Fill the FastReport report from the data taken from the CORBA interface

zhaozj2021-02-17  62

Data from the CORBA interface populates the FastReport report design process


Programming Tools: Borland C Builder 6.0

Operating system: Windows 2000

Application Software: Fastreport5.2 Crack Edition

1. Install fastreport

Install to C: / Program Files / FastReports

2. Use fastreport in BCB 6 (this process is copied from RastReport)

l Copy C: / Program Files / FastReports / Fastreport / Res / Chinese Folder to C: / Program Files / Fastreports / Fastreport / Source

l Copy fr_class.pas to the installation folder

l "/ fastreports / fastreport / source" (Default Folder)

l Run C Builder 6.0

l Select Menu Component-> Install packages. Check In Packages List "FastReport 2.5 Components" and Click Remove Button, Answer "YES" to all qustions. Click "OK".

l select menu file-> open, select file fr6.bpk from folder "/ fastreports / fastreport / source"

l Press Buttons "Compile" and "install" in Opened Window

l Close C Builder. on Query About Save Fr6.bpk Ansver "NO".

l Run C Builder.

l Select Menu "Component" -> "Install Packages" and set select for all installed fastreport Related Packages (ADO, BDE, DBX ETC)

L The other additional components used: There are three additional components included in standard FR package.These components can be found in SOURCE / BDE, SOURCE / IBX and SOURCE / ADO folders They supersede old datamanager (TfrDataStorage component) To.. Install Them, Use Same Technique As Described Above. Each Component Have A Package File. To Install in Delphi2, Use File with REG SUFFIX (for Example, fr_bdereg.pas).

3. Use memory table

l From the BDE TTABLE control, write the following code in the form of the form, create the database and tables and table fields, and field types:

Table1-> close (); table1-> databasename = "c: // tempdb";

Table1-> TableType = TTPARADOX; // Database Type

Table1-> TableName = "Treport_exchange";

IF (! Table1-> EXISTS) // Don't overwrite an existing table


// Describe the fields in the table

Table1-> FieldDefs-> clear ();

TfieldDef * pnewdef = table1-> fielddefs-> addfielddef ();

PNewdef-> name = "item_name";

PNewdef-> DataType = ftstring;

PNewdef = Table1-> Fielddefs-> addfieldDef ();

PNewdef-> name = "cardtype";

PNewdef-> DataType = ftinteger;

PNewdef = Table1-> Fielddefs-> addfieldDef ();

PNewdef-> name = "area_name";

PNewdef-> DataType = ftstring;

PNewdef = Table1-> Fielddefs-> addfieldDef ();

PNewdef-> name = "Oper_name";

PNewdef-> DataType = ftstring;

PNewdef = Table1-> Fielddefs-> addfieldDef ();

PNewdef-> name = "feecount";

PNewdef-> DataType = ftstring;

PNewdef = Table1-> Fielddefs-> addfieldDef ();

PNewdef-> name = "consumeetimes";

PNewdef-> DataType = ftstring;

Table1-> CreateTable ();


l Set the TTable property after compiling:

n DatabaseName = C: / Tempdb folder path

n Tablename = Treport_exchange

Pull the FREPORT and FrDBDataSet controls in FastReport.

Set the frDbDataSet's DataSet property as TTable, the DataSet property of the FRREPORT is FrDbDataSet

l Double-click the FRREPORT design report.

Save to BusistBybusiItem.frf files in the current directory

l Add a button and add the click event code as follows, pay attention to add IDL2CPP generated in the header file:

Corba :: ORB_VAR ORB = :: CORBA :: ORB_INIT (__ argc, __ARGV);

TABLE1-> open ();

/ / Clear data before each report

While (Table1-> Findfirst ())


Table1-> delete ();


PortablesRVER :: ObjectId_var managerid =

PortablesRver :: string_to_objectId ("interfaceReport");

VIPCenter :: InterfaceReport_var Manager = VIPCenter :: InterfaceReport :: _ bind ("/ interfaceReport_poa", managerid;

VIPCenter :: Structret_var Retvar1;

VipCenter :: seqreportexchange_var seqreportexchange;

CORBA :: Ulong i = 0;

VIPCenter :: Date_Time DT_Start, DT_END;

DT_Start.Year = 2002;

DT_Start.month = 1; = 1;

DT_Start. Hour = 0;

DT_Start.minute = 0;

DT_Start.Second = 0;

DT_END.YEAR = 2004;






// Retvar1 = Manager-> BusistAvipCardType ("571000100001", DT_Start, DT_END, "1", 571, SEQREPORTEXCHANGE.out ());

Retvar1 = Manager-> BusistTAbybusiItem ("571000100001", DT_Start, DT_END, 1, 571, SeqreportExchange.out ());

For (i = 0; i length (); i )


Table1-> appendrecord (Arrayofconst (((ARRAYOFCONST)


(SHORT) (seqreportexchange [i] .cardtype)


, (ANSISUSTRING) SeqReportExchange [i]. Ga per_name


, (ANSISUSTRING) SEQREPORTEXCHANGE [I] .consumetimes))))))))))))))))


Table1-> close ();

Table1-> Active = true;

FRREPORT1-> LoadFromfile ("busistatabasebusiitem.frf");

FRREPORT1-> ShowPreparedReport ();

FRREPORT1-> ShowReport ();



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