A Summary of 1 Library Function of InstallShield Internal Library Function

zhaozj2021-02-17  48

A Summary of 1 Library Function of InstallShield Internal Library Function

InstallShield contains more than 300 internal library functions, and users can call them in the installation script to create program groups, manipulate folders, process directory, monitor installation status, create dialogs, operation files, and more work. Because the INSTALLSHIELD script compiler has identified these library functions, users do not need to explain before using them.

In order to successfully call an internal library function, the user must know the library function name and use format. The INSTALLSHIELD library function Refer to Appendix D Lank Function Index. In the next few sections, we will introduce some of the main library functions. The configuration of the library function is described in just simply describing the user.

Such as: askYesno is a library function that displays an inquiry in the dialog, then wait for the end user to respond by clicking, Yes or No. The Askyesno format is as follows: askYesNO (SzquesNo (SzquesNo, NDEFAULT). This format shows the correct function name, and the parameter list of the function is displayed in parentheses. In the detailed description of the function, each parameter is represented by the Hungarian marker method, indicating the type of value that can be accepted at each parameter. Askyesno requires two parameters: The first is the character type, the second is a numeric.

Like the C language, installshield is case sensitive, so the user must strictly pay attention to uppercase letters in the library function name.

Use any library function in the user's script, the number of passed parameters must be correct, and to ensure that each parameter value passed is in line with the type specified in this position. If the user passes the number of incorrect parameters or transmits the numerical type that does not match in any one or several parameter, the script cannot be compiled.


. The string delivered as a parameter must be included in single quotes or double quotes.

Such as: "please wait while files are transferred", or 'this is a string' or "c: //myfolder/myfile.txt"

. InstallShield does not allow an assignment statement as a parameter. In addition, the user cannot use && or || operators in a function variable.

. The variable length string variable passed to a function is not possible in the called function. If the function attempts to assign a value, the length of the value exceeds the existing length of the parameter, 401 run error occurs. To avoid this error, you must specify a specific length for a string when calling a string to a function.


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