Differences between structural and classes in C #

zhaozj2021-02-17  76

table of Contents

Comparison of examples and structures

Differences between classes and structures

How to choose a structure or class

One. Examples of class and structure comparison:

Structure Example:

Public struct person


String name;

INT height;

Int weight

Public bool overweight ()


// Implement Something



Class example:

Public Class TestTime



Int minutes;

INT Seconds;

Public void passtime ()


//Mplementation of Behavior



Calling process:

Public Class Test


Public Static Ovid Main


Person myperson = new person // declared structure

TestTime MyTime = New TestTime // Statement class



From the above example we can see that the statement of the statement and structure is very similar, but the definition is Struct or the Class of the Class, and when used, the new structure and the new type of methods are also very similar. So what is the specific difference between classes and structures?

II. Differences between classes and structures

1. Value type and reference type

Structure is a value type: Value type assigns an address on the stack, all of the base types are structural types, such as: INT corresponds to the System.InT32 structure, String corresponds to the system.string structure, and more value types can be created by using the structure

Class is a reference type: reference type assigns an address on the heap

The implementation efficiency of the stack is higher than the implementation efficiency of the stack, but the resource of the stack is limited, and it is not suitable for processing large logic complex objects. Therefore, structural processing as a small object treated by the base type, and the class handles a business logic

Because the structure is the value type, the assignment between the structure can create a new structure, and the class is a reference type, and the assignment between the classes is just a replication reference.


1. Although the structure is different from the type of class, but their base type is object (Object), all types of base types in C # are Object.

2. Although the initialization of the structure also uses the New operator, the structural object is still allocated on the stack instead of the pile. If you do not use "New", the field will remain unfaised before initializing all fields, and Object is not available

2. Inheritance

Structure: It cannot be inherited from another structure or class, it cannot be inherited itself, although the structure is not clearly declared, but the structure is implicit SeaD.

Category: Fully scalable unless the displayed declaration Seate, you can inherit other classes and interfaces, it can also be inherited

Note: Although the structure cannot be inherited, the structure can inherit the interface, method and class inheritance interface.

For example: structure implementation interface

Interface Iimage


Void paint ();


Struct Picture: IIMAGE


Public void paint ()


// Painting Code Goes Here


Private Int x, y, z; // Other Struct Members


3. Internal structure:


There is no default constructor, but can add constructor to add

No destructor

No Abstract and SeaD (because you can't inherit)

No protected modifier

Can not initialize new

The initialization instance field in the structure is an error class:

Default constructor

Have a patterned function

You can use Abstract and Sealed

Protected modifier

I must use new initialization

three. How to choose a structure or class

After discussing the same and differences between the structure and classes, the following discusses how to choose to use the structure or class:

1. The stack is limited, for a large number of logical objects, the creation class is better than the creation structure.

2. The structure represents a lightweight object such as points, rectangles, and colors, for example, if a array containing 1000 point objects is declared, the additional memory is assigned to each object. In this case, the cost of the structure is low.

3. The class is the best choice when the abstract and multi-level object hierarchy

4. In most cases this type is just some data, the best choice is


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