Can calculate the control of << millisecond >>

zhaozj2021-02-17  75

Unit mwfasttime;


Uses sysutils, windows, classes;

type TmwFastTime = class (TComponent) private c, n1, n2: TLargeInteger; function GetElapsedTime: ShortString; function GetElapsed: Extended; protected public constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; Property Elapsed: Extended read GetElapsed; Property ELAPSEDTIME: ShortString Read GeeLapsedTime; Procedure Start; Published Property Name; Property Tag;

PROCEDURE register;



Procedure Register; Begin RegisterComponents ('MW', [TMWFastTime]); END;


Constructor TMWFastTime.create (Aowner: Tcomponent); Begin Inherited Create (Aowner); QueryperFormanceFrequency (C); END;


DESTRUCTOR TMWFASTTIME.DESTROY; begin inherited destroy;


function TmwFastTime.GetElapsed: Extended; begin {$ IFDEF VER120} Result: = (_LARGE_INTEGER (n2) .QuadPart - _LARGE_INTEGER (n1) .QuadPart) / _LARGE_INTEGER (c) .QuadPart; {$ ELSE} Result: = (n2.QuadPart - n1.quadpart) / c.quadpart; {$ ENDIF} end;


Function TMWFastTime.GetelapsedTime: shortstring; begin {$ IFDEF VER120} Result: = format ('seconds:% g', [getLetLapsed]); {$ else} result: = format ('seconds:% g', [getLetLapsed]) {$ ENDIF} end;


Procedure TMWFastTime.start; Begin QueryperFormanceCounter (N1); END;


Procedure TMWFastTime.stop; Begin QueryperFormanceCounter (N2); END;



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