INSTALLSHIELD internal library function 5 SD dialog function

zhaozj2021-02-17  46

INSTALLSHIELD internal library function 5 SD dialog function

InstallShield provides some SD dialog functions, users can customize and display. The SD dialog box uses a special script definition function that can create a user-entered dialog. The dialog then returns the value to the script according to the selected selection.

The SD dialog has a Cancel button that does not return a ca ZANCEL value when it is selected. Instead, the default exit process is called.

Below is a list of all valid SD dialog functions:


Change the display element of the dialog box rendered by some internal dialog function.


Present a dialog, allowing the end user to specify a target location installed.


Create a dialog that is more flexible than the standard AskOptions function.


Present a dialog, allowing end users to select and undo the items in the selected list.


A bitmap is displayed in the dialog.


Display a dialog allows the end user to select the installed components and target folders.


Display a dialog allows the end user to select the folder, components, and sub parts to be installed.


Display a dialog allows the end user to select the installed components and target folders.


Display a dialog allows the end user to select the installed components and sub parts. Additional information about disk space is also provided to determine the optimal location of the installation.


Display a dialog with a tree control control, allows the end user to select the installed components and sub parts. Additional information about disk space is also provided to determine the optimal location of the installation.


Prompt the user to confirm the selection of the folder.


Prompt End User Confirmation Enter information in the SDREGISTERUSER or SDREGISTERUSEREX rendering dialog box.


Display the topic list.


Display a dialog that informs the end user to encounter a share, lock (in use) or read only files.


Display a dialog box to notify the end user installation to complete and provide a selection of an option, if you want to view the information file or run an application.


Display a dialog box notifies the end user installation completed.


Display a dialog box to inform the user to install and provide a selection of restarting Windows and computer options.


Prepare a installation of calling the SD dialog function.


Display a license protocol and give the end user an option to accept or reject the license terms.


Returns a string value that is associated with a specified resource ID.


Create a section name for a custom dialog. This section is used in writing or from one .iss file. The .iss file is used by InstallShield Silent.


Display a dialog with a user-defined button to provide different options to the end user.


Insert your product name in a particular static area of ​​the script dialog.


Display a dialog that enters the username and the company name.


Display a dialog, the end user can enter the user name, company name, and application serial number inside.


Present a dialog box allows the end user to select a folder from the program folder list.


Display a dialog that enables the end user to select one of three standard installation types: typical, simple or custom.


Display a dialog box allows the end user to select a standard or custom installation type.


Displays a general dialog of a resource DLL. When you display a dialog with a SDShowAnyDialog function You cannot accept any input from the end user. SDShowdlgedit1

Display a dialog that has a single row of editing areas and other static controls.


Show a dialog, there are two separate editing areas and other static controls.


Show a dialog, there are three single-line editing areas and other static controls.


Present a dialog box, previewing the possible modifications of the file and allows the end user to agree to modify, refuse to modify or request to write modifications to a file.


A list of scrollable messages is displayed in a dialog.


Display a message in a small window.


Rendering a dialog, display the options and settings specified via the end user.


Show a general welcome.


Display a dialog box used at the beginning of the maintenance installation.

5.1 DialogsetInfo

Syntax: DialogsetInfo (Ninfotype, Szinfostring, NParameter);

Description: DialogsetInfo Functions Modify the following components displayed in the InstallShield dialog:

Image displayed;

Get the style of the check box selected by the end user;

Indicates the accuracy of the valid and required disk space value.

Keep the remaining portion of the installed by calling DialogSetInfo or until they are modified to DialogsetInfo. If your script calls DialogsetInfo before calling any SD dialog, you must call SDINIT before the call of DialogsetInfo. Otherwise, the call to DialogsetInfo is invalid.



Specifies the display feature to modify. One of the following predefined constants in this parameter location:

DLG_INFO_USEDEDECIMAL: When default, the displayed indicator component size, valid disk space, and the required disk space are rounded to the nearest KB or MB. The following dialogs are affected by this parameter: ComponentDialog, SDcomponentDialog, SDcomponentDialog2, SDcomponentDialogadv, and SDComponentmult.

DLG_INFO_KUNITS: When the default, the display indicating that the component size, the value of the valid disk space, and the required disk space is measured in KB. Transfer this parameter while the NParameter is set to false to display these values ​​with MB. The following dialogs are affected by this parameter: SDcomponentTree, ComponentDialog, SDcomponentDialog, SDcomponentDialog2, SDcomponentDialogadv, and SDComponentMult.

DLG_INFO_ALTIMAGE: Specifies a candidate bitmap displayed in this dialog. If the NParameter is set to true, SzinFostring must specify an image displayed on the dialog. This parameter is applied to all INSTALLSHIELD dialogs for displaying standard installation images on the upper right corner of the dialog (and the image display on the upper right corner of a large image on the left side of the dialog). More information You can view the "When ninfotype is .dlg_info_altimage" in NPARAMETER.

The display effect set by SetDisPlayeffect cannot be applied to alternating images, usually there is no special effects when they are displayed.

DLG_INFO_CHECKSELECTION: Specify the selection method to determine the constant passed by the NParameter. Note SDComponentTree does not support changing the check box type.

Szinfostring When DLG_INFO_ALTIMAGE is passed to Ninfotype, this parameter specifies the file name and a set of bit graph properties (optional) to display the candidate bitmap. If the bitmap attribute is included, the string passed to the parameter must be formatted as follows:

"Bitmap file name; transparent logo; ; ; transparent color"

Bitmap file name:

Specify the name file name. If the file name is not limited (that is, if it does not include a drive indicator and path), INSTALLSHIELD finds this bitmap at Supportdir.

Transparent logo:

Indicates whether the transparent display bitmap is displayed. When the flag is 1 (true), all its colors in this bitmap are all transparently displayed by the part of the RGB value specified by SzinFostring transparencal parameters. This parameter is default 0 (non-transparent).


These parts of the format row are ignored, but they must be included. That is, the format row must include four semicolons, and three semicolons are between transparent markers and transparent colors.

Transparent color:

Indicates the color of the transparent display. Transparent color must be represented by a RGB value, that is, three numeric values ​​are separated by commas. If there is no value, even if the transparent flag is set to 1, the bitmap will not be transparent.

The following example will display a bitmap for myBitMap.bmp file, which is located in the SupportDir folder. All black parts of the bitmap (RGB value is 0, 0, 0) will be transparent.

"Mybitmap.bmp; 1 ;;; 0,0,0"

Note: The standard bitmap is 57 × 53. A candidate bitmap must also be this size. If the bitmap is greater than this size, it will be in the vertical position in the title area, and the right side of the bitmap will be aligned with the right side of the dialog. (In Welcome, SDWELCOME, and SDFINISH dialogs, the right side of the bitmap will be aligned with the right side of the larger bitmap it appears). The left side of the bitmap will be extended to the left of the dialog. The bitmap extension will be cut off at any part of the dialog header area. If the bitmap is less than 57 × 53, it will be displayed correctly, but it will not be adjusted or expanded.

This parameter is ignored when the default bitmap is reloaded or ninfotype is not DLG_INFO_ALTIMAGE.


Connect with the Ninfotype together to specify the dialog feature.

When ninfotype is a DLG_INFO_CHECKSELECTION, pass one of the following predefined constants to specify the checkbox style:

Checkbox: Specifies the check box for Windows 3.1 style.

Checkbox95: Specify the standard (Windows 95 style) check box. This is the default check box style if you don't call DialogsetInfo.

Checkline: Specifies the check box for the check line style.

Checkmark: Specifies the check box for check mark.

When Ninfotype is DLG_INFO_ALTIMAGE, pass one of the following predefined constants to specify the display bitmap:

-1: The specified dialog must display the default bitmap.

True: Specifies that the bitmap indicated by SzinFostring must be used in the subsequent dialog box, as described in SzinFostring, as described in front of SZINFSTRING.

When Ninfotype is DLG_INFO_KUNITS or DLG_INFO_USEDECIMAL, one of the following predefined constants is passed to specify how the size is displayed:

True: Specifies the size according to the Ninfotype indicated.

FALSE: Specifies the size to display according to the default style.

Return value: 0 Indicates that the function successfully sets the specified style.

<0 indicates that the function failed to set this style.


· To preview the effect of DialogsetInfo, run the installshield example, change the properties of the dialog (by clicking the property button), then check the change in the dialog box for SDComponentDialog2 and SDComponentMult.

· DialogsetInfo must be called every time you have to change the details of a dialog.

You can use the DLG_INFO_ALTIMAGE parameter to activate a bitmap of 16 colors, 256 colors or true color (24-bit). Note that when the 256-color bitmap is displayed in the 16-color system, there is color distortion when it is displayed in the 256 color system. It is recommended that you specify a candidate image compatible with color mode of the target system.


Syntax: SDASKDestPath (Sztitle, SZMSG, SVDIR, NRESERVED);

Description: The SDASKDestPath function creates a dialog that allows the end user to select a candidate target path. When you click the browsing button in the dialog, the SelectDir function is called to open a secondary dialog to enable the end user to select an existing folder or enter a new folder name.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Select Folder"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the text displayed in the dialog box. This text is considered as a static control. Use the% P position clip in your message string to insert the product name (if any) that has been specified by the previous call for the call of SDPRODUCTNAME. Pass an empty string ("") for the default indication of the dialog.


Specifies the default selection directory name. Returns the directory name selected by the end user.


Transfer 0 to this parameter. Other values ​​are not allowed.

return value:

Next (1): Specifies the next button to be clicked.

Back (12): Specifies the Back button to be clicked.


• The installer running in a still mode must be created a new folder that does not exist before calling SDASKDestPath. This ensures that the confirmation dialog is not displayed. Without this step, two response files are required to handle two possible conditions.

5.3 SDASKOptions

Syntax: SDASKOptions (Sztitle, Szmsg1, Szmsg2, Szid, Szcomponents, NexClusiveflag);

Description: The SDASKOPTIONS function creates a dialog and provides the installation option. You can use the check box or a radio button as the selection button. The information displayed next to the button is retrieved from a set of options. The default number of options is 4. You can add or subtract the number of options in the group if necessary.

SDASKOPTIONS runs on the current media specified by system variable media. In the initialization of the installation, INSTALLSHIELD assigns the media name ("Data") to Media, which is connected to your file media library ( To display the components created by the script, press the same steps in 4.6:

If your installation does not use a setup type dialog box, you must call ComponentSetUPTypeSet before calling SDASKOptions to specify the type of installation that is already defined in the IDE installation type pane.

The value of system variable Media is set to 'Data' during installation initialization. If you change the value of this variable to point to a script to create a component group, you must modify the value back to 'data' before calling ComponentTransferData, CreateShellObjects, or CreateRegistrySet. Note that the ComponentTransferData is automatically called in the installation of an event-based script. parameter:


Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Select Components"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. The ID of the static area is 801. To display the default indication of the dialog, the parameter passes an empty string ("").


Specifies a secondary message displayed on the dialog. The ID of the static area is 802.


Specify a candidate numeric dialog ID. Use only the value ID represented by a string (for example, "13001"). You can copy the SDASKOPTIONS dialog resource, do a limited modification to it, give it a unique value ID, and call the SZID by passing its ID by a string to the SZID. Refer to the following annotation section. To create a standard four-option SDASKOPTIONS dialog, pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the name name of the component to be displayed. There is a check box or a radio button in front of the sub-part. To display all top components, pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.

SDASKOptions Find the component group in the file media library or script specified by the system variable Media.


Specify the type of button you want to display in the dialog. One of the following predefined constants in this parameter location:

Exclusive: Specify the radio button.

NONEXCLUSIVE: Specifies the check box.

If your installation includes the required visible components, do not call SDASKOptions to get the installation options. Instead, call ComponentDialog, SDcomponentDialog, SDComponentMult, or SDASKOptionsList in a non-stationary manner.

Required components can be so understanding: When the active component (the component selected in the component pane) is installed, you want to add components to the component list that must be installed or removes components from the component list.

Among them, the controls are:

The required components (list box): List the components required by the active component.

Components (List Box): List all defined components. Active component has a check mark; the desired component has a red circle and slash.

Add (Team): Add the components selected in the component list box to the desired component list box.

Delete (Team): Remove the selected components from the desired list box.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.


· You can copy the SDASKOptions dialog resource (on _isres.dll) by using the resource editor, and give it a unique ID to create multiple SDASKOptions type dialog box. When you call SDASKOptions and custom copy of the dialog box in the parameter SZID, custom copies are displayed. Restrict the editing of the presence static text area to modify and increase static text zones. It is not recommended to add controls that need to handle the program because it needs to change the resource script of SDASKOptions. 5.4 SDASKOPTIONSLISL


Description: The SDASKOPTIONSLIST function creates a dialog that displays a list of custom installed components.

SDASKOPTIONSLIST runs on the current media specified by the system variable Media. In the initialization of the installation, INSTALLSHIELD assigns the media name ("Data") to Media, which is connected to your file media library ( To display the components created by the script, press the same steps in 4.6.

The value of system variable Media is set to 'Data' during installation initialization. If you change the value of this variable to point to a script to create a component group, you must modify the value back to 'data' before calling ComponentTransferData, CreateShellObjects, or CreateRegistrySet. Note that the ComponentTransferData is automatically called in the installation of an event-based script.

If your installation does not use a installation Type dialog, you must call the ComponentSetUPTypeset before calling SDASKOptionsList to specify a type of installation that is already defined in the IDE Installation Type pane.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Select Components"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. To display the default indication of the dialog, the parameter passes an empty string ("").


Specifies the name name of the component to be displayed. To display all top components, pass an empty string to this parameter.

SDASKOPTIONSLIST Find the required components in the file media library or script specified by the system variable Media.


Specifies whether the choice of the end user is limited. One of the following predefined constants in this parameter location:

Exclusive: Allows the end user to select a project only from the list. If any SZComponents' sub parts are required components, do not use the Exclusive mode.

NONEXCLUSIVE: Allows the end user from selecting multiple items from the list, including multiple non-adjacent options. Two buttons are displayed: SELECT All and Clear All, allowing all options or clear all options to be selected by clicking a button.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.


Syntax: SDBitMap (Sztitle, Szmsg, Szbitmap);

Description: The SDBITMAP function displays a bitmap in a dialog. The maximum size allowed by the bitmap is 440 pixel points, 275 pixels high. Only when you use a resource editor to modify the SDBitMap dialog resource, you can display a message in the SDBitmap dialog box when you display the message. parameter:


Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Welcome"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Passing an empty string ("") to this parameter unless you use a resource editor to modify the SDBITMAP dialog box to display a message to view the following annotations.


Specifies the file name of the bitmap to display and a set of bit graph properties (optional). If the bitmap attribute is included, the string passed to this parameter must be formatted as follows:

"Bitmap file name; transparent sign '3-D logo; background color"

Bitmap file name

Specify the name file name. If the file name is not limited (that is, if it does not include a drive indicator and path), INSTALLSHIELD finds this bitmap at Supportdir.

Transparent sign

Indicates whether the transparent display bitmap is displayed. When the flag is 1 (true), the bitmap is all purple (RGB values: 255, 0, and 255). The default value of this parameter is 0 (non-transparent).

3-D logo

Indicates whether to add a 3-D border around the edge of the static zone containing the bitmap. The default is 0 (non-3D borders).

Background color background

Indicates the color as a static text area background. Note that this color is only visible when the bit map is smaller than the static text zone or the transparent flag it appears to 1 and the bitmap is visible when there is a transparent area. The background color must be represented by RGB value, that is, three values ​​separated by comma.

The following example will display the bitmap from mybitmap.bmp file, which is located in the SupportDir folder. This bitmap will be placed on a black background. It has a 3-D border. Any purple red portion of this bitmap will be displayed as a background color - black.

"Mybitmap.bmp; 1; 1; 0, 0, 0"

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.


· You can use a resource editor to modify the SDBITMAP dialog resource so that a message string that passes to the parameter SZMSG is displayed in the SDBitMap dialog.

• The SDBITMAP dialog resource is included in _isRes.dll. This resource contains a static text control that receives a string passed by parameter szmsg. However, the static text control defaults to not view (under the dialog) in the SDBITMAP dialog box (under the dialog). SDBitmap also displays bitmill image using a static text control. You can adjust the size of the static text control of the bitmap image and the moving message static text control into the dialog box.

Changing the size of the static text control of the bitmap image may affect the display of your bitmap image. The bitmap image must be smaller enough to avoid when it is static in a bitmap image static text control in a bitmap image.

· This function does not support transparent bitmaps. If you use a transparent bitmap with this function, the transparent portion will be displayed normally.

· SDBITMAP does not support the meta file.

5.6 SDcomponentDialog

Syntax: SDcomponentDialog (Sztitle, SZMSG, SVDIR, SZComponents);

Note: Create a dialog using the SDComponentDialog function. Displays the list of components that can be installed on the current media and the disk space that will occupy each component. This function is the same as SDComponentDialogadv. The target directory can be modified using the Browse button; the available disk space on other drives can be checked.

SDComponentDialogt runs on the current media specified by system variable media. In the initialization of the installation, INSTALLSHIELD assigns the media name ("Data") to Media, which is connected to your file media library ( To display the components created by the script, press the same steps in 4.6.

If your installation does not use a setup type dialog box, you must call ComponentSetUPTypeSet before calling SDComponentDialog to specify a type of installation that is already defined in the IDE Installation Type pane.

The value of system variable Media is set to 'Data' during installation initialization. If you change the value of this variable to point to a script to create a component group, you must modify the value back to 'data' before calling ComponentTransferData, CreateShellObjects, or CreateRegistrySet. Note that the ComponentTransferData is automatically called in the installation of an event-based script.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Select Components"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. To display the default indication of the dialog, the parameter passes an empty string ("").


Specifies the default selected folder name; returns the folder name selected by the end user. Note that the target folder specified by SVDIR will not authenticate TargetDir or any other system variable. If it is to be used, in order to install the SVDIR value, you must assign it to targetdir or a script defined variable.

We recommend that users deliver TargetDir to this parameter instead of a string variable. If you don't pass Targetdir at this parameter, the desired disk space that is displayed in the dialog box when the end user selects a goal in a different drive.


Specifies the name name to be displayed to be displayed. To display all the primary components, pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.

SDComponentDialog Findings the required components in the file media library or script specified by the system variable Media.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.


· One component is displayed as 0 before being selected. Once it has been selected, its actual size is displayed.

• If necessary, the component name is taken to allow the maximum possible component size. The necessary space of display size depends on the maximum component size itself (2GB), the currently used component size option, and fonts used to display component information in the dialog box. The component size option is set by the DialogsetInfo function.

· Once the space required to display the maximum size is determined, all component names are automatically cut to accommodate the remaining space if necessary. This ensures that the component name does not overwrite the component size.

· Note that the name of the component that requires less space display size (or no selected) under this method will still be cut. In order to maximize the execution and ensure that the component name is complete, the component name is smaller than the effective space in the component dialog.

• If the default folder specified by svdir does not exist in the end user system unless the end user presses the Browse button and follows the steps to create it from the Select Folder dialog, it will not be created. Therefore, whenever users want to specify a default folder to use before calling ComponentTransferData (if necessary, it creates folders), in order to determine if the folder exists, EXISTDIR must be called when SDComponentDialog returns. If there is no existence, call CreatDir creates it on the end user system. • The installation of the still mode (Silent Mode) If the folder before calling SDComponentDialog does not exist, you must create the new folder. This ensures that the confirmation dialog is not displayed. Without this step, two responding files are needed to handle two possible situations.

• The ID of the Disk Space button is 101. This button automatically displays the valid disk space dialog. If you want you to delete the button / option. A directory static zone requires an ID 851. The list box ID has a multi-selection style.

5.7 SDcomponentDialog2

Syntax: SDcomponentDialog2 (SZTITLE, SZMSG, SZDIR, SZComponents);

Description: The SDComponentDialog2 function creates a dialog that displays a list of components on the current media that can be installed. The components displayed in the component window can have a sub-component. If a component has a child, the Change button will become valid. Clicking the Change button will generate the Selected Submate Dialog to make further selections. An illustration is also provided for each component and sub-components. When the user selects or highlights the component, the description is displayed under the description area of ​​the dialog.

SDComponentDialog2 runs on the current media specified by system variable media. In the initialization of the installation, INSTALLSHIELD assigns the media name ("Data") to Media, which is connected to your file media library ( To display the components created by the script, press the same steps in 4.6.

If your installation does not use a setup type dialog box, you must call ComponentSetUPTypeSet before calling SDComponentDialog to specify a type of installation that is already defined in the IDE Installation Type pane.

The value of system variable Media is set to 'Data' during installation initialization. If you change the value of this variable to point to a script to create a component group, you must modify the value back to 'data' before calling ComponentTransferData, CreateShellObjects, or CreateRegistrySet. Note that the ComponentTransferData is automatically called in the installation of an event-based script.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Select Components"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter ("")


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. To display the default indication of the dialog, the parameter passes an empty string ("").


Specifies the name (destination location) of the target directory. Note that the target folder specified by SVDIR will not authenticate TargetDir or any other system variable. If it is to be used, in order to install the SVDIR value, you must assign it to targetdir or a script defined variable.


Specifies the name name to be displayed to be displayed. To display all the primary components, pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.

SDcomponentDialog2 Find the required components in the file media library or script created by the system variable Media. return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.


· One component is displayed as 0 before being selected. Once it has been selected, its actual size is displayed.

• If necessary, the component name is tail to allow the maximum possible component size. The necessary space of display size depends on the maximum component size itself (2GB), the currently used component size option, and fonts used to display component information in the dialog box. The component size option is set by the DialogsetInfo function.

· Once the space required to display the maximum size is determined, all component names are automatically cut to accommodate the remaining space if necessary. This ensures that the component name does not overwrite the component size.

· Note that the name of the component that requires less space display size (or no selected) under this method will still be cut. In order to maximize the execution and ensure that the component name is complete, the component name is smaller than the effective space in the Component dialog box.

• The CHANGE button is valid when there is any sub-component only when the selected component is selected. Otherwise, it will be gray.

• If a component is undo selected, its submount must also default to undo the selected. Similarly, if all sub parts of one component defaults to undo, the parent component must also default to undo the selected. For the default selection settings for components and sub parts, please refer to the ComponentAddItem function.

· When the user selects a component or sub-component displayed in the dialog, the default selection setting is cleared. If the user cancels the selected component, all its sub-components will also be undo. This component will also be undo selected if the user cancels all the sub-components of one component.

5.8 SDcomponentDialogadv

Syntax: SDcomponentDialogadv (Sztitle, Szmsg, Svdir, Szcomponents);

Description: Create a dialog using the SDComponentDialogadv function. Displays the list of components that can be installed on the current media and the disk space that will take up. This function is the same as SDcomponentDialog.

The target directory can be modified using the Browse button: the available disk space on other drives can be used to check.

SDComponentDialogTADV runs on the current media specified by system variable media. In the initialization of the installation, INSTALLSHIELD assigns the media name ("Data") to Media, which is connected to your file media library ( To display the components created by the script, press the same steps in 4.6.

If your installation does not use a setup type dialog box, you must call ComponentSetUPTypeSet before calling SDComponentDialog to specify a type of installation that is already defined in the IDE Installation Type pane.

The value of system variable Media is set to 'Data' during installation initialization. If you change the value of the variable to point to a script to create a component group, you must modify the value back to 'data' before calling ComponentTransferData, CreateShellObjects, or createRegistrySet. Note that the ComponentTransferData is automatically called in the installation of an event-based script.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Select Components"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. To display the default indication of the dialog, the parameter passes an empty string (""). svdir

Specifies the default selected folder name; returns the folder name selected by the end user. Note that the target folder specified by SVDIR will not authenticate TargetDir or any other system variable. If it is to be used, in order to install the SVDIR value, you must assign it to targetdir or a script defined variable.

We recommend that users deliver TargetDir to this parameter instead of a string variable. If you don't pass Targetdir at this parameter, the desired disk space that is displayed in the dialog box when the end user selects a goal in a different drive.


Specifies the name name to be displayed to be displayed. To display all the primary components, pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.

SDComponentDialogadv Find the required components in the file media library or script specified by the system variable Media.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.


See 5.7.

5.9 SDcomponentMult

Syntax: SDcomponentMult (Sztitle, Szmsg, Sztargetdir, Szcomponents);

Description: The SDComponEntMult function creates a dialog that provides an option to the end user to select from a component and sub-part list on the current media. The dialog has two sub-windows. If the selected component has a sub-component, they are displayed in the second window. The dialog also displays the required disk space (depending on the selected components and sub-components) and the idle disk space of the target directory to provide help during the installation process. Description of the components and / or sub-components can be viewed in the description area by clicking its name.

For details on components and sub parts, please refer to 7.1.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Select Components"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter ("")


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. To display the default indication of the dialog, the parameter passes an empty string ("").


Specifies the name of the target folder that will be installed. Note that the target folder specified by SvTargetdir will not authenticate Targetdir or any other system variable. If it is to be used, you must assign it to Targetdir or a script defined variable to Targetdir or a script.


Specifies the name name to be displayed to be displayed. To display all the primary components, pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.

SDComponEntMult Find the required components in the file media library or script specified by the system variable Media.

The component name that is too long cannot adapt to the selection window will be taken from the right tail to accommodate the effective space.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.


See 5.7.

5.10 SDcomponenttree

Syntax: SDcomponentTree (Sztitle, SZMSG, SZDIR, SZComponents, NLEVEL);

Description: The SDComponentTree function displays a dialog that contains the following:

A tree control, the end user can select the components that are required on their system and components that are not required to be selected on their system.

Description of the selected component (component properties description text).

A disk space that needs to be used to perform the files specified in the tree control, and the valid space of the disk that is specified by the SZDIR. (Calculation of the required disk space considers the size of the cluster of the disk specified by SZDIR.) SDComponentTree runs on the current media specified by the system variable Media. In the initialization of the installation, INSTALLSHIELD assigns the media name ("Data") to Media, which is connected to your file media library ( To display the components created by the script, press the same steps in 4.6.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Select Components"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. To display the default indication of the dialog, the parameter passes an empty string (""). SZDir

Specifies the path to the disk used in the desired and valid disk space.


Specifies the name name to be displayed to be displayed. To display all the primary components, pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies how many layers of components and sub-components are opened in the tree control when the dialog is first displayed. (For example, NLEVEL is 2, the dialog is first displayed, and the third and lower sub-components are turned off in the tree control.)

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.

5.11 SDConfirmNewdir

Syntax: SDConfirmNewdir (Sztitle, SZDIR, NRESERVED);

Description: The SDConfirmNewdie function creates a dialog that displays a folder name and a confirmation prompt. If the end user clicks the Yes button, a new folder is automatically created by the function.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("confirm new folder"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the name of the directory to be confirmed. (To get this information by calling SDASKDestPath)


Transfer 0 to this parameter. Other values ​​are not allowed.

return value:

YES (1): Indicates that click the YES button and the directory has been confirmed and will be created.

NO (0): Indicates that click the NO button and the specified directory will not be created.

<0: Indicates that YES is selected but the function failed to create a new directory.

5.12 SDConfirmRegistration

Syntax: SDConfirmRegistration (Sztitle, Szname, Szcompany, SZSERIAL, NRESERVED);

Description: The SDConfirmRegistration function creates a dialog, displays the username, the company name, and serial number. If an empty string ("") is entered in any area of ​​the dialog, the displayed area will be empty.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Register Approve"), the parameter passes an empty string ("").


Specify the end user name.


Specify the company name.


Specify the serial number. If the parameter contains an empty string (""), the serial number area is not displayed in the dialog box. NRESERVED

Transfer 0 to this parameter. Other values ​​are not allowed.

return value:

YES (1): Indicates that click Yes button.

NO (0): Indicates that click the NO button.


· Call SDREGISTERUSEREX for the name and corporate name of the serial number and the end user. Just get the name and company name, call the SDREGISTERUSER.



Description: The SDDISPLAYTOPICS function creates a dialog that displays information based on topic data (data). The dialog provides a title then the topic and description of the title. You can modify the font style of the text to make it and title (topic) text you want to distinguish. Messages and theme titles are usually bold. You can use this dialog to display help topics, examples, and more.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Custom Install Help"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. To display the default indication of the dialog, the parameter passes an empty string ("").


Specifies a list of strings to be displayed.


Specifies a list of strings that contain instructions for each topic.


Transfer 0 to this parameter. Other values ​​are not allowed.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.


· The message static area must be an ID of 801. The subject identifier ID must be within 802-849. The indication area ID must be within 851-899.

· The space of the static indication area is fixed by the size of the dialog. You can't dynamically change the space of the listdetails list. If the number of topics and descriptions is less than the number of static zones, no content is displayed in the blank area, but the dialog size will not change.


Syntax: SDEXCEPTIONS (NexceptionType, SzFileName);

Note: The SDEXCEPTIONS function displays a dialog that informs the end user to encounter a shared, locked (in use) or read-only files and provide an appropriate option.



Specifies the type of file problem. One of the following predefined constants in this parameter location:

Shared: A shared file whose reference counter has been reduced to 0.

Readonly: I encountered a read-only file.

Locked: encountered a lock file.


Specifies the file name that encounters a problem.

return value:

Err_RETRY (4): Indicates that the Retry button is selected.

Err_IGNORE (5): Indicates that the IGNORE button is selected.

Err_yes (6): Indicates that the Yes button is selected.

Err_NO (7): Indicates that the NO button is selected.

ERR_PERFORM_AFTER_REBOOT (100): Indicates that the Reboot button is selected.

<0: Indicates that the dialog cannot be displayed.



Description: The SDFINISH function displays a dialog that informs the end user installation has been completed and gives user information or selection. The SDFINISH dialog displays two messages and two checkbox selection options. For example, you might want to provide users to view readme files or selection of running applications.

Insert the product name in the message or check box description, in SZMSG1, SZMSG2, SZOPT1, and SZOPT2 passed the position clip% P.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default header ("Installation Complete"), pass the parameter to the parameter ("").


Specifies the message displayed at the top of the dialog. Pass an empty string ("") to display the default indication of the notification user installation.


Specifies the message displayed at the bottom of the dialog. To display the default indication ("Click the Finish button to complete the installation"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the text displayed next to the first check box. Passing an empty string ("") to hide the check box.


Specifies the text next to the second check box. Passing an empty string ("") to hide the check box.


Returns the selection status of the first check box (TRUE or FALSE).


Returns the selection status of the second check box (TRUE or FALSE).

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the finish button.


· SDFINISH has no option to terminate the computer that is installed and restarting the end user. When SDFINISH returns, the installation continues. When it is necessary to provide option to the user reboot, you can use the call SDFINISHREBOOT instead.

· Because SDFINISH is designed to declare the end, the Back button is disabled.



Description: The SDFinisHex function calls SDFINISH or SDFINISHREBOOT to display a dialog box that informs the end user installation has been completed and gives user information or selection. If the system variable batch_install is equal to FALSE (indicating that the lock file is not encountered during the installation process), SDFinisHex calls SDFINISH to display the dialog. If BATCH_INSTALL is equal to TRUE, SDFinisHex calls SDFINISHREBOOT to display the dialog.

Insert the product name in the message or check box description, in SZMSG1, SZMSG2, SZOPT1, and SZOPT2 passed the position clip% P.


The parameters and SDFINISH are the same. If BATCH_INSTALL is equal to TRUE, these parameters are ignored and called SDFINISHREBOOT (",", ", SYS_BOOTMACHINE," ", 0).

return value:

0: Indicates that SDFINISH is called.

Next (1): Indicates that call SDFINISHREBOOT and end users do not restart the computer.

<0: Indicates that call SDFINISHREBOOT and the end user selects restarting the computer, but restarts failed.



Note: The SDFINISHREBOOT function declares installation completed and supplied to the user to restart the system. The restart system allows you to modify autoexec.bat, config.sys, and some .INI files work. The SDFINISHREBOOT dialog displays two messages in a static text area. Use parameters SZMSG1 and SZMSG2 to set the value of these areas. Insert the product name in the message or check box description, use the position clip% P in the string passed in SZMSG1 and SZMSG2.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default header ("Installation Complete"), pass the parameter to the parameter ("").


Specifies the message displayed at the top of the dialog. Pass an empty string ("") to display the default indication of the notification user installation.


Specifies a default radio button option to select. One of the following predefined constants in this parameter location:

SYS_BOOTMACHINE: Restart your computer at the end of the installation.

0: Do not restart the computer. .


Specifies the text displayed at the bottom of the dialog to provide information about what is going on. To display the default instruction, pass an empty string ("").


Transfer 0 to this parameter. Other values ​​are not allowed.

return value:

WILL_REBOOT: Indicates that the user selects the restart system.

Next (1): Indicates that the user does not select the restart system or Windows.

<0: Indicates that the user selects the restart system or Windows, but the restart failed.


· Because when other installshield instances are run, InstallShield will try our best to do not restart your computer, so you must turn off all other installshield instances before allowing SDFINISHREBOOT to restart Windows or systems. In addition, the message you give users must ask them to restart the system later, they must ensure that all other applications are first closed.

· InstallShield Automatically make sure the lock .dll and .exe file will be updated when the next system is started.

· Because SDFINISHREBOOT is designed to declare the end, the Back button is disabled.

5.18 sdinit

Syntax: sdinit ();

Description: The SDINIT function prepares an installation that calls the SD dialog function: load the desired resource string, restore the minimized InstallShield window, and specify the check box in the Windows 95 style in the SD dialog.


This function has no parameters.

return value:

0: Indicates that the installation is initialized to call the SD dialog function.

1: Indicates that the installation has been initialized to call the SD dialog function.


· This function is automatically called by each SD function. No need to explicitly call SDINIT unless your script calls DialogsetInfo before calling any SD dialog function. In this case, your script must call the sdinit before calling DialogSetInfo; otherwise the call to DialogsetInfo does not have any effect.


Syntax: SDLICENSE (Sztitle, Szmsg, Szquestion, SzlicenseFile);

Description: The SDLICENSE function displays a dialog that contains a license protocol in multi-line editing area. The license protocol is saved in a text file specified by the parameter szlicensefile.

Users can scroll up and down to read the protocol, then you must choose Yes, No or Enable, Back button. Because this may be the first dialog you will display, you might want to ban the Back button. If the user selects Yes, the installation will continue. If the user selects NO, INSTALLSHIELD will display the exit installation dialog. parameter:


Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Software License Protocol"), pass the parameter to a null string ("").


Specifies the message in the static text area displayed above the multi-line editing area. Pass an empty string for displaying the default indication.


Specifies the text in the static text area below the multi-line editing area. You may have a problem here, and the user must choose Yes or NO to respond. To display the default indication, pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the text file name that contains the license protocol. This file must be added to the appropriate language folder in the installation file pane.

return value:

YES (1): Indicates that the user selects the Yes button.

BACK (12): Indicates that the user selects the BACK button.


· This function cannot return NO, because if the user selects the NO button, the exit installation dialog will be displayed.

· You can also specify SzlicenseFile by entering a fully qualified name, in quotation marks, or a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path.

• The text in SzlicenseFile must contain a hard drive after more than 1024 characters. The text of the file must be read into a string list at 1024 bytes. If the text from szlicensefile does not include a hard drive, the word will survey in the SDLICENSE dialog box.



Description: The SDLOADSTRING function returns a string value that is connected to the specified resource ID. The installation engine is first lookup resource in _iSuser.dll; if the resource is not found, the installation engine is found in _isRes.all.



Specify an identifier of the string resource in _isuser.dll or _isres.dll. Some NID valid values ​​can be found in the IFX.H file of the Script / IFX / Include subfolder of the InstallShield Professional folder.

return value:

Non-empty string value

SDLOADSTRING successfully retrieves string values.

Empty string value ("")

Indicates that SDLOADSTRING failed.



Description: The SDMAKENAME function creates a section name for a custom dialog. The section is used in the name of the ISSS file or is used by INSTALLSHILED SILANT.



The specified section name (INSTALLSHIELD uses variables SZDLG and NVDLGNAME to set a value). This value is used by SilentReadData and SilentWriteData..


Specifies the name of the custom dialog.


This parameter is not used, and it passes an empty string ("").


Specifies the number of times that records the number of times the SDMAKENAME is called by the SZDLG named dialog. InstallShield automatically adds the counter. Use a unique variable name for each custom dialog. (Refer to the following annotation) Return value: None.


· To make the festival properly, you must use a unique variable name in the fourth parameter of each different custom dialog. A simple way to do this is to name the variable in SZDLG using the dialog box name. For example, when SZDLG is "MyDLGONE", the variable named in the fourth parameter is nvmydlgone; when SZDLG is "MyDLGTWO", the variable is named NVMydlgtwo.

5.22 SDOPTIONSButtons

Syntax: SDOPTIONSButtons (Sztitle, Szmsg, ListButtons, ListDescription);

Description: The SDOPTIONSButtons function displays a dialog that contains one to four bitmap buttons and a short a text description for each button.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Select Components"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. To display the dialog, the default indication ("Please select the component you want to install"), deliver an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies a list of strings that contain one to four elements. Each element is a string that specifies a bitmap displayed on the button. A button will be used to display each string element in the list. String list elements must have the following format:

"@ ; ; "

Start string by @ symbol and follow the bit map ID. Domain is 1 (true) or 0 (fake), indicating whether the color specified by the domain is displayed when the bitmap is displayed. Domain Specifies a RGB value, which is a transparent color of a bitmap. Note the semicolon divide the ID and icon flag, icon flag, and transparent color.

More information can refer to the following annotation section.


Specifies a string list containing one to four string elements, each of which corresponds to a string in the parameter listbuttons. Each string is a text description that is displayed with its corresponding button.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.

101: The button corresponding to the first string element in ListButtons is selected.

102: Buttons corresponding to the second string element in ListButtons are selected.

103: Buttons corresponding to the third string element in ListButtons are selected.

104: Buttons corresponding to the fourth string element in ListButtons are selected.


• Although SDOPTIONSButtons can be used as a installation type dialog, it is recommended to use the SDSETUPTYPEEX dialog box to allow end users to choose a mount type because it does not require any userization. Note If you call SDOPTIONSButton to get the end user's installation type selection, you must then call ComponentButton to create a selected installation type for your installation.

· InstallShield provides the default bitmap in four _isres.dlls that can be called by this function. These bitmaps include IDs from 12001 to 12004 and typical, portable, simple, and custom installation types in the script paradigm.

· If you use this dialog as other use or you want to use the type of installation outside the _isres.dll, you must add your own custom buttons to the _ISUSER.DLL dialog template and then In your installation contains custom _isuser.dll. · Exit the dialog box to prevent users from clicking a specific button, call the Disable function before calling SDOPTIONSButtons to disable the NEXT button.


Syntax: SDPRoductName (SzProductName);

Description: The sdproductName function makes your product name to all% P position clips. % P Layer is found in a static text area in some SD dialogs. In addition, some SD dialog functions, such as SDFINISH, allow you to include% P in a string as a function parameter.



Specifies the name of the installed product. This name will replace any product name position clip (% P) that appears in the appropriate static zone of the SD dialog.

return value:

This function has no return value.



Note: The SDREGISTERUser function creates a dialog, retrieves the user name and company name. If svname and svcompany include empty strings, InstallShield will get user names and company names from the registry.

The Next button is activated only when both the two editing areas exist. If InstallShield can find the default name and company name from the system, the Next button is automatically activated. When completed, the SDREGISTERUSER calls regDBSETDEFAULTROOT to set the registration table to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("User Information"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. This text is seen as a static control. In order to display the dialog, the parameter is passed to the parameter ("").


Returns the name entered by the user. Note SDREGISTERUSER shows that the initial value of this parameter is edited by the user. If svname and svcompany are empty strings, the user name found in the target system registry will be displayed for editing.


Returns the company name entered by the user. Note SDREGISTERUSER shows that the initial value of this parameter is edited by the user. If svname and svcompany are empty strings, the company name found in the target system registry will be displayed for editing.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.



Description: The SDREGISTERUSEREX function creates a dialog, retrieves the user name, the company name, and serial number. If svname and svcompany include empty strings, InstallShield will get user names and company names from the registry.

The Next button is activated only when the three editing areas exist. You can't make any area blank.

When completed, the SDREGISTERUSER calls regDBSETDEFAULTROOT to set the registration table to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("User Information"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter. SZMSG

Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. This text is seen as a static control. In order to display the dialog, the parameter is passed to the parameter ("").


Returns the name entered by the user. Note SDREGISTERUSEREX shows that the initial value of this parameter is edited by the user. If svname and svcompany are empty strings, the user name found in the target system registry will be displayed for editing.


Returns the company name entered by the user. Note SDREGISTERUSEREX shows that the initial value of this parameter is edited by the user. If svname and svcompany are empty strings, the company name found in the target system registry will be displayed for editing.


Returns the serial number entered by the user. You can use this information and write it into a file or display it in a confirmation dialog.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.



Note: The SDSELECTFolder function displays the selected program folder. SDSELECTFolder allows you to provide a default. Users can also enter a new folder name. The SDSELECTFolder will return only the selected or entered folder name. It can't create a folder.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Select Program Folder"), pass the parameter to the parameter ("").


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. This text is seen as a static control. In order to display the dialog, the parameter is passed to the parameter ("").


Returns the name of the selected folder.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.


• Run in a installation under Windows NT, if you call ProgDefGroup before calling SDSELECTFold, the program folder (public or dedicated) displayed by the SDSELECTFolder will depend on the parameters passed to ProgDefgrouptype.



Description: The SDSETUPTYPE function displays a dialog that allows the end user to choose one of three standard installation types: typical, simple or custom. These installation options are displayed when there is a standard description text. If you want to add other installation types or change the display type name or description, call SDSETUPTYPEEX to replace.

The dialog also shows a default target path. A Browse button is loaded into a dialog that allows the end user to modify the target path by entering a new folder name or from a list of existing folders. If the end user enters a unsaved folder name, a message box will appear to ask if you want to create the folder. If the end user clicks Yes, the function automatically creates a specified folder. The fully qualified path of the specified folder is returned in SVDIR.

If the end user selects and undo the components associated with the selected installation type, returns to the Installation Type dialog box, then those choices will be lost. This situation occurs because the SDSetUPType function automatically resets the default component option according to the selected installation type each time the SDSETUPTYPE function is called.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Installation Type"), pass the parameter to the parameter ("").


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. This text is seen as a static control. In order to display the dialog, the parameter is passed to the parameter ("").


Specify a default folder name. Returns the folder name selected by the end user.


Keep used in future use. Transfer 0 to this parameter.

return value:

Typical (301): Indicates that the user chooses a typical installation.

Compact (302): Indicates that the user chooses easy to install.

Custom (303): Indicates that the user selects a custom installation.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the BACK button.



Description: The SDSETUPTYPEEX function displays a dialog that allows the end user to select the installation type when you specify the type of installation except for typical, simple and customized installation.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Installation Type"), pass the parameter to the parameter ("").


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. In order to display the dialog, the parameter is passed to the parameter ("").


Pass a null string ("") to this parameter. Other values ​​are not allowed.


Specifies a default installation type and returns the installation type selected by the end user. In order to make the parameter to pass the parameters ("") for the first time in the list. The string returned to this parameter will match the installation type name specified in the IDE.


Transfer 0 to this parameter. Other values ​​are not allowed.

return value:

0: Indicates that SDSETUPTYPEEX is successful.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.

5.29 SDShowAnyDialog

Syntax: SDShowanyDialog (Sztitle, Szid, NID, NRESERVED);

Description: The SDShowAndialog function displays a custom or improved dialog. This function is recommended to advanced users.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Welcome"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the identifier string of the logo dialog. If this parameter contains an empty string (""), SDShowAneDialog uses NID values.


Specifies the value value of the Identification dialog. If the SZID contains an empty string (""), this parameter is ignored.


Transfer 0 to this parameter. Other values ​​are not allowed.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.


· In order to use the SDShowAndialog function, you must know the ID of the improved dialog box in _isres.dll or the id of the custom dialog box in _ISuser.dll.

· If the dialog is only a static control, you don't need to modify the SDSHOWAlDialog script file. But if your dialog box has other controls, in order to handle the user's feedback, you must modify the sdsadlg.rul file, the Script / SRT folder in your installshield program folder, 5.30 sdshowdlgedit1

Syntax: SDShowdlgedit1 (Sztitle, Szmsg, Szfield1, Svedit1);

Description: The sdshowdlgedit1 function creates a general dialog that displays a message and a single line editing area. You can specify a title for the dialog.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default header ("Edit Data"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. In this message, the location clip% P is inserted anywhere in this message anywhere in the message. When the message is displayed, the% P is replaced by the product name.


Specifies the domain name displayed on the left side of the editing area. The default domain name is "domain 1:"; to display the default name, pass an empty string ("") to this parameter. The number of characters that can be displayed is about 10. The actual maximum is dependent on the combined width of each character in the domain name. If the domain name is exceeded, it will be cut from the right when the dialog is displayed.


Specifies the initial value of the editing area; when the dialog is turned off, returns the value of the editing area.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.

5.31 sdshowdlgedit2

Syntax: SDShowdlgedit2 (Sztitle, Szmsg, Szfield1, Szfield2, Svedit1, Svedit2);

Note: The sdshowdlgedit2 function creates a general dialog that displays a message and two single-line editing zones. You can specify a title for the dialog.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default header ("Edit Data"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. In this message, the location clip% P is inserted anywhere in this message anywhere in the message. When the message is displayed, the% P is replaced by the product name.


Specifies the domain name displayed on the left side of the first editing area. The default domain name is "domain 1:"; to display the default name, pass an empty string ("") to this parameter. The number of characters that can be displayed is about 10. The actual maximum is dependent on the combined width of each character in the domain name. If the domain name is exceeded, it will be cut from the right when the dialog is displayed.


Specify a domain name for the second editing area. The default is "domain 2:".


Specifies the initial value of the first editing area; when the dialog is turned off, returns the value of the first editing area.


Specifies the initial value of the second editing area; when the dialog is turned off, the value of the second editing area is returned.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.

5.32 sdshowdlgedit3

Syntax: SDShowdlGedit3 (Sztitle, Szmsg, Szfield1, Szfield2, Szfield3, Svedit1, Svedit2, Svedit3); Description: The SDShowdlgedit2 function creates a general dialog that displays a message and three single-line editing zones. You can specify a title for the dialog.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default header ("Edit Data"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. In this message, the location clip% P is inserted anywhere in this message anywhere in the message. When the message is displayed, the% P is replaced by the product name.


Specifies the domain name displayed on the left side of the first editing area. The default domain name is "domain 1:"; to display the default name, pass an empty string ("") to this parameter. The number of characters that can be displayed is about 10. The actual maximum is dependent on the combined width of each character in the domain name. If the domain name is exceeded, it will be cut from the right when the dialog is displayed.


Specify a domain name for the second editing area. The default is "domain 2:".


Specify a domain name for the second editing area. The default is "domain 2:".


Specifies the initial value of the first editing area; when the dialog is turned off, returns the value of the first editing area.


Specifies the initial value of the second editing area; when the dialog is turned off, the value of the second editing area is returned.


Specifies the initial value of the third editing area; when the dialog is turned off, returns the value of the third editing area.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.

5.33 SDShowFilemods

Syntax: SDShowFileMods (Sztitle, Szmsg, Sztargetfile, Szaltfile, ListChanges, NVSELEC);

Description: The SDShowFileMods function creates a dialog that displays the modifications you want to make to a file. The following options are valid:

Modify the target file.

Modify the replacement file, it is a copy of the target file, but non-union modification.

Do not make any modifications. SDShowFileMods does not modify files. You must write those modifications to your script using the appropriate file function.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Modify File"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. To display the default indication of the dialog, the parameter passes an empty string ("").


Specifies the file name to modify. It will be displayed with the first radio button.


If the end user decides to make changes, specify the alternative name of the file. This will be displayed with the second radio button. In order to use the SZTargetFile specified by the extension. BAK file name, pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the list name of the string, which contains a list of modifications to the file. This list is located in a multi-line editing area, allowing the end user to select the modification to be implemented.


Returns the ID of the end user selected button:

101: "Let the installation to modify the file."

102: "Save the modifications required to ." 103: "Do not make any modifications."

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.

5.34 SDShowInfolist

Syntax: SDShowInfolist (Sztitle, Szmsg, ListID);

Description: The SDShowInfolist function creates a dialog that displays a list of scrollable messages.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default header ("information"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed on the message box. If the message is longer than one line, it will be taken from the right trip. If the message contains a wrap (/ N), the text after the wrap is not displayed. To display the default message ("text"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the list of messages displayed in the dialog. All messages displayed in the dialog are read-only.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that click the Back button.


· Multi-line editing area must be read-only.

• SDShowInfolist can show a list of approximately 57,200 characters.

5.35 sdshowmsg

Syntax: sdshowmsg (szmsg, bshow);

Description: The sdshowmsg function opens or off, displays the message specified by the SZMSG. When bshow is true, the window is opened, the message is displayed in the window, and the processing of the next statement in the script is continued. Note The SDShowMSG window is placed in the center of the installation window. When bshow is false, SZMSG is ignored and closes the SDSHOWMSG window.



Specifies the message displayed in the window. To display the default message ("Installing the installed component"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter. This parameter is ignored when bshow is false.


Specifies whether you want to turn on or close the window. One of the following predefined constants in this parameter location:

True: Open it if the window is not open.

FALSE: Close it if the window is open.

return value:

The return value is always 0.


• The SDSHOWMSG function provides a simple way to keep the script process to keep a message-enriched message on the screen.

• When the SDShowMSG window is open, the subsequent call to the SDShowMsg (second parameter TRUE) is ignored. To change the message, you must first call SDShowMSG to close the window with the second parameter, then use the second parameter to True, and SZMSG is called SDShowMSG again.

• The SDShowMSG window level adjustment is to display the value of SZMSG on a line. If the length of the message exceeds the maximum width of the window, the message is cut to accommodate the window.

· SDShowMSG is designed to display a message in a single line. Do not embed a wrap (/ N) in SZMAG.

5.36 SDStartCopy


Note: The SDStartCopy function creates a multi-line editing area to display the settings and selections made during the installation process. To change the settings on demand, the user can click the BACK button to return to the previous dialog box. After retrieving the user's selection, call SDStartCopy before starting file transfer processing. Use a string list to collect the information obtained during the installation process. Then you can pass the string list to the parameter listdata of SDStartCopy. SDStartCopy will display the list and allow the user to confirm that this information is correct before proceeding with the file transfer process.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Start Copy File"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message of the static text area displayed above the multi-line editing area. To display the default indication of the dialog, the parameter passes an empty string ("").


Specifies the information string list from the end user. SDStartCopy will automatically place each element into the multi-line editing area. If the list is empty, the multi-line editing area will be hidden and only static text is visible.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that the user selects the next button.

BACK (12): Indicates that the user selects the BACK button.


Syntax: SDWELCOME (Sztitle, SZMSG);

Description: The SDWELCOME function displays a dialog and welcomes the end user.



Specifies the text displayed on the dialog title section. To display the default title ("Welcome"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the Welcome Dialog. In order to include the product name set by calling SDPRODUCTNAME in this message, one position clip% P is inserted in any location of the message. When the message is displayed, the% P is replaced by the product name. To display the default welcome message ("Welcome to the% P installer. This program will install% P" on your computer) and deliver an empty string ("") to this parameter.

return value:

Next (1): Indicates that click the Next button.



Description: The SDWELCOMEMAINT function displays a dialog that is installed in a maintenance type (that is, a heavy run of a installed installed). The dialog box contains modifications, fixes, and deletes options buttons.



Specifies the dialog title. To display the default title ("Welcome"), pass an empty string ("") to this parameter.


Specifies the message displayed in the dialog. To display the default indication of the dialog, the parameter passes an empty string ("").


Specify which option button for the default. You must pass one of the following predefined constants in this parameter location to display correctly in the dialog:

Modify: Modify button is the default.

The Repair: The repair button is the default.

Removeall: Delete button is a default.

return value:

Modify (301): Indicates that the modification button is selected when you click the Next button.

REPAIR (302): Indicates that the repair button is selected when the next NEXT button is clicked.

RemoveAll (303): Indicates that the button is selected when the next NEXT button is clicked.


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