers, everyone has worked hard! ! !

Today, I have to make a cheating process for the Dongdong who makes him money. I am so funny, I have made one, and now I put it out, let everyone refer to the reference. I am not interested in this type of things, making money is fake, learning is true. But seeing the number of points, it is very happy, not exclusive, so let everyone learn to discuss together on the one hand, let everyone earn some small money, one side I can also develop a few offline. . . Ha ha

Program production instructions

When the villain in the left corner of the advertising strip, he said in the billing. If the small person stopped, please use the cursor to click on the little person and let it walk. note! ! When the advertisement is opened, a CashSurfers "$" icon will appear on the lower right corner of the computer screen, when it is green, indicating the bill. - What is earning (the icon on the taskbar is green) Every time, the CashSurfers "$" icon will be red. - Stop earning points ("$" icon on the taskbar is red) advertising bar on the taskbar The "$" icon is red or the little man is sitting down, please move the mouse on the advertising strip. At this time, the small person will slap the hand to stand, if not, please click on the advertisement to move the mouse on the advertisement bar. If you go to the advertising strip, you must click on him and let him return to the left side of the advertising bar, otherwise it will not continue to advertise. Tips: When the small person began to walk into the advertising strip, hitting the mouse in front of the small man will go back, and the time will not exceed 10 seconds. Cashfiesta pays, $ 50 for $ 50, is not full, and it is accumulated next month.

According to the above description, we can complete the automatic run of the advertryment by moving the mouse and clicking the mouse.

And take into account the unmanned mode and someone mode, do different processing work. Under the case of no one, it can be done automatically by the program, and if someone is in the case, the sound prompt is only when the advertiser is inactive.

No words, the source code is as follows:

Unit unit1;


Uses Windows, Messages, Sysutils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Stdctrls, ExtCtrls, MMSystem

type TForm1 = class (TForm) Timer1: TTimer; Button1: TButton; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Memo2: TMemo; CheckBox1: TCheckBox; procedure Timer1Timer (Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click (Sender: TObject); private {Private Declarations} function hexb (b: byte): string; function isrun: boolean; procedure step1; procedure ste2; procedure closeie; public {public declarations}

Function EnumWindowsProc (AhWnd: Longint; AFORM: TFORM1): Boolean; stdcall;


Const Digits: array [0 .. $ f] of char = '0123456789abcdef'; Pmanx: integer = 45; // Small people center position PMANY: Integer = 721; // Small people center position

PMANCOLOR: INTEGER = 9355247; // Small colors PMandownx: integer = 44; // Small people sit down the coordinate PMandowny: Integer = 710; // Small sitting down the coordinate PMandownColor: String = ' FFCC00 '; // Small colors


{$ R * .dfm} function tform1.hexb (b: byte): string; // 16 Entering converted into string begin HEXB: = DIGITS [B SHR 4] DIGITS [B and $ F]; END;

function EnumWindowsProc (AhWnd: LongInt; AForm: TForm1): boolean; // callback var lpszWindowText: array [0..255] of char; WndText: string; begin GetWindowText (AhWnd, lpszWindowText, 256); WndText: = StrPas ( LPSZWindowText); if POS ('Microsoft Internet Explorer', Wndtext)> 0 THEN/ If you are the IE window, close Begin PostMessage (AhWnd, WM_Close, 0); PostMessage (AhWnd, Wm_quit, 0, 0); RESULT: = True; End;

Procedure TForm1.closeie; Begin Enumwindows (@ enumWindowsProc, longint);

Procedure tform1.step1; var i: integer; begin setcursorpos (PMANDOWNX, PMANDOWNY); // When you sit down, move your mouse to your little man's head, then move your mouse to activate the bill for i: = 1 to 10 do begin mouse_event (MouseEventf_move, 0, 1, 0); Application.ProcessMESSAGES; End; end;

Procedure tform1.step2; // When you walk, retrieve the location of your villain, and click on him, activate the advertising bar VAR BKCOLOR: TCOLOR; X, Y: integer; dc: hdc; begin isstep2: = true; x: = Pmanx; y: = pmany; dc: = getDC (0);

While (x <1000) and (isstep2) do begin bkcolor: = getpixel (dc, x, y); if (BKColor Pmancolor-1000000) THEN // Retrieve Vivine Begin SetCursorpos (X , Y); mouse_event (MouseEventf_leftdown, 0,0,0,0); mouse_event (MouseEventf_leftup, 0,0,0,0); // Break; end; x: = x 1; Application.ProcessMESSAGES; END; ISSTEP2 : = False; End; Procedure TFORM1.TIMER1TIMER (Sender: TOBJECT); VAR X, Y: Inteder; begin if Isstep2 Ten EXIT; if not checkbox1.checked the // Under no man mode, random mouse, anti-monitoring begin randomize ; X: = random (1024); y: = random (768); setcursorpos (x, y); mouse_event (MouseEventf_move, 1, 0, 0); End; if isrun dam label2.color: = CLGreen; Timer1.tag: = 0; End; End; if checkbox1.checked then // In the operating mode, if the advertisement is not allowed, use the sound to remind, do not do other operations, so as not to affect the use of the computer, begin SndplaySound. 'c: /Windows/media/tada.wav' ,snd_async); exit; end; label2.font.color: = CLRED; if Timer1.tag = 1 dam2; closeie; Timer1. Tag: = 0; Memo2.Lines.Add (Timetostr (NOW) 'Step2'; END ELSE BEGIN STEP1; TIMER1.TAG: = 1; Memo2.Lines.Add (Timetostr (NOW) 'Step1'); END ;

Function TForm1.isrun: boolean; // Judging whether the small man is moving in Var Bkcolor: Tcolor; R, G, B: Byte; HSTR: String; Begin Bkcolor: = getpixel (getDC (0), PMandownx, PMandown; R: = GetRvalue (bkcolor); g: = getgvalue (bkcolor); b: = getBValue (bkcolor); hstr: = hexb (r) hexb (g) hexb (b); if hstr = PMandownColor Then Result: = false Else RESULT: = true;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); begin Timer1.Enabled: = not Timer1.Enabled; if Timer1.Enabled then begin Button1.Caption: = 'Click To Stop'; Label1.Font.Color: = clGreen; end else begin Button1.caption: = 'Click to start'; label1.font.color: = CLRED; ISSTEP2: = FALSE; END; END;

My advertising is running in the 1024 * 768 mode, and it is placed under the screen. If your settings are different from me, adjust the value of several constants (Pmanx, Pmany, PMandownx, PMandowny).

Source code Http://


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